Community > Posts By > Treehugger2009

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Sun 09/13/09 07:44 AM
A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape...
but a woman of strength kneels in prayer to keep her soul in shape...

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything...
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear...

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her...
but a woman of strength gives the best of her to everyone...

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future...
a woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them...

A strong woman walks sure footedly...
but a woman of strength knows God will catch her when she falls...

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face...
but a woman of strength wears grace...

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey...
but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong...

I daily continue to try to be both a strong woman and a woman of strength…

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Sun 09/13/09 07:36 AM
We must learn to walk in balance
sacred steps to take
Weaving peace and understanding
through all that we create

A tapestry of love and light
finest threads of gold
Sacred flame ever burning bright
through all that we behold

When we learn to walk in balance
the healing will take place
The healing of this earth our mother
the healing of the human race

A tapestry of love and light finest threads of gold
sacred flame ever burning bright
through all that we behold.

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Sun 09/13/09 07:27 AM
Once upon a time there was a fish called Wanda. Wanda was a beautiful shiny fish with a lovely tail and large pectoral fins. Wanda swam in a sea know as “The Sea of Contentment”. Wanda was a fairly happy fish until one day her swimming partner decided to swim in another ocean called “The Ocean of the Uncommitted”. Wanda was left all alone. So Wanda decided to find a new partner to swim with. She chose an ocean called “The Ocean of Plenty”. When she first started to swim in the “Ocean of Plenty”, Wanda was taken aback by the sheer volume of other fish. There were all kinds of fish – big ones, small ones, ones with lots of color, ones that moved fast and others that lingered leisurely along. Wanda decided to meet up with some of these other fish. The first fish that Wanda met was called a shark. This was a big strong looking fish that swam confidently and without fear of the other fish. Wanda was impressed. The shark looked at Wanda and saw that she was unaccustomed to swimming in his ocean. The shark liked that. He coddled up to Wanda and made her feel comfortable. Wanda liked the attention. Then one day while Wanda was not looking, the shark snapped at her. Wanda quickly realized the shark was not as he appeared. He was mean and vicious and only wanted to eat Wanda. Wanda swam as fast as she could away from the shark. Wanda said she was lucky she found out about the shark before it was too late. The next fish Wanda came across was called a blow fish. This was a nice looking fish and Wanda thought to herself “why is he called a blow fish”. Wanda swam along with the blow fish and felt very comfortable with him. Then without notice the blow fish began to fill up and become very large and grotesque. She asked why are you becoming so large. The blow fish answered Wanda by saying “to impress you of course”. Wanda said you look ugly and you are not what you appear. The blow fish said “it works with the other fish”. Wanda swam away. The next fish Wanda encountered was called a barracuda. Wanda was very impressed. The barracuda was sleek and colorful. The barracuda swam very fast and dashed around Wanda. Wanda thought to herself - this is nice. The barracuda is young and will be a great swimming partner for a long time. Shortly after meeting the barracuda, Wanda noticed the barracuda was eying a school of young Angel fish. Wanda asked “why are you looking at those other fish, you are supposed to be with me”. The barracuda answered by saying “I’m just looking”. Wanda was happy. A few days passed and the barracuda said to Wanda he needed to go see a friend of his. Wanda said “hurry back” but the barracuda went away for a long time. Wanda went looking for the barracuda and while looking came across the school of Angel fish again. Low and behold, there was the barracuda too. He was trying to impress the Angel fish by darting in and out of a coral reef. Wanda realized the barracuda had lied to her and she decided to leave the barracuda to his games. Wanda became very depressed. And then without warning, a grouper happened along. The grouper was very ordinary looking. He didn’t have nice fins and moved rather somberly. Wanda was not impressed. But the grouper came up to Wanda and asked her if she’d like to join him. Wanda thought to herself it would help pass the time if nothing else until something more vibrant came along. Wanda and the grouper swam side by side. As Wanda swam along with the grouper she realized he was a nice fish. He wasn’t as confident as the shark, or as boisterous as the blow fish, and certainly not as sleek and fast as the barracuda – and yet he was comfortable to be with. Wanda started to warm up to the grouper. And as Wanda became more comfortable with the grouper, the grouper opened up and told Wanda of all the things he had seen and all the oceans he had swam in. Wanda was mesmorized. Could this simple looking grouper be the fish I will swim with for evermore? Wanda swam along and forgot all about the shark, the blow fish, and the barracuda. She had found her “Sea of Contentment” once more.

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Sun 09/13/09 07:13 AM
Are you anxious about a new adventure? New adventures make every nervous. When you reach beyond your comfort zone, away from what’s familiar and comfortable, anxious feelings are inevitable.

At such times, remember, fear is connected with joy.

We need new experiences to keep our minds and hearts fresh. We need new opportunities to feed the creativity of our souls. We need new adventures for personal growth.

Recognize that, through these experiences, you discover new parts of yourself. You might just reveal strength, courage and resilience you didn’t know you had…

And how great is THAT ??

So, reach past your fear and celebrate what your new adventures may bring!

There is no silver platter or silver spoon with my name on it. If I sit around waiting for the dues I expect from life, I will be waiting forever and end up with nothing but disappointment and regret.

Instead, I am grateful for the fact that my life is what I make it. I will relish and rejoice in the power I hold in my own two hands. I am the one that can go out and make things happen. I will dare to seize new opportunities and enjoy the satisfaction they bring.

I alone hold the pen that will write my life story…so I will start a brilliant new chapter…

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Sat 09/12/09 05:02 PM
Ok...Got the message..(s). Like I said...Utterly Fascinating...Thx!

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Sat 09/12/09 08:07 AM


My fault...I forgot that not everyone can take a light hearted joke. I should have mentioned that I was only joking. So I do apologize. But in no way in my post did I insult you. So maybe you are the one that lacking manners.

Also, I'm not quite sure what you mean by saying that I'm not in your league. Please do explain.


Insinuating someone is a liar…which you did-dah…IS…an insult and no joking matter. It’s an affront to one’s character and integrity. Even being unfamiliar with the rules of engagement on this public forum, I am capable of recognizing rudeness and disrespect when I read/see it…and should not be tolerated…anywhere. Regarding my “league” reference, it should have been self-explanatory.

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Fri 09/11/09 03:20 PM

Aw cynicisms…must be difficult (or easy depending on how you look at it, I guess) to be so jaded and judgmental. Not to mention basically calling someone you know NOTHING about a liar. Perhaps the lack of manners has to do with immaturity or upbringing. Either way, kiddo, you’re not in my league!

But, a HUGE thank you to all who are gracious and welcoming!! And yes, I won the bet and the race is on!

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Fri 09/11/09 02:53 PM
Howdy All! Joined this site on a dare a few days ago...been browsing site/forums since and have found some unbelievable posts. Should be an interesting ride!

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