Community > Posts By > Maudred

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:37 AM

quit hoggin all the attention lol laugh
With a face as beautiful as yours I would glady hand over my torch if you would like? :tongue:

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:36 AM
How's everyones week goin? Any love, love or Intrigue? :D Let Maudred know how life is!

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:31 AM

(((((jen)))))) thank you sweetie.. needed you when some ignorant 18 yr old called my pics fake.. but you know me I nipped that babies bud.. .:wink:

What happened this week other than the other thing...
You nipped her? I remember seeing you just saying "Oh no she dint" Kind of posts! Or "Did you hear what she said -scoffing laughter insues-" :tongue: bigsmile

get the F outta here.. you know better...

Mike I'm sorry to hear that... If she is doing that to you maybe you should step back for a while and make her realize what she's losing... How long were you dating? Did you meet her online?

Next Monday would be our 2month together, but she's my first love and we've moved fast the past 2 months but we both agreed moving fast was fine, and it was, but apparently she is just too rough. She said she wanted me to tell her things about me more, so I told her how I was feeling tonight and she just said "that's not my problem, that's your fault" -- man first loves hurt...

Yeah we met online.

Mike, Maudred is young but wise.. I like this smart a$$.... He is so right though.. After 2 mos sweetie it's not "true or real" love.. It's infatuation.. You will be over it in a month... I don't mean to burst your bubble but I have a lot of years on you and I've finally learned the difference... Just move on, sounds like drama and head games and you don't need that.. No offense but men are so easy soured that if you can avoid it you should...

I'm starting to think it probably is just infatuation, but some things I've seen in her I've always thought were the best qualities ever. It just hurts to think it isn't love, I may only be 19 but it feels I've been alone 50 years before she came along...
Hey dude, I dated this girl once for about 8 yrs, was engaged to her for 3 of those yrs. We got married and were married 4 yrs and had 2 wonderful sons together! The whole time, I thought it was true love; but when she had an affair and threw it all away for a life of partying and popularity, I realized she never truly loved me. I should have known it would have happened from our dating relationship, but "I never wanted to let go!" I think to myself sometimes, maybe if I would have, I would have had my sons with someone else, and that someone else would have never gave them or even myself up!

Sometimes, holding on isn't the best answer to our problems. Sometimes, it just causes a bigger mess down the road!
Wise words.

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:29 AM

I gotta get some sleep....the next few hours will be living hell for me, but they're coming no matter what.

Gnite all, take care, and if you can spare it, send a prayer my way for a broken man.

Best way to get sleep with a broken heart: Get really exhasted. XD Its the only way!! Night bro, keep us updated.

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:25 AM

brokenheart sad

((((((((((((((Mike)))))))))))))) that's the best I can do from here darlin'... email me during the week if you need to talk seriously.. a few people do and I don't mind helping if I can... flowerforyou

I really appreciate the help, I feel I lost the person who's supposed to be my best friend so it's good to know someone's there.

Thank you.

Anytime Mike truly... And Maud has good advice and he's right you can get another girl in a hot minute... Don't let someone mistreat or disrespect you...
Yar! Letting them disrespect you not only makes them look mean, it makes you to yourself look like you could use a self esteme boost!

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:22 AM

brokenheart sad
If anything, look at you, you can have a new lady in a heartbeat, just treat them like the wonders they are: Gods truly walk the earth, in the form of female beings. ^^ Just keep that in mind and you can have any woman on this rock. someone whos just like you, in Mind Body and Soul

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:19 AM

Trust me mike, we all know how you feel, and it will be better if you break things off, we all here agree, if your not going to listen to me, the 20 year old pup, then listen to the wiser woman here. Who know better then I ever could. Just listen to your head, not your heart.

I'm going to try and make it through the rest of the week, find some way to keep her off my mind... I just hate thinking about it...
Friends movies and games bro! Its the best way, Dont read. reading makes you feel emotion, as well as lets your mind wander, which will wander to places where emotion is. Do mind numbing things. Tv, sports, Talk with friends. Anything!

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:18 AM

(((((jen)))))) thank you sweetie.. needed you when some ignorant 18 yr old called my pics fake.. but you know me I nipped that babies bud.. .:wink:

What happened this week other than the other thing...
You nipped her? I remember seeing you just saying "Oh no she dint" Kind of posts! Or "Did you hear what she said -scoffing laughter insues-" :tongue: bigsmile

get the F outta here.. you know better...

Mike I'm sorry to hear that... If she is doing that to you maybe you should step back for a while and make her realize what she's losing... How long were you dating? Did you meet her online?

