Community > Posts By > ipitydafu

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 07:52 PM
i used to go to school in league city. it is a cool place. had alot of
fun in Houston as a youth

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 07:45 PM
Yeah, u gotta let that one go. You can accept him back and everything
will be cool for a minute, then bam, right back where u were. Everyone
has to be a firm believer that once a cheater always a cheater

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 07:42 PM
good luck Sherrie and congrats ^^

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 07:32 PM
I personally don't care if somebody responds negatively towards me. That
is their God given right if they disagree or don't like what I say.
Though I personally don't set out to offend anyone, I do see how some
comment can be misconstrued. In any case, if people can have the
patience and the wisdom to sort through the problems they face, I'm sure
they can come to an understanding.^^

Just my $.02

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 07:25 PM
Mr Obama will be the 1st black president. I see him having Mrs Clinton
as Vice. This will make history. We should all be proud to see these
times come about. This will prove that the US constitution does work.
Even if they are assassinated 2 weeks later. I would love to see a big
mix up in the usual politics. I would also love to see term limits for
congress (like thats ever going to happen). I seem to remember a certain
president who said that the entire government should be replaced x
amount of years in order to avoid corruption and the opression that it
can create. Unfortunately not enough American are affected enough to
institute the rights they have to replace the government. I don't
suggest anarchy or civil war, but if the house and senate had a 4 yr
term limit, maybe they would concentrate on bettering the lives of not
just the country, but the world, instead of concentrating on the next

Please forgive any spelling errors.

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 07:11 PM
and found sunshine. i cant believe this is happening to me!

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:13 PM
Interesting. i espicially like the one about finding the prostate. lmao.
good advice though for anyone that might struggle in that department. i
just hat that damn bra. *comes equipped with a pair of scissors and a
replacement* j/k

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:02 PM
15: no im alrdy
14: nah. many girlfriends of the past even point them out. its ok to
notice. just dont stare and gawk at them. after awhile men can master
this w/o drawing any attn.
13: rejection is always uncomfortable for either sex.
12: super nanny - why would we be afraid of that. it only means more
time for espn
11: speedos - unless u have killer abs and a monster c--k (which i dont
have :p)
10: this is another that would apply to both sexes. losing any family is
a fear everyone has
9: this one is right on. nothing makes me more uncomfortable than a
woman crying. i want to console her, but not really sure how. im always
afraid i'll say the wrong thing and make it worse, so i just keep my
mouth shut and hold her
8: practice men, practice. this has always been a sensitive subject with
men. if a man is in a relationship one of his biggest goals is to make
sure the woman is happy with love-making. girls, u can help us by not
being shy and communicating what u want. there is no reason to be
embarrased in the bedroom.
7: that is a sad comment. it has nothing to do with masculinity.
everyone wants to be a good parent and are sad if they fall short. it
will hurt a woman to know she is a bad mother just as much as the man to
know he is a bad father.
6: a man just doesnt feel like a man unless he is a good provider to his
family. this feeling is cultural and has been bred for hundred and
thousands of years. it must be something in the dna.
5: this is pure animal instinct. this goes on in more species than
human. men can and do resist this. if not, then all of your men are
cheating on you. when a man is actually in love, it is head-over-heals
and cannot be easily brought down by desire for a younger or more
beautiful woman.
4: this is only for the first time men are intimate with that particular
woman. if nothing ego killing is said, we will walk around the house but
naked with no problem after.
3: wtf is Tofurky?
2: ofcourse, anyone would be afraid of that. come on. this is supposed
to be about fears of man, not the fears of everyone
1: men prove this theory wrong by consistently doing everything you
mentioned. some of the things are trivial which any secure man would
brush off w/o a thought. some are pretty serious that would bring a man
to tears of apology. men dont have time to fear these type of things.
we're to busy trying to figure out how to make women

What secretly scares me: heights because im an acrophobic, bees because
i just hate those things, being a bad father or bringing a woman to
tears, losing control of myself, losing my family.

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:28 PM
Every man wants love, even tho we're afraid of it and won't admit it.
What good is money and power with no one to share it with. I know it
sounds cliche, but its true.

ipitydafu's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:10 PM
not many ppl around from my area =( thats ok. there plenty other ppl to
talk to out there in other areas.

ipitydafu's photo
Sun 02/18/07 04:12 PM
Hi, im glade there is a forum for religion. I havent read all the posts
yet (forgive me), but I will

ipitydafu's photo
Sun 02/18/07 04:09 PM
That was a beautiful poem. I wish I was that creative...^^

ipitydafu's photo
Sun 02/18/07 03:58 PM the guy on the left. I know its sad, but its my only pic

ipitydafu's photo
Sun 02/18/07 03:57 PM
I seem to have had this profile for awhile, but dont remember when I got
it. Must have been a party night (hehe). Anyway, I received an e-mail
from the site so I figured I would stop by and say hi. Not really
looking for dating or anything, but I love to talk so please feel free
to hit me up anybody...^^

ipitydafu's photo
Sun 02/18/07 03:53 PM
caf all the way.

ipitydafu's photo
Mon 09/04/06 12:24 PM
What up chica? How you doin today?

ipitydafu's photo
Mon 09/04/06 02:54 AM
wish i was in phoenix