Community > Posts By > dewdrew

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Wed 09/06/06 09:26 AM
im 48 the end of july. and thank you. i guess she was going on my black
and white pic with my beard i just shaved off lol. ill put the pic back

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Wed 09/06/06 09:25 AM
but in 5 years he is 55 then what happens to him...gos to the curb? so
sad to put in all that effort for a short term romance ya know...

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Wed 09/06/06 04:31 AM
arent most of them..i mean really lol

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Wed 09/06/06 04:27 AM
soooo...move..the waters fine down here

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Wed 09/06/06 12:33 AM
some really great opinions

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Wed 09/06/06 12:32 AM
a little eye candy for the guys and gals accordingly ...dah lol

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Wed 09/06/06 12:31 AM
he dont get it either ...hats too tight on his head ...get some oxygen

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Wed 09/06/06 12:29 AM
i love that show, especially the guys when they get caught and the gal
smacks them up side the

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Tue 09/05/06 02:11 PM
Thank you stephi. I had a lady write me and said I looked 60. (my black
and white photo with my white beard) and then she scolled me for my
nudes lol. I almost died laughing. I think it is obvious by now that we
(I) say/do things to get a rise out of the other(women) to see how they
react. So yes I do and say things for those reasons. I could be prim and
proper being a "christian" but I am not here to harm anyone and to find
a nitch of friends as everyone is. I told her GOD makes everyone naked
and the ladies are not obligated in anyway to meet the standards of
these pics or modelsand not to feel offended or intimidated. lol Spo i
will applogoze for my pics and have them removed (always one sour apple
in the group isn't there) ezxcept for Brook Burke, she is single and
divorced and looks great for a mother of

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Tue 09/05/06 01:33 PM
help me out here. let me know what you think.

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Tue 09/05/06 03:04 AM
cultivate an aquatints relationship with any potential. it's called
networking for life.

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Mon 09/04/06 11:30 PM

heather, your right...Dont' have to listen to his belching, or smell the
after sex cigarette smoke, smell his sweat. cheap investment in
batteries, or just plug it in and go gurl.

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Mon 09/04/06 11:25 PM
I hope he has your 100% blessings. Cause that is a lot of effort towards
soemone that isn't really committed to him.

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Mon 09/04/06 11:20 PM

What is the difference between a freezer and a womens pussy hole?
When you pull the meat out of a freezer it doesn’t fart....lllolollloool

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Mon 09/04/06 01:04 PM
hi midori canadian donuts

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Mon 09/04/06 01:02 PM
women have it made...they have all these really cool sensitive spots
like everywhere...they have an iny and an outy that can make climax
from....their nips have a direct connect to their kitty when
stimulated....they can accomadate 1" or 10" easily and 1" or 10"
girths...they are happy with one, two, three or even four fingers....and
they almost always prefer a tongue or a toy over the real thing. and
they can have kids with out intercourse at

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Mon 09/04/06 12:33 PM
toys are cool i wish they had better toys for But helping my
partner with her toys is well, stimulating to say the least. lol

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Mon 09/04/06 12:24 PM
ya leaving a dead mouse is a sign of territory and attention..pretty
cool how all living creatures communicate to one another. My mom (84)
was really lonely for a pet and the good LORD brought her a kitty. It
stays outside but she feeds it daily. It replaces her shit-zu that
passed a year ago.

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Mon 09/04/06 12:14 PM
Hows 4'11 3/4?? she was cute too.. ever notice the shorties really know
how to squeek to get the grease on the wheel...

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Mon 09/04/06 12:10 PM
I just out of Ft glad to be out that