Community > Posts By > cbx1300

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 11:45 AM
- Bravo, davinci.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 11:42 AM
Knoxman, it started way before the Pearl Harbor ignored warnings;
In 1897, Teddy Roosevelt wrote to a friend: "In strict confidence... I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one." - The internal frontier was recently declared closed by the census bureau; The govt. had to look elswhere to
plunder. The Perry expedition used warships to force Japan's ports
open to us.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:59 AM
serchin - Toward the end of the war, Russia and the U.S. were racing each other to get to nazi secret technologies that would help whoever take over the world. Reagan's S.D.I. and Eastlund's
H.A.A.R.P. project are based on such technologies.
There are WORSE weapons than nukes - believe it or not.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:35 AM
(And don't lie, serchin - you said a couple days ago that 911
was the reason we invaded.)

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:34 AM
Hey, hardact - WE engineered their civil war! WE are the reason they're having one!

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:31 AM
O.K. gardenforge and serchin - WHY did we invade Iraq?

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:26 AM
They're fighting for corporate global dictatorship; Not your freedom.

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 10:22 AM
Oh really, Gardenforge? - Let's see: They all took an oath to uphold the constitution, yet they let Cheneney and Bush and their crew get away with wiping their butts with it.
Why isn't every cop, judge and congressman tripping over themselves to arrest these guys?

cbx1300's photo
Sun 08/19/07 01:09 AM
Knoxman, regarding Pearl Harbor, I'd refer you to:
Regarding Nuking civilian cities in Japan - It WAS'NT done to hasten the end of war with Japan; It was a message to Russia.

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 11:24 PM
Hey, serchin - 'still no answer as to what Iraq had to do with 911?

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 11:19 PM
Better yet:
(Stands for: "Military Famillies Speak Out").

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 11:11 PM
Try googling: "Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity"

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 11:02 PM
..and he COULDN'T spend money on medicine - the sanctions forbade medicine.

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 11:00 PM
Well yes, we ARE responsible for his running amok - we put him
in power and gave him the means and then we allowed him to get as nasty as he wanted.
regarding his "missapropriation" of the oil revenues - Is THAT a reason to wipe out half a million of his innocent citizens?
Why didn't we just wipe HIM out? - If the "mafia" wanted just him or just Osama - do you doubt they could have nailed either?
Be real - ALL governments "missapropiate" funds.
We run the global drug trade, while we "fight" it. five hundred BILLION a year gets laundered through wall st., courtesy of
uncle sam. That seems worse to me than pocketing oil revenues.

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 10:27 PM
Why don't you enlighten us as to what "the facts" are, gardenforge.

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 02:49 PM

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 02:45 PM
Hey, Invisible!
Do you know what the jews do with all those snipped foreskins?
- They send them to Ireland, where they're planted in the soil
and grown into big d*cks, before being sent back to N.Y. as
cops! ..Just kidding - God bless the Irish! (At least the ones who resist the British occupation..)

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 12:56 PM
Now that all those evil women and children are dead, do you feel safer?

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 12:50 PM
Sure, gardenforge - check out red cross figures for all who died of starvation and disease as a direct result of Clinton's sanctions alone - not counting all who perished during Kissinger's
manipulated Iran/Iraq war.
So over a million (mostly women and children) dead BEFORE the '03
invasion, about a half million dead SINCE '03.

cbx1300's photo
Sat 08/18/07 12:39 PM
Yeah - popcorn, diet coke and a CHAINSAW!