Community > Posts By > ELLENLEE

ELLENLEE's photo
Sat 09/05/09 09:58 PM

There's been way too much seriousness goin on 'round here!

I say it's 'bout time for some silly stoopidness :banana: :banana:

This makes me giggle everytime I look at it

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Thanks, needed a good laugh!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 04:14 AM
Edited by ELLENLEE on Thu 09/03/09 04:16 AM

Nah, go ahead and tell her she's a fatass. Women absolutely love to hear they're a porker. Then let us know how it went......when you get out of intensive care.

Now there's a man who knows women!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:45 AM

I wonder if this chic is on another site posting on a forum.

I can see it now.

Subject - "How do I tell him?"

"So I'm playing this guy right, used him for meaningless sex just to get myself off, a lot of work. I had to do everything. I even threw in the fact that I really missed him just so I could keep him around in case I want to use his kawk as a massage rod again this week instead of my toy. But, how do I tell him that he needs to take the Xtenze pill? Is there a right time or do I just leave it for what it is?"


and all the girls are high fiving her and telling her to dump his loser a$$laugh

Yeah, guys, there are some things worse than a few extra pounds. Those can be corrected, other things can't...:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:38 AM

I am 40 and in the desert in Iraq. I have lived in many places and have dated some of the best. But in searching deeply within myself about my perfect wife....She must have kids, want them, or at least without a doubt love them unconditionally. I have a beautiful 16 year old daughter Madi. Her Mom Stacy is a great friend of mine. We dated very, very briefly before Madison was born and none since. But we've raised a lovely well-balanced child in this world of broken homes/families. Stacy and I have always built one another up and we took care of Madi. Women who don't want children or the responsibility or whatever just come up short in my book. Your pal and mine, John:banana:

Understand that everyone is not cut out to be a mother. It takes a great deal of inner strength for a woman to admit that with society's viewpoint on the purpose of a woman. Cut them a break and respect the fact that they are introspective enough to know what they can or can't do or will or won't do. Doesn't make them less of a person.

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:32 AM
Edited by ELLENLEE on Thu 09/03/09 03:33 AM
Wow!! I hate to date myself, but things are nutz out here nowadays!

sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2

Thank god we have people like this young man to step in and do the right thing!

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:22 AM
State of insomnia! Feels like I'll ever sleep again!!

ohwell ohwell grumble grumble

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:19 AM
Well, is it gone yet?smokin drinker smokin drinker

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:18 AM
Thanks, you guys are great company!

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:15 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou :cry: :cry:

Thanks for the support, guys. It's been a long, lonely night for some reason. Glad I can come here and chat.

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:05 AM
Thanks everyone...Hope I get the hang of it, don't want to hold you up!

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:04 AM
Thanks flowers

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 03:00 AM
But I agree and hate it when someone tries to mess with my head. Hate it more that I allow it to happen. Then it makes you a hard, untrusting person and that's not good.

ohwell ohwell ohwell ohwell

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 02:58 AM

pfft...i'm feeling the same way about guys...

All people are capable of playing games, but it takes 2 to play a game and when you don't play into it, they get tired and go away eventually.

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 02:29 AM
I'm new here. It seems to be a fun place. Hope I get the hang of it.

yawn yawn yawn

ELLENLEE's photo
Thu 09/03/09 02:23 AM
frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

I'm new here and don't quite know how this works, so bear with me?

ELLENLEE's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:25 PM
Best thing I ever did was to move somewhere where the casinos are several hours away. In KC they were only 20 minutes away!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

ELLENLEE's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:23 PM
In fact, I usually never got out the door with most of my winnings!

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears tears

ELLENLEE's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:22 PM
Pay some bills would be the wise thing to do! Not that I ever did anything wise with my winnings!frustrated

ELLENLEE's photo
Tue 09/01/09 08:26 PM
I'm new here. Lost my husband 5years ago and just now getting back into the swing of things. It took much longer than I thought!:smile:

ELLENLEE's photo
Tue 09/01/09 02:48 AM
I'm in a state of disbelief that we are up at this time, for what?

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