Next Monday would be our 2month together, but she's my first love and we've moved fast the past 2 months but we both agreed moving fast was fine, and it was, but apparently she is just too rough. She said she wanted me to tell her things about me more, so I told her how I was feeling tonight and she just said "that's not my problem, that's your fault" -- man first loves hurt...

Yeah we met online.

Mike, Maudred is young but wise.. I like this smart a$$.... He is so right though.. After 2 mos sweetie it's not "true or real" love.. It's infatuation.. You will be over it in a month... I don't mean to burst your bubble but I have a lot of years on you and I've finally learned the difference... Just move on, sounds like drama and head games and you don't need that.. No offense but men are so easy soured that if you can avoid it you should...

I'm starting to think it probably is just infatuation, but some things I've seen in her I've always thought were the best qualities ever. It just hurts to think it isn't love, I may only be 19 but it feels I've been alone 50 years before she came along...

Honey DO NOT push life quicker than it should go... Believe me one day you wake up and you're my age and you look back thinking "My God I should have done things differently".. i.e being in a rush to be married/loved, have kids, etc.. there is sooooooooooo much life to live before all that. once you get the other having fun, traveling, etc. ends.. I tell my sons.. LIVE then get married and have kids b/c then at least you've done things, once you have kids, you owe your world to them it's about them not you anymore....

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:16 AM
Trust me mike, we all know how you feel, and it will be better if you break things off, we all here agree, if your not going to listen to me, the 20 year old pup, then listen to the wiser woman here. Who know better then I ever could. Just listen to your head, not your heart.

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:15 AM

My nite is going good but my week has been hell!!

(((((Princess))))) you are so beautiful sweetheart!!!flowerforyou
Yeah, I wanta marry IndnPrncs!!!smooched

awwww Engraven I luv you too baby... smooched
Yo yo yo hommie yo, she's my third wife, get your own!

Awwww Maud I just love your filandering/mormon ways... laugh laugh
I'm not morman, i'm just selfish with the pretty ladies. Der. :0

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:14 AM

I've gotten so many mixed signals, I honestly think she's Bi-Polar because when I tell her "you said this" she gets mad and says "no I didn't", either she's lying or really forgetting what she says.

She said she wants to be alone for the next few days, and won't talk to me. I'm starting to look at our relationship and everything I've done I've given my best. I just started a company with her in mind first, to be able to see her more, but it seems I'm just not important to her even though I can't stop thinking about her 24/7.
Heres the best advice I can give for thinking about her: Dont see, call, talk, text, IM with her for 1 week long, after that, I guarentee it will be easier to break up with her (If thats what you're looking for.) It will give you time to think, and be able to get over the emotion, Logic and emotion do not work together, always remember that. Sometimes you need to ignore Emotion, sometimes Viseversa, the week will give you the time to decide which.

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:12 AM

(((((jen)))))) thank you sweetie.. needed you when some ignorant 18 yr old called my pics fake.. but you know me I nipped that babies bud.. .:wink:

What happened this week other than the other thing...
You nipped her? I remember seeing you just saying "Oh no she dint" Kind of posts! Or "Did you hear what she said -scoffing laughter insues-" :tongue: bigsmile

get the F outta here.. you know better...

Mike I'm sorry to hear that... If she is doing that to you maybe you should step back for a while and make her realize what she's losing... How long were you dating? Did you meet her online?

Next Monday would be our 2month together, but she's my first love and we've moved fast the past 2 months but we both agreed moving fast was fine, and it was, but apparently she is just too rough. She said she wanted me to tell her things about me more, so I told her how I was feeling tonight and she just said "that's not my problem, that's your fault" -- man first loves hurt...

Yeah we met online.

Mike, Maudred is young but wise.. I like this smart a$$.... He is so right though.. After 2 mos sweetie it's not "true or real" love.. It's infatuation.. You will be over it in a month... I don't mean to burst your bubble but I have a lot of years on you and I've finally learned the difference... Just move on, sounds like drama and head games and you don't need that.. No offense but men are so easy soured that if you can avoid it you should...
Yeah who woulda guessed.

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:10 AM

hi all:smile: ....erm mike this mite be hard but back off from her and leave her to it, move on hun shes going to mess with your head and when you do meet a nice girl its going hard to to trust her...some people arnt worth the effort and sorry to say this she sounds like one of them
Very true, even if you didnt want to, you would be leeching off her bad energy and you would lose who you are. :p

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:09 AM

My nite is going good but my week has been hell!!

(((((Princess))))) you are so beautiful sweetheart!!!flowerforyou
Yeah, I wanta marry IndnPrncs!!!smooched

awwww Engraven I luv you too baby... smooched
Yo yo yo hommie yo, she's my third wife, get your own!

