Community > Posts By > Gary42Single

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Mon 08/24/09 11:52 AM
Most mothers get on with it, and dont ask for help as they get on with it as most mothers do.

If she chooses to keep it then she is confident in her ability to provide clothes, shelter, and child costs free from asking the state to provide any help.

If not she is choosing to burden those people who work with her costs, when those people paying those costs may want a kid but cannot afford it, and as such it's cruel to ask taxpayers to foot the bill for her unborn baby.

Life is full of choices, she made her choice and good on her providing she can afford it.

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Mon 08/24/09 11:46 AM
Two sides to every story people, I would love to hear the man's side, before I wrap someone up in cotton wool and go there there.

Takes two to tango so I am always told, so before we get to ahead of ourselves let's consider that she could have tried to trap the guy in order to get a free ride in life, and also worth considering how many guys bring up kids on there own.

So lets not be quick to rush around with sympathy and cups of coffee and open cheque books, best think before you leap.

Bet the woman in USA who had 6 kids is reaping the rewards for healthcare and television add's and advertising, me been around to long to feel sorry for people who had options but chose not to use them.

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Mon 08/24/09 11:15 AM
Perhaps you could consider the following options if you find it to hard.

1) Abortion
2) Adoption
3) Foster Care

AS I said there are a multitude of support people out there for single mothers, who dont use protection and risk HIV.

Or you could have the baby and be a mother and get on with it, without needing help as most mothers do.

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Sat 08/22/09 08:06 AM

The Stats are avaliable here, but I shall post the calculation of over 35% in a few hours, I am not in denial I am single and through choice.

However, others may not see that I really do beleive in freedom of speech, and as such I am entitled to voice in this forum my opinion.

And as you are all aware a forum is where everything is for debate.

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Sat 08/22/09 07:53 AM
by Cheryl Macdonald
A study released last month by Liverpool John Moores University in England suggests that 1 in 25 fathers could unknowingly be raising another man’s child. The study concludes that 4 percent of all men are unwittingly bringing up a child they have not fathered.

If you have mathemathics background you can take entire population and transpose that into a %, Think you will find my inital figure was slightly under.

Benefit = Ones actions to better their own life and that of the society in which they live, the total benefit received should be based on their own contribution towards society.

Todays benefit = A total disregard of society, and the ability to seek benefit through their own mistakes and have society take care of so made mistakes through hard working tax payers. (This is not a benefit it's a human rights went wrong)

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Sat 08/22/09 07:44 AM
Facts to back them up

What I forgot to say was the abuse and the brazen manipulation of our benefits system - never more apparent than this week when a new report claimed that half of all single mothers don't want to work and, in fact, they point-blank refuse to work.

Never mind that this Government has spent £3.4billion in an at tempt to encourage them back. Never mind that Gordon's tax credit benefits pump £16billion into the pockets of the lower paid and are hideously biased in favour of single mums. And while I'm not saying that every single mum should have her benefits withdrawn, I AM saying that having a child shouldn't be an automatic opt out of the workplace for life.

Parents should expect to spend around £180,137 on their child from birth until the age of 21 with education and childcare costs responsible for a 9 per cent jump since last year.

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Sat 08/22/09 07:18 AM
In the UK Women have all the rights, guys are just well here to work and pay the bills.

Ia m single becuase she was asked to leave, so not a problem there,
So I am cool chap but I cant stand women beating up on guys when it's totally cruel to do so.

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