Community > Posts By > Camelthe5th
![]() If you have an idea who you are looking for, then when he/she shows up, you recognize them; while if you do not know who you are looking for; then you hit it every time with thoughts of doubt. The problem however is that knowing who a person is looking for, is not only physical, and not even primarily physical; but rather it has a lot to do with our own personality on the levels of the spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. Neither similarities nor differences can determine the match, but rather how those similarities and/or differences can be worked together between the specific couple. This is called Relationship, based on understanding, armed with mutual care. I suggest that the physical would not be considered until the spiritual, emotional, and mental sides are decided as a good match, because when the physical enters the scene, it clouds the view. God who actually created us had to know this very well, that he blessed the physical only within the committed relationship of marriage, and only between one man and one woman. This was not so that he deprives us from having fun, but rather that when fun time arrives we would be able to enjoy it to the utmost; without doubt clouds such as insecurity, comparing, selfishness, self-centeredness, or performance. Enough safe Time ought to be given to a relation that feels right, and no time to be given to the one that has no feelings. The search stage should be built on many questions and logic, before the emotions be given a way ![]() |
How would you know?
Many ladies do not even answer any of the questions in their profile, but when you go to the profile before knowing, the system registers you as interested, and a circle starts. The alternative is to not try, which defeats the purpose of being on the site.
Pictures mean that possibly there is an original, but how do we know it is a real original? A man can post a woman's picture. About 5 that said mutual match just in the past 3 days, are already deactivated. They didn't ask for money, but they placed a phone to text and/or outside email. Is this allowed? So the general question is: How would you know, if the system does not actually check identity? |
what is Religion first?
Understanding the Post's question:
It is saying, that before we discuss all these matters in this section about religion, really, what is religion? Therefore, religion is nothing other than any human system of do's and don'ts that people accept about an entity that no one can question. It is about humans creating a god, to worship, because of the unexplained need within every person to know the highest power that created everything and has rule over them. All religions are a false representation of the true God, creator. Because people do not want to accept truth, therefore, they make up a new lie. Remember, that when there are several of anything, all may be wrong, but all may not be true. As simple as it could be, a red color can only be red. However, someone may say it is green, or black, or pink. It cannot be red, and green, black, and pink. It cannot also be red or green, or black or pink. It is only red. If all scientists meet and decide that the red should be called pink, than they have to also redefine the pink, for 2 colors cannot be equally called. God exists, and religion ought to have been recognizing Him and only Him as the One God. Yet this is not happening. So is god a cow, a snake, the sun, a lion, or the invisible according to this religion or the other? For sure the true god is not all of them. God also cannot be a choice that a human makes. This would be the same as if you want to drive on the right side of the street, and believe that it is the same as if you want to drive on the left side. They are just sides, it is your individual choice! it is just illogical. The true God must be the all powerful self made self existent entity. For if anyone else made him, than that other one would be the most high God. So who is this One entity that is the most powerful, that was not made, but rather always existed? This should be the question, for anything else is RELIGION. A rock cannot be God, because a rock is even more inferior than an animal. All animals die, and all humans die. So God must be higher than any human. What makes us think that God, the only one creator would not reveal Himself, while we know that any great person any time in history, or the present, would be known, and to whom respect is due? In fact, He did reveal Himself, and without reading any book of religion, scholarly or not, He can be known. Every religion is different from any other, else they would not be called differently. All religions may be wrong, but all may not be true. To know the unknown, a human must consider the known. Do you imagine therefore that the heavens, made by God, declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares His handy work? Equally, the human body with its complications, also point to Him. Even within every person a sensor that God has placed that has a constant urge to know Him, and that can make a distinction between Him and anything else even if it looks like Him. The problem is there are many logical voices we hear, that makes us decide that all religions are the same. So why bother? We should bother, because unless a person finds the One God creator, we would not know the purpose for which He made us, let alone destiny, and how to get there. But as long as He is the entity that always existed, He is also the entity that will always exist, and as long as God exists, any effort to find Him is better than giving up. He said that everyone that seek Him shall find Him. So all what is necessary, is to seek Him, from our hearts, that is without having to listen to religious systems, or being devout to any system above the task of actually finding the truth. Everything that could be used must point to Him, and not to a system, and everything that point to Him must agree that it is Him. |
What does Godfearing mean?