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:09 AM

(((((jen)))))) thank you sweetie.. needed you when some ignorant 18 yr old called my pics fake.. but you know me I nipped that babies bud.. .:wink:

What happened this week other than the other thing...
You nipped her? I remember seeing you just saying "Oh no she dint" Kind of posts! Or "Did you hear what she said -scoffing laughter insues-" :tongue: bigsmile

get the F outta here.. you know better...

Mike I'm sorry to hear that... If she is doing that to you maybe you should step back for a while and make her realize what she's losing... How long were you dating? Did you meet her online?

Next Monday would be our 2month together, but she's my first love and we've moved fast the past 2 months but we both agreed moving fast was fine, and it was, but apparently she is just too rough. She said she wanted me to tell her things about me more, so I told her how I was feeling tonight and she just said "that's not my problem, that's your fault" -- man first loves hurt...
Yeah it does dude. You'll remember it for the rest of your life too, the good news: The pain will go away, and you will grow.

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:08 AM

Any love, loss, or intrigue? Let Ol Maudred know how life's going! bigsmile

Not to bring the topic down, but since you asked, yeah I got something, Love and possible Loss.

I found in a not-so-subtle way that my girl might be cheating on me and she's making excuses and turning everything against me. She's managed to make me feel bad for wanting to be with her more, not sure how that happened.

I've been so f'd up all night, feels like the time I had food poisoning.

ps: she's my first love
Aww bro, thats all bad man, do you know what you're going to do? Its step one of any issues she has "Denial and anger towards the person who brings it up" Even if you were to gain irrefutable proof, she would still in her head be screaming "It wasnt me" How do you think she's cheating on you?

She's been talking with her ex-bf saying "I want to be around you more" and talking about starting things up with him again. She's always been a rough person, but I've always treated her like a queen and been there for her. No matter what good I do, all she see's is the bad...
Then thats not the person you want to be with, you have to think: "Am I really in love with someone that only see's the bad in me, or is it just infatuation?" If either one, you then need to think what you're going to do about it. Personally, if I were with someone who saw only bad in me, and I loved her, I would start seeing the bad in me as well, and become horribly depressed. Do you want that?

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:04 AM

(((((jen)))))) thank you sweetie.. needed you when some ignorant 18 yr old called my pics fake.. but you know me I nipped that babies bud.. .:wink:

What happened this week other than the other thing...
You nipped her? I remember seeing you just saying "Oh no she dint" Kind of posts! Or "Did you hear what she said -scoffing laughter insues-" :tongue: bigsmile

get the F outta here.. you know better...

Mike I'm sorry to hear that... If she is doing that to you maybe you should step back for a while and make her realize what she's losing... How long were you dating? Did you meet her online?
laugh laugh laugh

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:03 AM

Any love, loss, or intrigue? Let Ol Maudred know how life's going! bigsmile

Not to bring the topic down, but since you asked, yeah I got something, Love and possible Loss.

I found in a not-so-subtle way that my girl might be cheating on me and she's making excuses and turning everything against me. She's managed to make me feel bad for wanting to be with her more, not sure how that happened.

I've been so f'd up all night, feels like the time I had food poisoning.

ps: she's my first love
Aww bro, thats all bad man, do you know what you're going to do? Its step one of any issues she has "Denial and anger towards the person who brings it up" Even if you were to gain irrefutable proof, she would still in her head be screaming "It wasnt me" How do you think she's cheating on you?

Maudred's photo
Tue 03/04/08 12:01 AM

(((((jen)))))) thank you sweetie.. needed you when some ignorant 18 yr old called my pics fake.. but you know me I nipped that babies bud.. .:wink:

What happened this week other than the other thing...
You nipped her? I remember seeing you just saying "Oh no she dint" Kind of posts! Or "Did you hear what she said -scoffing laughter insues-" :tongue: bigsmile

Maudred's photo
Mon 03/03/08 11:59 PM

huh you tell us you're the one marrying multiple women...
So me playing around with some friends is going to determine how others live their lives? If I knew I had this much power during High School, I would have turned more peoples lives into glad times!

Oh no worries I wasn't offended.. you were funny... I really should have left that alone I just can't stand when people abuse the English language like that.. I do believe it internet type but that was just gross and well Madam asked me to and she is a love sooooooooooooooooooo there you have it.. lol

lmao me too!!!!laugh
Sorry about that old person comment earlier, I was meaning to burn the dumb girl not you. <3

lol no worries, I found that girl offencive, I hate it when girls whore themselves out to vie for attention, even if it is just in text, and seriously, who's divorced at 18? Come on. :/