Community > Posts By > Rosehaven

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/26/09 11:11 AM

I'm wondering if this will be any good:

Llewellyn is pleased to present a new Scott Cunningham book—a long-lost Book of Shadows. Recently discovered in a battered manila envelope, this previously unpublished manuscript was penned by Scott in the late 1970s or early 1980s. This rare book includes original spells, rituals, and invocations and an herbal grimoire. Featured in the design are Scott's actual hand-written notes and hand-drawn signs, symbols, and runes.

More than ten years after his passing, Scott Cunningham is still an iconic and highly regarded figure in the magical community. His books on Wicca are considered classics, and his writings continue to inspire and inform those new to the Craft.

Thank-you Ruth for this information! I was not sure if it was a new book or a re-release. I am looking forward to reading it,Cunningham is one of my favorite authors and a staple reference guide for any solitary practioner!

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/26/09 11:03 AM
It is a bummer being alone on holidays! I find doing volunteer work helps;work at the local food pantry delivering food baskets, meals-on-wheels drops off hot meals to shut ins and elderly,work at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.Volunteer at a nursing home or hospice. There is always someone worse off,sometimes its hard to remember the blessings we do have.

Rosehaven's photo
Fri 09/25/09 07:29 PM

Hello Wiccans.i'm hopping you're all not mute out there or maybe we don't have some here.If there's some here open your the way,i'm one B-)

I'm Wiccan and proud of it! Practicing solitary for 20 years now here in NH.Welcome and blessed be. flowerforyou

Rosehaven's photo
Sun 09/20/09 09:39 AM

I have breastfed my baby since she was born, occasionally I did with formula. But, now I am taking my anti-anxiety pill and I can no longer breastfed. I gave her the bottle with formula and she won't take it, what do I do?

Did you start the pills already? It would have been good to have pumped some milk into bottles before you did. That would encourage the baby to drink from the bottle more easily. Then you could eventually make the drink 1/2 mama and 1/2 formula and decrease until she gets used to the different flavor.

The baby is used to having steak and now she doesn't want the hamburger. lol

You're from St. Louis. There are places to call for advice. My mom used to work for HDC - Human Development Agency. They have the WIC program and there are lactation consultants to talk to at WIC.

I'm with Winx on callin WIC an askin for the LC. OR ask to speak with a Brestfeedin Peer Counselor:thumbsup: If ur a WIC client the LC will actually do a home visit if needed. :thumbsup:

Very good advice! Here is a bit more from someone who has worked as a Maternal/Child Health Nurse. Switch to a Playtex nurser as well as one of their brand/style pacifiers. This will help the baby get use to sucking on the different shape. If your baby doesn't like the formula you are using try switching brands or consider goat's milk. You might also consider trying some herbal treatments for yourself that are safe with breastfeeding. Consult a certified herbalist in your area,or check back with your OB-GYN to see if they have a midwife who can help you with this. Many of them are schooled in herbals. Definitely call on WIC,local VNA to see if they have a well child clinic and or a lactation consultant. Above all else,STAY CALM! Get comfy,snuggle,sing to your baby,what ever is comforting and relaxing for the both of you and then introduce the bottle. Good luck to you and remember to be good to yourself at this time too! :)

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/19/09 10:15 AM

I see a fundamental problem with all the “legal” definitions of death.

If it is defined as “cessation of heart function” (for instance) then is the exact time of death time of the instant following the last heartbeat, in which case the inactivity of the heart in between heartbeats would qualify as “death”. Or is it the instant when the next heartbeat should have occurred? In other words, is the person still alive up until the time when the next heartbeat fails to happen? If so, how long do you wait for the next heartbeat before you proclaim him dead?

I only use this as an example to illustrate that a definition of death will necessarily always have some gray area when it is based on physilogical phenomena.

If this helps at all... I am a registered nurse and in my state we are allowed to pronounce at an expected death. Our guidelines and protocols state we must assess for absence of respirations and heartbeats for a full minute before we can call it. We also check for lack of blood pressure and pupil response. If all of these are a big negative we can call time of death.
Our heartbeats occur as the result of blood being taken in and squeezed out of one chamber of the heart to the other. Its a big muscle contracting and relaxing.There is constant activity going on within that vessel that can be shown on a cardiac monitor.Just because you can feel a pause between beats doesn't mean death. Many things are happening in your heart on that down beat and you are very much alive.

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/19/09 10:01 AM
Hi NH guys and gals,just wondering what some of you are going to dress up like this Halloween? It's my favorite time of year and I love some of the great costumes! I'm going to be a witch;I have a fabulous hat and a sexy black dress and cape.

Rosehaven's photo
Sun 09/13/09 11:12 AM
I always read the profile before IM or email,but,I know exactly what you mean. I've been on the receiving end of some of those emails and IMs too and it's a pain in the butt! What's even worse is when you POLITELY reply that's not what you are looking for the guy gets pissy about it! Come on gentlemen,show some class! Or at least learn to look before you leap!

Rosehaven's photo
Sun 09/13/09 07:36 AM
Wham-"Wake Me Up Before You Go-go"

Rosehaven's photo
Wed 09/09/09 05:56 PM
I love Bones too! Angel is so cute,no,wait,wrong show! No right show differant charecter.Hmm,confused,Whatever,David Boreanez is hot no matter what the hell ya want to call him!:tongue:

Rosehaven's photo
Mon 09/07/09 07:31 AM
You seem like a nice young man Justin so here are a few sugestions; stop with the quirky poses in your pics,have a friend take a few candid shots of you and post those.Also,the naked or near naked bathroom shots are just kinda creepy to us girls and a bit of a turn off. We know you guys like to admire it in the mirror,no need to share it. lol! Also I like the lines about being raised by the women in your life and how that makes you a good listener. BUT go on less about how any girl will do and what a great friend and listener you always are.You come across as the ideal friend not boyfriend. Tell the girls what your favorite date night is,hobbies outside the home,romantic trip destination.Brag a little,be in charge and tell the girls where you are going to romance them. You are a cutie,now if I was only 15 years younger! :)

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/05/09 06:17 PM
I'm here in beautiful down town Hampton!flowerforyou

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:06 PM
OK,I've got my date. Who else is going to be brave and ask a NH girl out for a stroll on the beach and a lobster roll?

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:05 PM
I'm trying the forum route now too,let's see if it works!good luck!

Rosehaven's photo
Sat 09/05/09 07:28 AM
Hey who's going to the seafood festival next weekend? It's always lots of fun and plenty of interesting sights. The food from The Beach Plum,No. Hampton and The Galley Hatch,Hampton is sooo good! Would be a fun first date,anyone feeling brave?

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