![]() ![]() Because standards are no longer standards, and words are no longer words, there is distrust about anything and anyone. Unless God is regarded as who He really is (Only Creator, sustaining, ruler, judge, and finisher); than all what we are saying is aimless fluff. God is the only one that can also forgive sin, because He is the only one hurt by our sins. Fearing God is a character that sprouts out of God's great love experienced by a person, that also reacts with love back to God. It is not fear that causes trembling as if a criminal is waiting their sentence; but deep respect to the God that paid for one's sins, that they would not have to. Those that experience the fear of God, are not relating to God as their judge, but as their only Savior. It is a love relationship. The Bible says that there is no fear (trembling awaiting punishment) in love. No such thing in the relationship between a God Fearing individual and God who, instead of punishing them, He already declared them Innocent because He paid for their infractions. In addition, a God Fearing person is one given an inheritance of God, and joining Jesus Christ as adopted by the Father in the family of God. This privilege that no one can earn, and no Church or religious system can grant, brings an awe of respect that is called "The Fear of God"; which is also stated as being the beginning of wisdom. In plain English, one that fears God would please God, rather than any other person, even if this person is their husband or wife. How people use the expression is like trying to find a mustard seed in a stack of sand. Evidently anything good can be misused. So scammers may use it to give the impression that they fear God, and therefore you ought to trust them. But there are those that fear God and they just say it because they want to narrow the field to only those that are like-minded. Everyone on the site is an adult, and therefore, everyone knows that we must check every piece of information, and take time, for with time, the truth always surface. You have to have the Holy Spirit within you to have the real Fear of God. There is a pretty faced woman, and another who makes herself pretty. The difference is that the first has natural elements inside that affect the outside (Unchanging), and the other keeps buying and applying makeup to show her smiling young and carefree life. Makeup cannot be on 24 hours a day, and in marriage there could be no escape than to find the truth. In reality those that play these games are themselves unsatisfied, because they are first to know that they are lying. Just because some misuse the expression, let us not just throw the expression, but rather ask for understanding. If you are really a Christian, born again as Jesus have explained in John chapter 3, than you also have the Holy Spirit within to tell you the difference between the real and the scam. If you are not a born again Christian, and maybe just religious following what Church leaders tell you to do or not do; be a real Christian. Jesus has already paid for all your sins, and just needs your signature that you trust Him only, and you become indwelt by His Holy Spirit. If you are relying on your baptism, church membership, good works, holy life, taking communion, fasting, or anything else other than trusting what Jesus have done especially for you on the cross, you are still in your sins, and can fear the judgement of God. Jesus said that every person is born of water (The water sack around every baby in the womb), but you must be born of water and of the spirit (When The Holy Spirit surrounds your heart). This is called the New Birth. With the heart a person trusts that Jesus paid for Adam's sin, Eve's sin, and the sins of the whole world, including self, and with the mouth, the same person confesses that Jesus is God who made the FULL payment. ![]() ![]() Let's think more about to love God because He first loved us. That loving fear would explain itself. |
Falwell's for McCain
![]() are picking up the homeless to get them to register, so they can vote for Obama! While it is good to help those that don't have transportation to get to vote, and while it is good to encourage those that are not participating, to go ahead and register; is not good to tell those you help, who to vote for!!!! Voting is a responsibility, it is not a beauty contest. It should not be for entertainment, and it should not be excercised by the uninformed! Unfortunately, even the candidates are using erroneous figures, using plans, and quoting events....that we the people cannot and do not have the time to check on a regular basis. Are Republicans up in arms for what is happening in Ohio? I do not know....I heard that this was happening last week, and that other actions will be on the increase including attorneys and Lawsuits.....just because Ohio is one of the States that can determine the election. So is Florida! It is a shame that in our Country winning is becomming the goal regardless of what gets us there. I think that content is more important. Lies should disqualify anyone running for public office. Misrepresenting truth is a lie. So, what do you think about the process as it is playing this election season? Are you getting informed from different sources, or have you determined the result regardless of the issues? ![]() |
John McCain & Faith
Edited by
Thu 10/09/08 01:06 AM
