High school
Guess it was those hormones working that always gave me an erection in the last few minutes before a certain class was to end. Never knew why otherwise.
over 50
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Sat 01/09/21 07:24 AM
Love has become so hard to find in this world we live now That is why I created my own world to live in Reminds me of these lyrics: "If you lived in my world awhile You'd soon to smile In my world there's a million...ways to cry." Ray Price, "Touch My Heart", 1967 |
So easy to see why so many men here are looking for a girlfriend. Too many. They haven't a clue about women and also are on the wrong dating site.
A primitive who uses a computer...
how to talk to girls
If men would take some time to think of good things to say and great questions to ask, it could make a lot of difference. Most come up with question that have to do with looks and actions, and do not lead to a good conversation nor create connection. Asking things like, "What do you want us to do on a 1st date?" only gets a sigh. So does, "What kind of holiday do you prefer?" (camping, all in, luxury hotel blablabla) We've heard that kind of meaningless, superficial stuff a gazillion times as almost all men ask the same stupid chit. Now if the holiday type is important, say something like "Last weekend I had a great time. I went hiking, camping. It's good to be out in nature. I love to take photos of/or.../or... What about you?" Then you got something a woman can work with so you have a real conversation, and... it can create connection. It can even create space for some fun. But most people don't do this, can't do this. It's like they get brain-freeze when they try to talk to a woman. We don't want to be bored to death in the very first exchange. I agree with you fully. So many times we can tell why many men are here. They haven't a clue about relationships, but they think women are going to flock to them just by joining. Yes, and what I also see a lot on dating sites is that many men expect us women to bend over backward and jump through hoops to get through their test. They want to know what you're going to do for them, what you have to offer them, and they forget that building a connection is a two-way street. Give and take, not just take. And I know not all men are like that, but it's not easy to find these great guys. One of your points made me remember...when I used to tour the country camping on a motorcycle, for a joke I would say that I'd erect the tent on the motel's the mornings, climb out and get into the would have some semblance of "real" camping! |
how to talk to girls
Edited by
Mon 01/04/21 06:44 AM
If men would take some time to think of good things to say and great questions to ask, it could make a lot of difference. Most come up with question that have to do with looks and actions, and do not lead to a good conversation nor create connection. Asking things like, "What do you want us to do on a 1st date?" only gets a sigh. So does, "What kind of holiday do you prefer?" (camping, all in, luxury hotel blablabla) We've heard that kind of meaningless, superficial stuff a gazillion times as almost all men ask the same stupid chit. Now if the holiday type is important, say something like "Last weekend I had a great time. I went hiking, camping. It's good to be out in nature. I love to take photos of/or.../or... What about you?" Then you got something a woman can work with so you have a real conversation, and... it can create connection. It can even create space for some fun. But most people don't do this, can't do this. It's like they get brain-freeze when they try to talk to a woman. We don't want to be bored to death in the very first exchange. /quote] I agree with you fully. So many times we can tell why many men are here. They haven't a clue about relationships, but they think women are going to flock to them just by joining. |
Unhappily married
Are there any unhappy married woman on this site Fooling around with them is a good way to get deactivated...permanently. |
Trends for a sexier you ...
The male fashions look hilariously bad ![]() It might've been a wee bit better if they'd hung it on better looking and/or better built men. They all look like sissy boys with underdeveloped shoulders, hihi. Possibly these clothes are designed for the NYC and LA party-goers. |
Well does college count? I guess I’m Omni because I once dated a bisexual drag queen that tried to pimp me out. I had really low standards in college. Things change with age Like high school, college is a place to gain an education, so why would that make a difference? |
He meant TUCSON. Anyone else? I think he knew the difference. As for myself, I was just trying to show that "Tuscan" isn't a typo. |
When trying to be "funny", you might want to learn to spell correctly first. Otherwise, you may end up looking like a fool Tuscan: 1. Relating to Tuscany, its inhabitants, or the form of Italian spoken there, which is the standard variety taught to foreign learners. 2. Relating to or denoting a classical order of architecture resembling the Doric but lacking all ornamentation. noun 1.A native or inhabitant of Tuscany. 2.The form of Italian spoken in Tuscany. |
This is a rant.
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Fri 12/25/20 05:22 PM
Listen yall, I'm getting sick and tired of sending message after message after message after message after message after message AND NOONE RESPONDING BACK TO ME. I AM A VERY NICE HARD WORKING INDIVIDUAL AND NO ONE RESPONDS BACK TO ME AT ALL. ONLINE DATING IS A JOKE.IVE ALSO sunk COUNTLESS MONEY INTO ONLINE dATING AND ITS ALL LED NO WHERE. I'M NOT LOOKING FOR ADVICE. I'M JUST A SINGLE GUY WHOSE FRUSTRATED. Here's some advice you can take or leave. First, learn how to spell. Nothing shows a lack of education more than this. Second, stating you're "nice and hardworking" may mean little to prospective girlfriends. They expect this. Third, heed the advice of other posters here concerning no responses. And please remember that this site is not a girlfriend provider. |
Not a gurl, but shaving off the beard may help. I'm a Lumberjack and I'm ok The best part of that sketch is watching Connie Booth's facial expression slowly change! |
new picture please We don't do this for you. Refer to delightfulillusion's reply. |
Use a digital camera or your phone. Good luck.
(After Christmas): Did you like the fruitcake we brought?
Sugar mummies
Check your local museum in the Ancient Egyptian section. Good luck.
"Tell Me The Truth OR I'll Crack Your Head !!!!"
Please do not threaten violence, even in fun. There's enough of that in the world already. |
Here's a clip on YouTube that may well explain it: "Jonathan Haidt--The Coddling of the American Mind"
misc advice
Always be nice to someone who has access to your toothbrush...The Equalizer Is there a certain sequence in one of The Equalizer movies that explains what you've written? I must have missed it. |