Community > Posts By > IgorFrankensteen
OMG, I hope it isn't Monday already. Except maybe in Japan.
Actions verses words
Ah. I have a specific observation to suggest for your consideration concerning this.
A very long time ago now, I noticed that a lot of humans function as small children in certain ways. Mainly, in that they are in such a rush to live their lives from moment to moment, that they take "short cuts" without thinking or observing themselves carefully. One of the common "shortcuts" many people take, is that rather than thinking through and assembling a comprehensive, internally consistent personal philosophy or morality, they instead gather a collection of phrases and vague "rule" concepts as they go along, and when asked for explanation, they pull one of those memorized phrases off the shelf in the back of their mind closet, and throw it at the person asking. The number one reason why most people I know, say one thing and do another, is this habit they have of NOT EVER THINKING ABOUT THE ACTUAL MEANING OF THE WORDS THEY"VE LEARNED TO SAY. When we are all small children, our main daily goals are simple: get the candy or the playtime, without getting yelled at or otherwise punished by the parents. We learn to say "please and thank you," not because we have the slightest comprehension of what gratitude, respect, or cooperation is all about, we just know that if we say "please," our parents are more likely to say "yes," than if we don't. Lots of people never grow beyond that stage. They gather more complex phrases and cover stories and explanations to rip off to everyone else, but they never advance to the point where they even completely understand what they are saying. I tried to make up my own "wise saying" about this phenomenon. Here it is: "It's not so much that people don't mean what they say, or say what they mean... as that they do what they WANT, and then say what they've HEARD." |
Atheists vs agnostics
Whoever you're the thing is, people in the religion, especially radicals, never are able to make the difference. Kind of pathetic and sad Well, I don't think you've thought this through as completely as you believe you did. From the point of view of someone who is convinced that one must actively believe in and obey a god, and do so in certain specific ways, there IS no functional difference between an agnostic and an atheist. Because BOTH deny that they must follow whatever detailed attention to their god that they believe is fundamentally necessary. Therefor it is entirely LOGICAL for them to view both kinds of people the same way. Just as it is entirely logical for the rest of us who don't believe as they do, to make sure such people do NOT get to control the government, using those beliefs. |
No Posting Allowed - part 2
Is this thread an objection to the horseriding technique or style? It certainly is funny looking, but it can save on your tukas.
I guess I'm more referring to things like mail messages. I have to keep refreshing the page to see if there is new mail or not. Thx for the response though. :) There is a setting under your profile to alert you to any new emails. On your profile page, look under your picture for an array of links "view profile-edit profile-edit photos-SETTINGS-logout". Click on "settings," then "mail settings," and make sure that "Notify me by email of new messages and my latest matches at Mingle2 (recommended)" is checked. You wont have to refresh the Mingle Site page to know you have emails, your own personal email page will alert you. Igorfrankensteen site moderator |
Is there a corollary in there somewhere, saying that if you count on any of Murphy's laws to be "enforced," that they wont be?
If not, it should be added. |
How to....
The "Match" function is common to many dating sites, and works the same way here as those others. It is not designed to do more than it does: present you with a single picture, and ask you for an instant response.
No, there is no way to search for the M2 name. Use the "Search" feature for searching for possible people to contact. There are lots of detail options there. |
Define "Lady"
The social "revolutions" of the last century were only called that by second rate journalists. They didn't qualify as real revolutions, in any sense of the word. More than anything else, they were NOT the result of the ENTIRE whatever (race, gender, religious affiliation etc) all unifying, and declaring a list of specific changes that they ALL demanded. Men who complain that ALL women don't act as though they were on the front lines of the Feminist movement, when it comes to dating protocols, are in my observation, the ones sticking their heads purposely where reality doesn't shine in. Not only is it false that ALL women demanded to be treated a DIFFERENT way than before, it isn't even true that the people leading the 'rebellion" demanded strict equality of every detail. What the social "revolts" of that era were about, was one central thing: to try to put an end to everyone being REQUIRED to obey the one set of social rules. In the case of the women, the goal was NEVER a demand that all women now behave like males, buy their own food and so on. It was that they would no longer be RESTRICTED socially, to playing that one subservient secondary reactive role. That's it. Might as well pretend that the American Revolution was fought to make sure that no one from here EVER AGAIN visited England, or spoke with a British accent. Sheesh. |
Sex as hygiene 😊
Sorry, I don't understand the point you intend to make.
Definition of Hygiene: "conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness." How does that translate to your claim that "sex acts as hygiene"? Are you suggesting that sexual interactions lead directly to cleanliness somehow? If so, I've never experienced or witnessed such. |
How to Change Your Username:
From a PC: Account > Edit profile > About You > Username From a mobile device: M2Site > Fullsite > Profile > Edit Profile > General > Username |
Super Dating Sunday
I'd bet on "first Sunday following New Years Resolution to get out more."
There's actually some basic math and common human behavior behind that common online phenomenon.