![]() By virtue that we are talking about a presidential candidate we are therefore discussing politics. Because the title includes "No God", therefore, we sre talking about religion. Because the title has "Country First", we are talking about our country. The initiator of the thread have chosen to enter under "Religious Chat", so, yes it is about politics and our country, but mainly it is a religious thread. Everyone that is participating has some interest in religion whether in belief or non-belief, otherwise we would not be exchanging thoughts under "Religious Chat"! The USA is a deeply religious country. Our Country was born about 232 years ago. Without our acceptance (belief) that there is the creator God that is regarded supreme over our establishment, each of us in every generation will consider self as god, and therefore, will have the urge to shape or force the rest of us to their own ways in living. This is what is happenning in many countries of the world.....a dictatorship. Some dictatorships are religious, some are secular. The beauty of our system is that it recognizes the freedom of the individual within a framework of rules and laws that are based on the commendments given by God to Moses (The Judeo-Christian belief). This makes us have a restricted freedom. This, however is the reason we can have civil discussions even with disagreements. This is why when someone takes property belongging to someone else without paying for it, we call this stealing...... Imagine yourself in a plastic float boat. The main ingridient that makes you float is "air" within the tight plastic walls of this boat. For air to get in these walls it must be placed there thru a plug. You might be sitting on that plug, or it might bother your hands or side, but you know that you should not bother it, else you will drown. For a long time liberal ideologies crept into our government, families, and education that the average citizen does not know the reason for this plug on the boat's walls. These forces have been trying to cut this plug thinking that it should not be there. After all, we should be Free to have a great ride in this boat, in safety. The passion for freedom while safe with the wrong thinking, can get us to eliminate this bump on the wall, we call plug. If this happens the boat will sink! Take God from "In God we trust" you will have "....we trust",......and this is meaningless. It is because we trust in God that respect is given to everyone to believe as they wish to believe, because God whom we trust accepts each of us as we are, and wants us to accept each others. So, if you are offended by God, you have the right to feel this way, just remember Who gave you this right! If we keep accepting liberal ideologies in our government, we will have a different America that may look like other countries in the world, such as those that we are spending trilions of dollars to defend and bring peace to their people. If America goes that way, than who would be able to help the hungry, and defend the opressed, or even discuss peace???? Remember this, when you are talking about the right to freely cast your vote to affect the reforming of our government, instead of the ideology of "change" which is really to change the USA to become like other countries in the globe, not an independent force for good in the world. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Falwell's for McCain
Bribes are illegal. Incentives are a way to get people's attentions. Paying money to someone so they can vote for who you tell them to vote for, is illegal, it is bribing, and is unamerican. Unfortunately it does happen. Registering illegal aliens to vote for the party's ticket is illegal, but also does happen.Voting twice or voting with a different person's identity is illegal, but unfortunately is happening. Encouraging people to vote, informing people about the issues, and where the candidates stand, helpping voters to get to vote by providing transportation, registering people that are not registered and helpping them understand that their vote is important;......all are ways to help each others to know that each of us is important for our system of government to work. Liberty University is a conservative university unlike many of our state universities. So, you should expect that they would love to see everyone voting conservative, but this is not what they tell them to do. Liberty is saying that it is important to vote, and that the stakes are high. This is a tru saying. No student is forced to vote, or to select a specific candidate. To give students a day off on election day is an incentive to say that no one has any excuse to not have time to vote. In our state, "Florida", we have early voting where anyone can vote at libraries and schools for 2 weeks prior to election, including on Saturday. In addition, anyone can vote by mail. All these are incentives, and are perfectly legal. I hope we see the day that every adult citizen of the USA know the priviledge we have to elect those that represent us in government, and be serious enough to check where each of them stand before making the decision by voting our concious in freedom. Thanks for the Forum. Mike |
John McCain & Faith
![]() The article about Sen John McCain is too long and not structured well. What I understood from it is that the senator does not really believe in Jesus or God, and that he never spoke about this until the 08' Election. Even now, he doesn't really bring the subject. His choice of Gov Sarah Palin, a Christian Conservative was for political gain. **I don't know what is going in the senator's head, but as americans, we choose a president that is capable to function in the office of the president, and the Senator can handle the position, and has a track record working thru politics, internal and externals affairs. **The senator is 1 of 2 choices we have, and he seems to be the best choice for the country during this portion of world's events.Gov Palin is a great choice that adds to the ticket what it lacks. **The other option is that of senator Obama, who claims to be a church goer, but his belief system does not line up with the Bible. This includes his friendships, and his voiced plan for the country that includes suppression of speech on the airwaves (called the Fairness Doctrine). **Both candidates say that they believe in God, and Jesus. Anyone may believe anything, but what counts is if the person actually have a personal relationship with Jesus as personal Redeemer of the penalty for sin. This is the new birth. ** It is always better to have leaders that have at least the belief in the Judeo-Christian system, which is traced in the Bible, and was the essence of our Constitution and intended by our founders to lead our Republic form of Government. **Mr McCain does not like to talk a lot about his faith. Does he, or does he not believe? God knows, and we will find out if his walk will show this. For sure, if he is anti-Christ, he will first have problems with his VP. As for you, please check the following site. I think it is great and have true, simple, and useful information: Mike ![]() |