Community > Posts By > Catman6

Catman6's photo
Wed 12/23/09 01:49 AM
The pictures are good, but you really need to add a LOT more details about who you are, and what you want in a mate. Yes, being specific limits the number of people who will contact you, but why waste your time (& feelings) with someone who isn't right for you? You're young, but the "dating game" will get very old, very quickly.

Good Luck!

Catman6's photo
Tue 12/15/09 09:09 PM
ski gear - shorts, boat, advil rofl

I've never been snow skiing either LOL I'm guessing layers, but I wonder if typical outdoor coveralls will be enough. Do ski clothes/suits breathe?

Catman6's photo
Tue 12/15/09 09:03 PM

Too cute!
My cats wrap their paws around me, or each other all the time.

Catman6's photo
Tue 12/15/09 08:59 PM
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
If I swore you were an Angel, would you treat me like the Devil tonight?
If I was dieing of thirst, would your flowing love come quench me?


Catman6's photo
Tue 12/15/09 08:52 PM
My g/f and I are talking about going snow mobiling. I've never beenm so my question is; in 20'F weather what kind of clothing/equipment should we bring?

Catman6's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:38 PM
I have this rally posted on another site I'm a member of as well. There's more information in that rally thread, including links to the surrounding towns.

I hope you can come out and enjoy this too!

Catman6's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:29 PM
OK, here's the officialy dates;

Elk Neck Rally
Held at the Elk Neck State Park
North East, Md 21901

June 11 - 13, 2010

This is my first rally, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

The rally will be held at Elk Neck State Park

As far as Elk Neck State Park goes, I'm going to take some time and go see the park again. I've been there taking pictures of my, and my brother's classic cars, but I haven't spent too much time there on foot. I do like the light house, though I usually go see it from the water on my boat. I'll update this as I get more information.

In regards to what we'll do at the park as a group, I would like some input from interested members, and take it from there. Fishing, cook outs, maybe a pot luck dinner? I'll see what their requirements are about having a bon fire, but the park services wouldn't go for it a couple of years ago. But hey, it never hurts to ask right?

The costs at the Park are;
Campsite: $25/night
Campsite with electric: $30/night
Campsite with electric, water and sewer: $35/night

*I'll confirm these rates, and look in to group rates, at a later date*

So, anyone interested?

Catman6's photo
Mon 12/07/09 01:28 PM
OK, here's the officialy dates;

Elk Neck Rally
Held at the Elk Neck State Park
North East, Md 21901

June 11 - 13, 2010

This is my first rally, so any input would be greatly appreciated.

The rally will be held at Elk Neck State Park

As far as Elk Neck State Park goes, I'm going to take some time and go see the park again. I've been there taking pictures of my, and my brother's classic cars, but I haven't spent too much time there on foot. I do like the light house, though I usually go see it from the water on my boat. I'll update this as I get more information.

In regards to what we'll do at the park as a group, I would like some input from interested members, and take it from there. Fishing, cook outs, maybe a pot luck dinner? I'll see what their requirements are about having a bon fire, but the park services wouldn't go for it a couple of years ago. But hey, it never hurts to ask right?

The costs at the Park are;
Campsite: $25/night
Campsite with electric: $30/night
Campsite with electric, water and sewer: $35/night

*I'll confirm these rates, and look in to group rates, at a later date*

So, anyone interested?

Catman6's photo
Mon 12/07/09 08:59 AM
Denver Pa for an INCREDIBLE weekend!

Catman6's photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:07 PM

Well, knowing how to make an awesome campfire would be good. Did I forget to mention I was a Girl Scout? We are always prepared.:smile:

Sounds like we need to make a play date LOL

Speaking of which, I'm hosting a camping get together this Spring - see my original post - anyone interested? There's tent camping, trailer camping, fishing, trails, ect. Maybe we could make it something fun :)

Catman6's photo
Sat 12/05/09 03:26 AM
a tricycle

Catman6's photo
Sat 12/05/09 03:18 AM

Catman6's photo
Fri 12/04/09 08:09 PM

I like camping, particularly on beaches which is convenient where I live. No need for a tent on the many stars and it never rains. It's my christmas morning tradition to wake up on a beach.

That would be so AWESOME! I would love to do that!

pkd1220, layers are good, but a warm body to snuggle up with would be the ultimate!

Hmmm, any takers?oops rofl

Catman6's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:14 AM

I grew up with a bi polar mother and know the day to day life with mental dissorder...

I did as well. I've dated 2 women who had mental disorders. The biggest problem is they wouldn't stay on their meds. Personally, I don't want to deal with it again, but if the right person came along, and she STAYED on her meds, I might consider it.

The best advise I can give you though, is to keep on your meds, and don't drop it on the person right away. Ket them get to know YOU first. Let them leave you for YOU, and not the disease.

My $.02

Catman6's photo
Wed 12/02/09 12:05 AM
I think you're adorable :)

Catman6's photo
Tue 12/01/09 11:58 PM

What happended to the good men ages 35-55 huh? Well, part of the men that age will be completely jaded by now, either through lack of luck (like me) or because some other woman ruined him for the rest of you (i.e. divorce). That's just part of them though.

You see, a truly honest to god good man is easy to find, you probably already know one, but just can't see him. He's that guy that's attentive to you, helps you out when you need it, sometimes shows up with pizza and beer just to watch movies with you. Oh, you probably tell the gals "he's just a friend," but I bet if you asked,surprised he's dying to go out with you. Now a woman's first response is usually "I don't feel that way about him." But in fact, most ladies just have never thought of having those feelings for that type of guy, and a friendship is a great place to start a relationship. So, that's where you find a few more of the "good" ones.

Another place to find them, church. I'm not saying become a religious zealot by any means. But some people need the inner peace derived from sitting in a large room with 200 strangers. Meditation helps no matter where you do it, but some need that. These good men, probably aren't even on the internet dating sights. Might not have the self confidence to do it.

Just remember, most truly good men have had some person in the past take complete advantage of there soft hearts, and then dump the like a bad habit when something that only appeared better came into view. These men will be cautious, emotionally conservative and rather quiet. They know they can be easily hurt and are less likely to put themselves into situations where it can happen again. If you feel you're having to wait for a guy to come around, odds are, he's a good one. Be patient, and a little agressive, you'll bag him.

I think I need to start asking all my guy friends over for pizza??

It's true that a lot of us with "tender hearts" have been used & dumped, so we're a bit cautious. But, the best advise I can give (to everyone) is just be yourself, and let TIME show you the real person. A lot of profiles seem too good to be true - but if you never take the time to get to know the person, how do you know that the person's profile does or doesn't accurately reflect who the person is? And please, write more than 2 sentences about yourself. A person who is truly looking for a mate, and knows what they want, will skip over a really short profile a lot of times because there's no substance to it. It's like "Why bother, this person hasn't" IMHO

Just be patient, be happy with yourself, spend time with friends, and hopefully one day soon we'll all find our perfect mutual match :)


Catman6's photo
Tue 12/01/09 03:30 AM
I haven't been camping since 03. I went camping in my pop up in the Spring. The last I had nothing but a sleeping bag. It was Fall, but it was so beautiful! I woke up a couple times to stoke the campfire through the nights, but it was so peaceful

Catman6's photo
Thu 11/26/09 03:12 AM

everybody can come...monkey orgy

Nothing like a lil monkey luv!

Catman6's photo
Thu 11/26/09 03:10 AM

Glad you're doing better
((((BIG HUGS))))

Catman6's photo
Thu 11/26/09 02:57 AM
frollicked in the hallway like 2 school girls. Suddenly there was a loud scream ...

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