Community > Posts By > HillFolk

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:44 PM
Oh, that is so cool.:smile: In the context of fuzzy databases, some fuzzy querying languages have been defined, highlighting the SQLf by P. Bosc et al. and the FSQL by J. Galindo et al. These languages define some structures in order to include fuzzy aspects in the SQL statements, like fuzzy conditions, fuzzy comparators, fuzzy constants, fuzzy constraints, fuzzy thresholds, linguistic labels and so on.laugh

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:40 PM
How fuzzy logic is applied
Fuzzy Set Theory defines Fuzzy Operators on Fuzzy Sets. The problem in applying this is that the appropriate Fuzzy Operator may not be known. For this reason, Fuzzy logic usually uses IF/THEN rules, or constructs that are equivalent, such as fuzzy associative matrices.

Rules are usually expressed in the form:
IF variable IS set THEN action

For example, an extremely simple temperature regulator that uses a fan might look like this:
IF temperature IS very cold THEN stop fan
IF temperature IS cold THEN turn down fan
IF temperature IS normal THEN maintain level
IF temperature IS hot THEN speed up fan

Notice there is no "ELSE". All of the rules are evaluated, because the temperature might be "cold" and "normal" at the same time to differing degrees.

I hope no one calls the fuzz on this one.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:49 PM
She has a cousin Vinny.laugh

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:48 PM

She has a nice voice. A house makeover. It makes sense.laugh

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:43 PM
The Prodigal Daughter is a novel by Jeffrey Archer. It is the story of Florentyna Kane, the daughter of the protagonist of Archer's Kane and Abel. The novel, one of Archer's best-sellers, portrays Florentyna's life from early childhood to her final ascension to the position of President of United States. In this way, President Kane becomes the first female U.S. president.

The character of Florentyna Kane also appears in Shall We Tell the President? by Archer. This book initially featured President Ted Kennedy, but following the success of Kane and Abel and The Prodigal Daughter, the character was changed to President Kane in later editions.

Well, I guess there is. Might have to check out some of his books. They might be interesting to read.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:32 PM
Marie, your last posting reminded me of the prodigal son. I wonder is there could be such a thing as prodigal daughter.:smile:

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:03 PM
Norma Vally is a construction pro with the tools and attitude to get the job done. But this former lingerie model, rock singer and personal trainer is hardly what you would envision when you call for a handyman. She embodies strength, beauty, skill and femininity. Considering the nature of construction work, her presence is quite impressive, even inspiring. For Norma, however, she's just doing what she loves.

As a young girl, born and raised in Brooklyn, Norma worked alongside her father fixing things in their home. Maintenance on the boiler, repairing a leaky faucet, oil changes in the driveway – she was always happier fixing things and finding out how they worked -- and she had a knack for it from an early age.

So how did Norma, a woman with degrees in English Literature and Psychology find her way back to her true calling? It was a move to a century-old house as an adult that helped Norma learn how to handle home repairs, from wiring and plumbing to demolition and carpentry. Pursuing her fixing passion, she decided to take her skills to a professional level. She began working with a general contractor renovating houses, apartments, and retail and office spaces in the NY/NJ/CT tri-state area and thrived in this field for several years. You can imagine the reaction of fellow workers and customers when she arrived on a construction site in work boots ready to swing her hammer!

In her fourth season as the feisty host of Discovery Home Channel's Emmy nominated series Toolbelt Diva, Norma pairs up with female homeowners to tackle a variety of real-life home-improvement projects. Toolbelt Diva proves that any woman can take on just about any home-improvement project with the help of Norma’s knowledge and confidence. While she’s devoted to empowering women, she offers plenty of helpful insights for men as well.

In addition to her television show, Norma reaches out to DIY radio listeners as the host of, Toolbelt Diva, on Discovery Channel Radio, broadcast by Sirius Satellite Radio. A published author, Norma’s book Chix Can Fix: 100 Home-Improvement Projects and True Tales from the Diva of Do-It-Yourself (Viking Studio) has become a staple in homes across the United States. Her next 2 literary projects are a book series, of the same name, that will be a comprehensive collection of guides for women, and a green do-it-yourselfer book for the home.

Empowering women and men with green how-to savvy is a major initiative for Norma. Through her shows, website, satellite media tours, and a green home improvement book in the works, she’s committed to putting people in the know about eco-friendly products and practices in and around the home.

A media darling, Norma has appeared on national news and talk shows including Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The Weather Channel, The Tony Danza Show, CNN, Fox & Friends, MSNBC, Soap Talk, Good Day New York, Life & Style, Northwest Afternoon and appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers including Woman’s Day, Women’s Health, MORE, People, Redbook, Oxygen, For Me, Domino, New York Times, USA Today and LA Times.

