Community > Posts By > FriendsFirstKim

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 07/13/07 06:44 AM
Having one of those days as well and could not have said it all better myself.....hang in there it has to get better, smile thru the anger or frustration....a better day is just over the horizon :)

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 07/12/07 04:19 PM
Nice....very nice....

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 07/12/07 03:23 PM
Thanks you TxsGal it is exciting and he is a wonderful man. I hope so too :)

Thank you LaMom for the good luck wish

Nancy, I guess it is kind of both a love letter and a poem...he is sleeping right now from working nights and I wanted to have someone special for him when he wakes up. We are both so freaking excited about tomorrow....

Thanks Jay it is neat....happy you think so as well.

All I know is we have both been beside ourselves this week. Happy....anxious....smiling....planning....counting....laughing...dreaming.....and no matter what happens....we are both incredible friends....that is where we started...

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 07/12/07 02:45 PM
Very nice, soft and tender....nice one I like it alot. Good job.

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 07/12/07 02:38 PM
My Farmboy

My Farmboy… my night in shinning armor
Driving from Wisconsin to Michigan for hours
Coming to be with me at last
Waiting and wondering a thing of the past
For this day we have been waiting and counting down the sleeps
Soon I will be his and he will be mine hopefully for keeps
Anxiously we await this coming Friday night
Finally to kiss and hold each other tight
We started off as friends 20 emails at a time
Who ever knew this man would be mine
One more sleep my Cowboy… my Farmboy…. my Love….
And you will be riding into this town as I’m watching the stars above
Holding and hugging and kissing never wanting to stop
Feeling like we started at the bottom of a mountain….now on the top
Looking out from the top seeing our future what will it be…..
We have to wait til Friday night then we will see
Again I say one more sleep my love….my Andy…..
Yippe Yahooie Friendsfirstkim is getting more then just man candy
Honey you are more of a man then I ever dreamed could be mine
I promise to love you and cherish you til the end of time……
Tomorrow my love
One more sleep
love :smile: flowerforyou :wink: happy :tongue:

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Sun 07/08/07 08:35 PM
Life at times is about risk. Nothing risked nothing gained. You just have to be cautious and be able to feel it out. I met the love of my life online many years ago. We were together for a darn long time. He was in Michigan and I was in Maine at the time. Now here I am again. And yes I will do it again. Just be careful and make sure you take your time......

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 07/06/07 09:36 PM
That was uplifting....we all need that....thank you :)

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 07/06/07 09:34 PM well written....I really enjoyed it several times....

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 07/06/07 04:12 PM
Wayyyy too many to list :) but here are a few he he.....
Black label society
Breaking Benjamin
AC/DC yesss the will never get old
Nickleback to relax....and once in a while like today lol....sappy old love song artists or 70's groups....but 99% of the can hear me coming down the road ROCKIN HARD!!!!
There are a few for you lol

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Wed 07/04/07 04:35 AM
So true in most cases.....I totally agree....I liked it!

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:10 PM
oops found typo....should have been
If we can't trust the ones we care for lol.....sorry :(

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:09 PM

They rip through out life
Causing so much strife
Like the wind in a storm
A lie can take that form
Leaving a trail of pain
Never to be trusted again
Losing the love of your life
A hopeful husband or wife
That is what lies can do…….

A simple white lie
Will it slip by
Or destroy all you treasure
A lies damage is hard to measure
It can cost you so much
Your loves trust or their touch
So look in the mirror and ask yourself this
Is it worth loosing love, a life filled with bliss
That is what lies can do……

If we can trust the ones we care for
Loneliness is what we have in store
You will lose them in a blink of an eye
Just because you were stupid and lied
Honesty is the only way to live
Remember in life you get what you give
So what do you want a life full of lies
Get ready to say over and over goodbyes
No one stays with someone who lies….
That is what lies can do…..

Had a rough day.....hope everyone else's was better :) It is so great to be able to pop out a poem and let go....
I appreciate each and everyone of you!!

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 06/29/07 06:49 PM
I loved it...The passion and the love just oozes from this makes you feel the love you are feeling. This is what everyone should have....
Incredible..thank you for sharing.

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 06/29/07 01:42 PM
My gosh this one rips at my heart...not just at the thought of you crying but anyone crying and feeling so alone...why can't I save the world from such pain....why....ohh I feel a poem coming on lol.....
I love you baby...

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 06/29/07 01:36 PM
Okay see what happens when we read sad poems that someone else has written LOL....this happened to me yesterday....Nice job....I really enjoyed it. It is a keeper :)

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 06/29/07 08:05 AM
Thanks Raindrops for the lucky lady comment...I say that to myself and to Farmboy did I get so lucky??

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Fri 06/29/07 08:03 AM
I love this one babe....I remember when you shared it with me....I love did I get this lucky.....I never felt so loved in my life :)
yours 4 ever

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 06/28/07 07:54 PM
I am the lucky lady....and I love the way he spells beauty....buity...I love everything about this man.....hey in poetry we don't have to spell correctly we can express our feelings and spell and create however we wish....that is the buity of poetry.....

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 06/28/07 07:49 PM
Just to let everyone know....I was inspired to write this poem after reading a friends poem made me sad....and I was thinking of lost loves, forbidden loves, or love that just isn't going to work out and you see that but wish what you see was different. My love and I are doing great!! I am the luckiest woman in the world and Farmboy and I are fine....He has stole my heart, even though I must admitt I think I gave it away before he ever tried to steal it.....
Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting on my first poem posted...

FriendsFirstKim's photo
Thu 06/28/07 10:10 AM
I see him I want him but he is just taboo
Knowing in my heart he will never be true

Can I change him, make life better,

But he is so handsome, full or whit and charm
Listen carefully do I hear the alarm

I look in his eyes as they draw me in
Stop look away before he wins

It is not that he is bad, just sad and confused
I don’t want to jump in and just be used

Will I help him, make his life better

Life is to short to keep settling for less
It just ends up in a huge mess

Be aware of my own wants and needs
Don’t hook up with someone who will want to be free

I see something there, that pulls at my heart
Yet I see that red flag right from the start

Would he love me, make my life better

So my search goes on like a river flows
Will I ever find him, who knows……

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