Since the people who DO read your profile and make a logical judicious decision about it are always more likely to NOT contact you, but the people who simply splash the same message out to everyone they see, without bothering to read profiles, the non-readers will accordingly outnumber the readers. Imagine a world where there were no holes in the screening of a website like this, and everyone is genuine (never happened in the world of software for many good reasons). Now imagine there are a hundred people in your area who do read profiles, and who only message people who they think will work out, and a hundred who just message everyone who shows up, without looking. Even with odds that good (fifty-fifty readers versus spammers), you'll get 100 messages from the spammers, and only a tiny few from the thoughtful people who read. It isn't that the spammers necessarily wildly outnumber the good people, it's that their behavior causes you to be aware of ALL of them, while you will only see a small percentage of the ones who think and read. |
One does not exclude the other. Posing the same question to you nickistaken, The conflict of interest, is that science pronounces fact based on scientific evidence, Religion asserts truth often based on faith. Where is the middle ground? My favorite quote that I think applies is this: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" All you have to do, is substitute Science for Caesar,and you've got the balance point. I'm not trying to be difficult Igor. I'm just seeking clarification when I ask the following question.. What belongs exclusively to God/religion that Science can't infiltrate and what belongs exclusively to Science that God /religion can't infiltrate? It's a little bit like the long-term conundrum between the church and the state. Understand my confusion? Sure. It's a matter of how you approach the question, and what your expectations are about it. If you want, in advance, to have a narrowly defined borderline drawn around each and every issue or concern that might come up, then you'll have a LOT of work on your hands. Mainly because the amount of education you'll need in scientific and religious areas alone, will take you at least decades, before you could begin to make advance decisions. What I'm talking about, more or less, is that science deals with human understanding of the mechanical world around us. Wherever it is possible for humans to find functional certainty in this world, science will give us the answers (eventually). There are areas that science can't function in. Faith about MEANING OF EXISTENCE, for example, can't be addressed via the scientific method. If, for a simple example from the past, where someone declared that god lived in a visible palace on top of a certain mountain that no one could climb, and was using weather to communicate complicated detailed instructions to the people below. When scientists and technologists manage to actually see the top of the mountain and reveal no visible palace, and further document how the physics of climate and terrain are what causes the weather to be as it is, then the science will be recognized to take precedence over the imagination of the person who thought up the god to explain things. But explaining that rain or snow is NOT a detailed message from a god, does not prove that there is no reason to behave well, or to bit behave well. That remains outside of the scope of physics and other natural sciences. |
One does not exclude the other. Posing the same question to you nickistaken, The conflict of interest, is that science pronounces fact based on scientific evidence, Religion asserts truth often based on faith. Where is the middle ground? My favorite quote that I think applies is this: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" All you have to do, is substitute Science for Caesar,and you've got the balance point. |
First Love
In retrospect, I'm not sure.
I changed several times, in what I thought of things I felt about the opposite sex. I started wanting a girlfriend, when I was in kindergarten. Not for sex, of course, I wasn't even aware of sex as a thing, until much much later. I was too shy by far, to act on my attractions at all, until I was in high school. Even then, I'm not sure that most of my relationships constituted being "in love." Not the way that so many people describe it. I've only had the "fun" version of being in love a couple of times, and neither relationship went anywhere. My longest relationships (five years and twenty) were so fraught with anxiety and confusion, I'm really not sure that being "in love" played more than a fleeting part in them. |
The information you've supplied so far, isn't sufficient for a logical deduction.
You've said that there was "no bad blood" at the first meetup after the breakup, that you think she is "shy" in some way, and pretty much nothing else. You say she "went cold on you" after seeing you in person, but your conclusions about that look to be your assumptions and guesses about why she behaved however she did, and not actual confirmed facts. You haven't said why things didn't work, why you broke up, or who initiated the break. I have no desire to pry into your personal life, but the questions you are asking require that kind of information, in order to do anything more than guess crudely, based on entirely unsupported assumptions of our own. For example, I've known lots of people who were described as "shy," or even "cold," who I experienced differently. Some only seemed shy to one person, because that person was so bombastically outgoing, that they thought anyone who didn't shout during every conversation, was "shy." Overall, the most common GENERAL reason why I've witnessed men or women (or whatever) recontact each other after a firm breakup, has been for "test" purposes. Usually NOT because they wanted to get back together, usually they were testing to reassure themselves about having decided correctly about the ending of the relationship altogether. Sort of saying to themselves, after a short interaction "yep, that's who I thought they were, and that's what I thought I felt about them." |
Sooooo....are you claiming that any proposal that doesn't demand immediate reversal of 100% of all problematic behaviors, is meaningless and or a deception?
We aren't allowed to traverse a distance by taking steps towards a desired destination? We must leap only? |
I am related t people who worked for the CIA, and I know them to be among the most honorable people on the planet. So IF someone actually worked for the CIA, and couldn't tell me about their work, I would probably be fine with it.
On the other hand, as motowndowntown says, it would be a bit suspicious for someone to say THAT on a first date or first meet, if it were actually true. By the way, there are LOTS of CIA jobs that require high security clearances and firm secrecy, that have nothing to do with anything dangerous or weird, or disturbing. |
too busy?
Reported the guy with the multiple profiles yesterday evening.. They are all still there....guess the mods were busy celebrating/ took the day off....LOL Just an fyi reminder, multiple profile reports do NOT go to the moderators, nor do we have the power to deal with them. Admin does that, separate from what we do, which JUST has to do with the forums. |
When I was a forum mod a couple of years ago, it was not acceptable to have the puppy or cat or any other animal face look as the main profile pic. But now I see them posting in the forums, so perhaps they changed the rules. Personally I don't like them specially on middle aged people. It is fun but not as main profile pic on a dating site. Happy New Year Bob! They are still against the rules. We delete them as soon as we see them, and notify the users that they can not use them as primary pics. But we only control the ones that show up in the forums, so you might find one otherwise that we never see. |