Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Wed 01/19/11 12:10 PM
What's in a picture, a thousand words?
Whilst dating a girl's best girlfriend that ran a models' booking agency and after having met the models with the WOW look in photos hung about the hallway wall, I realized that they were more "Rin Tin Tin" in person than "ring-a-ding-ding" as in their pictures. The camera lens can be very kind or unkind, just look at the pic on your drives licence, chances are that it's not the least bit flattering but rather an amusing conversation piece and utter disappointment.

On a personal note I've found that no matter what I say or look like, I still continue to attract the wrong type of women anyway.frustrated

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Mon 01/17/11 11:27 AM
The truth will set you free. It will bring closure and peace of mind.
Don't beat about, get to the heart of the matter and get it out.

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Fri 01/14/11 01:01 PM

Politically correct.... yeah when trees fart

They actually believed it was the tree? Good job man!

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Fri 01/14/11 09:14 AM
The joyrides were great. I really liked the part where she sat on my bumper 'til I tooted my horn.

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Fri 01/14/11 05:34 AM
My heart stolen? It's like some '80s rusted out Chevy Nova or Dodge Dart, keys in it, idling curbside, everyone walks by. Darn thing has been out on several long joy rides but never stolen.laugh

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Tue 01/04/11 12:31 PM
I know nothing of deer here, this is an urban invironment.
I did run into a dear, she gave me a goose!

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Sun 12/05/10 03:33 PM
I ran across an article in the Toronto Star entitled, "Squeeze A Geizer", the gist of which is that, at age 55 men become sexually “Invisible” to women. The upside of the piece hints at the fact that "geizers'" are more attentive, perhaps better than a younger man in many ways from experience.
I used to think that I was invincable, now I find myself feeling invisable, LMAO!
I would very much like to know your opinion on this topic, thankyou.

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Mon 11/02/09 07:57 PM
I drink a lot of water every day and some days a little whiskey, but I'd never put any water in my whiskey.

Kissed_by_a_rose's photo
Mon 09/28/09 08:41 PM
Value judgements all those adjectives that dwell in the grey area betwwen beauty and ugly. Flatery will get you somewhere, I'd like to hear more, keep it coming. I'll trake it like a poloroid-picture!

Just a thought; Is someone commenting that you've got a pretty face, thinking kiss and someone that says sexy face is thinking more carnal?
When someone tells me that I've got a pretty or sexy face, I'm thinking "The light can't be that bad in here"