In 2000, this multi-faceted woman combined her diverse talents and formed “Chix Can Fix, LLC,” a home/life improvement entity that offers a variety of empowering resources for women. Norma leads do-it-herself clinics and is a sought after speaker at home shows and expos across the country. Norma also believes in giving back to the community and recently launched a workshop series hosted by The Home Depot titled, GET SAFE! Home Safety for Women. In the spring of 2007, Norma will unveil her Chix Can Fix tool and accessory line for women.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 02:01 PM
"Say Good-bye to Honey-do lists, ‘cause Honey, I’ll show you - you can do it yourself!” - Norma Vally

I like her approach.:smile:

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:55 PM
I have got to watch Tim's Home Repairs but not Norma the toolbelt diva. I was just wondering which one you would like to see fixing up your home.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:45 PM
If someone would ask me, "Can't we be just friends?" I would have to question if we were friends. If someone should say, "We should be just friends" to me that would say that we are already friends. If a female would say that to me I would say, "Define friendship." Because her interpretation of friendship might be different than mine.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 01:01 PM
So then did you decorate the tree or did your ex, Tom?laugh

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 12:45 PM
I would have to try to subdue the monster. Besides the crime done to the waitress rationalizing his behavior to his wife and kids was just wrong. It is a way of showing that kind of behavior is ok.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:33 AM
I am thankful that my mom isn't like the lady who works for her. Mom said she would get me a plate of Thanksgiving dinner for me at my sister's party because it is in a few hours and I am tuckered out from working all night. The lady who works for mom told my mom that she would make me go anyways. Thanks, mom. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:23 AM
Hey, I think that is cool that you met someone, Allen. This cute aide was at work last night trying to help us out on our floor since I helped her out on her floor. This resident we had we couldn't do nothing with because the resident was really upset. In her mind the whole facility was her house and she was telling all of us that she wanted us out of her house. She thought the nursing station was her kitchen and she wanted out of there because she must have had a cake cooking in there and she didn't want us to make it go flat. So anyway the aide who was helping asked the resident if she wanted a hug and she said no so I said well I do and went and hugged the aide. So far I haven't got into trouble for fraternization. I figured why waste a good hug. Is it time to start the bah humbug season, yet?sad After the adovant though the resident was in a much better disposition.:smile:

HillFolk's photo
Thu 11/22/07 06:09 AM
I liked your poem, James. I am hoping to get a big Plate o turkey today. I bet Plato is turning in his grave on that one.laugh

HillFolk's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:31 PM
Usually an aphorism is a very concise statement expressing a general truth or wise observation often in a clever way. Sometimes aphorisms rhyme, sometimes they have repeated words or phrases, and sometimes they have two parts that are of the same grammatical structure. Some examples include:

Science is organized knowledge. — Herbert Spencer
Lost time is never found again. — Benjamin Franklin
Greed is a permanent slavery. — Ali
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation. — Husayn ibn Ali
That which does not destroy us makes us stronger. — Nietzsche
If you see the teeth of the lion, do not think that the lion is smiling to you. — Al-Mutanabbi
When your legs get weaker time starts running faster. — Mikhail Turovsky
Many of those who tried to enlighten were hanged from the lampposts. — Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
The psychology of committees is a special case of the psychology of mobs. — Celia Green
Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see. — Mark Twain
It is better to be hated for what one is, than loved for what one is not. — André Gide
A lie told often enough becomes the truth. — Vladimir Lenin
Like a road in Autumn: Hardly is it swept clean before it is covered again with dead leaves. — Franz Kafka
Hate the Sin; Love the Sinner. — Mahatma Gandhi
It can embody humour or be tied to some overworked statement, such as:

One man's meat is another man's poison.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.
One man's ceiling is another man's floor. — Paul Simon

HillFolk's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:25 PM
I have heard of halftruths, truths but just founf out that there can be a truth and a half. Karl Kraus, an Austrian journalist, critic, playwright, and poet noted, "An aphorism can never be the whole truth; it is either a half-truth or a truth-and-a-half"

HillFolk's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:22 PM
I got carpletunnel from hanging chickens. I used to have to dip my hands in hot wax.

HillFolk's photo
Wed 11/21/07 05:19 PM
According to Plato, knowledge is a subset of that which is both true and believed. So then what is halftruth? A half-truth comes in several forms, and is a deceptive statement, that includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade blame or misrepresent the truth. The purpose and or consequence of a half truth is to make something that is really only a belief appear to be knowledge, or a truthful statement to represent the whole truth, or possibly lead to a false conclusion. According to the justified true belief theory of knowledge, in order to know that a given proposition is true, one must not only believe in the relevant true proposition, but one must also have a good reason for doing so. A half truth deceives the recipient by presenting something believable and using those aspects of the statement that can be shown to be true as good reason to believe the statement is true in its entirety, or that the statement represents the whole truth. A person who is deceived by a half truth (there are several kinds) will then consider the proposition to be knowledge and act accordingly. If one takes Plato literally then in his statement then belief is half of knowledge and truth is the other half of knowledge. So then what is worse a halftruth or a blatant lie or is that inconsistant?:wink:

HillFolk's photo
Wed 11/21/07 04:47 PM
I am sorry I scared you, Jess.laugh

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