courthouse shooting
police anounced that the motive is most likely a lost socal security claim filed by the attacker and there is no conection to terrorism. this is still a tarrible event for everyone involved. |
courthouse shooting
a guard at a federal courthouse in las vegas was killed and a US marshal injured when some guy opened fire in the lobby of the building. the gunman was also killed in the firefight that he started. as of yet there was no information on what the shooter's problem was. in adition to being a federal courthouse both Nv. senators have offices in the building but they were elsewhere at the time of the attack. the motive for the attack remains unknown and the gunman's name has not been made public. it should be noted that this is not a case of a defendant trying to escape during trial and attacking a gard but reather a targeted attack on the building. the posiblity of terrorism dose exist here.
a few months ago i had the honor of being part of a town hall meeting with my senator but the security was worse than a joke it was non-existent! 3 local cops were the only security and they didnt even check id's let alone search anyone. i volentered to be the first one searched and they still didnt do it. if someone had had brought a gun the senator would have been assassinated. by dumb luck nothing bad happened. after the event i discussed security with a staffer who came along she said that members of congress only have security at the captial building. this means that any idiot with a gun can assassinate a member of congress when they leave D.C. what is it going to take to change this. is some member of congress going to have to get wacked before they get at lest basic security. the way the gov. works probably.
i almost forgot the israeli defence wall is also useless now because if they can get on a plane with this device than they can get passed an israeli checkpoint.
why didnt the state dep. revoke his passport? if they had just done that none of this would have happened. as for the security failure that part is fully on the europeans after all the plane left from an airport in europe and there is no TSA there. unfotenately there is no known way to effectivly defeat this threat. they used almost exactly the same device to attack that saudi offical back in aug. he survived only because he got luckey. the posibility also exists that we just figured out what happened to airfrance 447 on june 1. i hate to say this but i have to advise against flying at least untill we know more about this threat. another posible target for this type of attack is federal courthouses because they use meddal dectors as their primary line of defence. nowhere is safe untill an effective counter mesure is developed!
unsolved US terrorism case
a bunch of kids fooling around wouldnt know how to defeat the warring system and the chance of radomly hiting an amtrak and not a fraight train is near 0. also derailing trains is a known terrorist tactic. just a few weeks ago over 20 people in russia were killed in another diliberate derailment. finaly the FBI found a note nearby that went on and on about waco sighned "sons of the gistapo." no one knows what that is.
unsolved US terrorism case
Edited by
Wed 12/09/09 08:37 PM
on oct 9 1995 someone diliberately derailed an amtrak train near palo verde AZ. by damaging the tracks and disabeling the warring system.the crash killed 1 one and injured 78. no one has ever been arrested for the attack. if you have any information on this attack please contact the FBI they can protect you if nessacary.
its about time te gov. made a serious effort to shut down terrorist assets in this country. without money terrorists can not operate this is there week point we need to hit it hard.
i liked a turkish girl once but she threatened to suicide bomb me when she found out! that was a bad day!
why didnt you say so the first time
what in the world is that?
Ingushetia is an islamic state in southern Russia. the state is currently stageing a rebelion against Russia just like its naboring state chechnya did at the begining of this decade. acording to the BBC 200 people have been killed in violence there which included an atempt to assassinate the president of the state. shootings, suacide bombings, ieds, and assassinations are the tactics of choice in this war. this could likely lead to more suacide bombing in Moscow if it continues. if you have reliable sources about this conflict please post links.
your right radical islam is all over canada. thus far they havent killed anyone up there but not for a lack of trying. how long that will remain the case is anyones guess.
if that was true tha whay did gen. petraus get promoted an why is robert gates still secrary of defence and muller is still head of the FBI so on.
Edited by
Wed 11/11/09 03:23 PM
in the last 2 days ive seen 2 active profiles deactavate in the middle of a conversation! how is that posible? im concered that there might be a virus or a hacker in the system.
ive often thought that it would be cool to be with an indian they have nice eyes. having someone difrent is dificult to acheve because of missunderstandings but if you dont try how will you know what is out there.
DC sniper
lets not forget that the dc sniper was a terrorist. he killed an FBI agent, at least one veteran, and several women among many others. he even shot a kid some one like that should be put to death to protect the rest of us. if he were put away for life he could escape and restart the rampage!
cnn is now reporting that survivors of the fort hood shooting have told investagators that the gunman shouted the frase "allahu akbar!" as he shot his way across fort hood. "allahu akbar!" is arabic for god is great and is ofter used as a call to jihad.
Arizona honnor killing
Edited by
Thu 11/05/09 08:29 PM
on oct. 20 just outside of Phoenix AZ. an iraqi man diliberately ran over his daughter ( age 20) and another woman (age 43) with his car because he belived she was too westernized. on nov 2 the younger woman died of her injuries. the older woman was serously injured but is expected to survive.
Ft. Hood Shooter NOT Dead..
Edited by
Thu 11/05/09 07:19 PM
this is like a suacide bombing exept it is suicide attack with guns. not the first one in the us. here are some other american suacide shooting rampages known or likely linked to is Islamic extreemism 1997 empire state building 1 dead, 2002 LAX shooting 2 dead, 2003 camp PA. shooting 2 dead*, 2006 seattle jewish federation shooting 1 dead* 2007 trolley square mall shooting 5 dead, and fort hood shooting 12+ dead.
*:perpatraitor survived note: death toals do NOT include attackers |