Community > Posts By > sahil_231090

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 09/23/09 07:40 AM
depends who is right if Pakistan have a legit reason i will suppr\ort them and stand against india.
my point being i will stand by that side which according to me is the right one not just making decisions on the fact of which part of land i am from.

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 09/23/09 07:31 AM
well this is my big post on mingle hope i get a good response!!

patriotism the word itself tells us that a person should be proud of his/her country . but my question is why? doesn't it evoke prejudice towards a person of the same nationality. shouldn't a person be judged only on the bases or his/her merit should we join UN peacekeeping forces instead of armies. what is even more surprising is the way people openly discriminate on this grounds. i am from india and it is one of the most patriotic country which is Hippocratic as they will cheer india in any sport despite no knowledge but still will not pay tax and other things as follows rules. now it's not respecting your country that is a problem when i say i am not proud to be an indian doesnt mean that i am ashamed to be one. sure i would no doubt prefer to be born in a country like the US. so give me your views people i would prefer any response which add to my understanding of the world.

thank you

sahil_231090's photo
Sat 09/19/09 02:32 AM
i think most females play video games the way it should be having fun i know a couple of friends (male) who will be cursing at the tv filled with a competion drive and ready to smash the tv when they lose . you get better competition playing with them but if you play with femles you may end up getting somthing nothing else can match:wink:

sahil_231090's photo
Fri 09/18/09 03:33 AM
its awesome if your girlfriend can play videos games get your virtual *** kicked is any day better than shopping or talking!!

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 09/16/09 06:38 AM
wow this thread is really turning into a battle guess i'll give my 2 cents on the topic as well

lets see making fun on sad topics has had a fair share of contriversy but are we actully doing that here.we are not making fun of the dead but kanye west, he did somthing stupid and everyone is making fun of it . why are people laughing at these pics it's not because they think that 9/11 was funny but at the hypothetical situation created in which the stupidity of kanye is shown.

in short joke is on kanye not on 9/11 or patrick swayze.

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 09/16/09 06:25 AM
super funny!! laugh laugh laugh

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 09/16/09 03:23 AM
well you do say in your profile that you are not on this site very often but then again there is no reason people wont be flocking around you.

sahil_231090's photo
Wed 09/16/09 03:10 AM
thank you all very much :smile: :smile:

sahil_231090's photo
Tue 09/15/09 08:33 AM
well been here for about a week i know it needs photo's but beside that how is it?

sahil_231090's photo
Tue 09/15/09 08:31 AM
oh come on nobody wants to welcome me!! :(

sahil_231090's photo
Tue 09/15/09 03:49 AM
i agree 100%

windows 7 = fast + secure + nice UI
it has the benifits of vista and xp

sahil_231090's photo
Tue 09/15/09 03:42 AM
joined here about a week ago and wanted to say hi to everyone hope i meet some great people and 1 special person.

sahil_231090's photo
Mon 09/14/09 05:56 AM
welcome to the site
i am new here also

sahil_231090's photo
Mon 09/14/09 02:39 AM

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