Was I wrong???
I'm a pasafist, I havn't been in a fist fight since I was in high school. I don't see any point in getting into a fight, & any girl that says any guy should start a fight because someone was hasteling them, is stupid. In my book, you did the right thing.
Dinosaurs are mentioned twice in Job.
There are NO mentions of dinosaurs in Job. This is an utter falsity that is so clearly false it could easily be put into the category of a purposeful misrepresentation of the Bible, and we all know what that is! The only mention I found in Job of ‘Dragons’ was the single following verse,… Job mentions a giant reptile in the Nile called "Leviathan". "Leviathan" is so large and heavily armored that it cannot be hurt by weapons and it breaths fire. Since Crocs don't breath fire and were harvested for their skins, it's clear that the creature in question isn't a crocodile. Job also mentions Behemoth, a huge creature with a tail like a cedar. This creature is said to eat grass and have strong loins and bones like iron. The strong loins / bones part is interesting, because scientists have recently realized that sauropods had extremely strong loins and hind leg bones. Sauropods were able to stand on their hind legs to reach higher up into the trees. Both Leviathan and Behemoth are dinosaurs. And before you go off crying "LOL Spider believes some dinosaurs breathed fire!", look at the fact that every ancient culture had stories of "dragons" and they always were said to breath fire. The fact that ancient people on two different sides of the planet describe the same creature should be given strong consideration. There are beetles that can shoot steam, smoke and sparks out of their rear end, is a creature that could produce smoke and sparks from it's front end so unreasonable? I do see what you are saying, but there are over 20 gods or something like a god described to have almost the exact same story as Jesus. Look at the ejiption God Rah for instance. |
People all over
look in ur search and set up what u want. it says in ur email u can set boundries check it out. Yeah, I saw that option tonight, but I don't want to restrict anyone, I like talking to peole, I guess I just want to talk to local people moreso :/ |
People all over
Had to look for 2 reasons: 1. you posted in a Forum and I always look at people who post in forums. AND 2. Man in uniform..need I say more! ![]() ![]() ![]() Dang, it is a uniform. I just thought it was a hobo picture on a rail car. Sorry, dude. lol it's cool, it's a distance shot & a small pic at that, so I don't blame ya' |
People all over
Had to look for 2 reasons: 1. you posted in a Forum and I always look at people who post in forums. AND 2. Man in uniform..need I say more! ![]() ![]() ![]() lol yeah, I love my uniform, looks from the gals' & free sh!t!!! woo hoo! ![]() |
People all over
OK, but what's with the girls from Michigan? in the past 5 min. i've been on or so i've gotten 5 views from girls there lol. ![]() ![]() ![]() lol it's ok, it just seems odd that that many people from the same area would look at my profile at the same time. |
People all over
I keep getting profile views from people all over the US, but almost none from my local area. I was just wondering if this is common. Because I havn't really looked at anyone elses profile out side of my local area... I duno, Just wondering :D OK, this is EXACTLY what happens to me, too. All kinds of people look at my profile, but NO ONE within my search parameters. HOW DO THEY KNOW MY SEARCH PARAMETERS?? I don't know, but it's obvious they do. I get tons of mail here, but NONE from anyone local. Ever. Of course, locals never post in the forums and they don't answer e-mails either. I've never seen this on any other site, either. I just can't figure it out.... This, then, definitely means CONSPIRACY! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
People all over
OK, but what's with the girls from Michigan? in the past 5 min. i've been on or so i've gotten 5 views from girls there lol.
Pick up lines
Guy: Do you want to come over to my place for pizza and sex?
Girl: no Guy: What? you don't like pizza? |
People all over
I get profile views from all over....and so do alot of people..when people post in forums..people tend to look at their profile...thats why some are out of your area! ![]() ahh that makes sence, thanks guys |
People all over
I keep getting profile views from people all over the US, but almost none from my local area. I was just wondering if this is common. Because I havn't really looked at anyone elses profile out side of my local area... I duno, Just wondering :D
Valetines Day and Single
what am I doing for singles awareness day? self loathing :D
"Two aspirin."
lol that's great.
A rope walks into a bar & the bartended says, "we don't surve ropes in here" so the rope walks out & ties himself into a knot & freys his ends. He walks back in & the bartended says: "Hey, aren't you that rope that was just in here?" the rope says: "Nope, i'm afraid not (a freyed knot)" that one's better when spoken ;) |
looks or personality??
personality is more important but you have 2 be somewhat mildly attracted 2 someone or you'll never fully connect. ive seen ppl date just on personality cause they weren't attracted 2 that person and it always ends the same.(which is not a good thing) Amen |
looks or personality??
Everyone has standards, me included, but i've had a big range of girls, but i'd say personality for an actual relationship. If it's just a fling, don't expect it to go anywhere, i'd say looks.
as I said in the other forum, attractive people with good jobs & lives aren't on the internet lol.
I had a long conversation about animal's capabilities to understand the world with a friend once. we talked about it for hours... but that was in my pot smoking days
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Ditching a person
every day of my life, though I can say we only got in trouble with the cops once...
working alot is that a flaw?
I'm not a woman, never have been, but I would think it would, but chicks dig money :D
new game
Charlie Chaplin... no wait...