Community > Posts By > cbx1300

cbx1300's photo
Fri 08/17/07 10:38 PM
Spin this, "Serchin" - If the Vietnam veterans' memorial wall
were to include all the names of those who did themselves in during and after that hellascious LIE of a war, it'd need to be
at least twice as big. That's what war does. It keeps killing afterwards, too.

cbx1300's photo
Fri 08/17/07 10:22 PM
First off, Re: "No one wants war" - It was Joseph Goebbles who
said something to the effect of: "Of COURSE the average poor farmer does'nt want war - the common man must be manipulated into it, which is a simple matter; All you have to do is convince the people they're under attack and denounce the pacifists as cowards." (Something like that, anyways - I'm too tired and lazy to hunt for the quote..)
Hey, "Serchin" Have you ever BEEN to war? 'Ever seen people killing each other and people trying to kill you, and women,
children and oldfolk mutilated and killed? - You seem to have a blase "Oh, it's just part of nature" dismissive attitude.
I GUARANTEE you, if war DID touch your life, you'd have a different attitude. And there's almost ALWAYS one reason for war - financiers, bankers and war industry wanting more money/land /control. I'm somewhat of a history buff and I've never heard of a "justified" or "legitimate" war (DON'T say Hitler - He was OUR product; NOT Germany's) and regarding your casualty figures -
yeah, we lost about 65,000 in Vietnam - but we killed THREE
MILLION CIVILIANS!! And, your proud of the U.S. troops "bravery"? For what, to be the biggest bullies? Over a MILLION,
all told, in IRAQ? Civilians being mostly women and children
and the insurgents in our third world exploits mostly destitute
peasants in sandals? Is THAT what your so proud of?
I don't care WHAT wild animals do - we DON'T have to act like them. We walk upright. War is NOT part of nature.

cbx1300's photo
Fri 08/17/07 09:18 AM
..Or at least Condi can..
(Wholly sh*t, Gypsy - are THOSE the kind of utensils surgeons will use on US, when WE get socialised medicine?)

cbx1300's photo
Thu 08/16/07 11:13 PM
ALL drugs MUST be legalised - Have we learned nothing from prohibition? Who the hell is the govt. to tell anyone what they can or can't put in their own bodies, in a "free" society?
The govt. makes too much money on illegal drugs - THAT'S why
they're still illegal.

cbx1300's photo
Thu 08/16/07 04:55 PM
Yes, Gypsy - Cheney and the bankers' hands are so far up Bush's
rectum, it's a wonder he can mis-pronounce at all.

cbx1300's photo
Thu 08/16/07 11:03 AM
It most certainly IS that lying weasle in the awful office's
fault - or rather his handlers'...

cbx1300's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:29 AM
- He can't even spell "Saddam"...
He thinks killing over a million civilians is worth deposing a dictator we installed, armed AND supported fully during the worst of his reign.

cbx1300's photo
Wed 08/15/07 10:24 PM
Plenty of occult symbolism in those coins' design..
The generic "Lady Liberty" is posed the same way with similar props as "Brittania" - and I don't like the way that hungry looking bird seems ready to carve up the world with those utensiles in it's claws.

cbx1300's photo
Wed 08/15/07 02:51 PM
We should ALL sue the media, for being cowardly lying whores.

cbx1300's photo
Wed 08/15/07 11:40 AM
Well said, knoxman - Just like Viet Nam, this war was never intended to be "won" - just sustained. And it's fearful pussies who fall for protection rackets.

cbx1300's photo
Wed 08/15/07 11:26 AM
While we're at it, let's insist on CONGRESS submitting to
drug tests - and your taxes hardly go to social services - Have you ever seen the breakdowns? Your govt. goes to great pains to sustain the drug problem they create, so they can make money
enslaving you on drugs AND locking you up (The prison system's
privatised here). The "War On Drugs" is a vulgar lie.

cbx1300's photo
Tue 08/14/07 10:14 PM
(Sorry - I'm a complete wombat on the computer..)

cbx1300's photo
Tue 08/14/07 10:13 PM
Re: Misleading, benign tidbits of fluff with up-beat delivery -
I'm reminded of Professor Wilson Bryan Key's account of days as a presidential speechwriter - He was writing one for Ike, and had to
submit it for approval. Three or four times, he was told to fuzzy it up and blur detail to the point where it said almost nothing of substance. It proved one of his most well recieved speeches because of the delivery! It's show biz that motivates Americans
and it seems whoever has enough wedge to throw at favourable media
coverage wins. The public is hypnotised and massaged. The age of instant information seems more like the birth of the printing press with it's stranglehold on the truth..

cbx1300's photo
Tue 08/14/07 10:08 PM
Re: Misleading, benign tidbits of fluff with up-beat delivery -
I'm reminded of Professor Wilson Bryan Key's account of days as a presidential speechwriter - He was writing one for Ike, and had to
submit it for approval. Three or four times, he was told to fuzzy it up and blur detail to the point where it said almost nothing of substance. It proved one of his most well recieved speeches because of the delivery! It's show biz that motivates Americans
and it seems whoever has enough wedge to throw at favourable media
coverage wins.

cbx1300's photo
Mon 08/13/07 11:34 PM
My favourite witness accounts are in: "Unforgetable Fire", with amateur drawings more disturbing than photos.
(Damn, that's a funny pic, Fanta!)

cbx1300's photo
Mon 08/13/07 11:11 PM
Good job, redykeulous!
It's astounding - This started in 2005 and virtually nobody I know is aware of it! They think I'm nuts when I mention the "amero"! They don't want to believe they've been had by their
"representative" government! - 'Been a fan of Global Outlook
from 1st - Had long talks with Ian Woods - Good man.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/12/07 09:22 PM
My point, "expert", is that U.S. servicemen are dying in their thousands now - (More than "in the fifties") as unwitting guinea pigs.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/12/07 07:17 PM
How about this, rambill - Are you aware that the U.S. govt.
has given itself "legal" authority to test chemical, biological
and wierd genetic stuff on their own servicemen without their knowledge? Civilians, too? How are those anthrax vaccines working out? As an "expert", you must be familiar with pathogenic mycoplasma, which 3/4th's of the world's population is estimated to be harboring now. I'm sure you know about Morgellon's disease, too.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/12/07 06:13 PM
So, why don't YOU eat the stuff if it's as harmless as you say,
because regardless of whether WE think it's safe or not, we have no right leaving tons of the sh*t in fine dust all over Iraq.
You like it, YOU play with it. And It's a sorry state if YOU'RE
the expert; you barely have a grasp on your own language.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/12/07 01:51 PM
and I'll borrow my mom's car when I get out of YOUR mom's bed.