The Dumbing of America
You have got to be kidding? The republicans I know consider her a quitter.
The Dumbing of America
Edited by
Sat 10/17/09 02:09 AM
Just take his comment about Republicans being uneducated. Nothing but lefty rhetoric. You can find stupid people in both parties.
The Dumbing of America
Most Republicans I know are not religious at all.
The Dumbing of America
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 03:49 PM
Yeah, the author is a far leftist from Berkeley who probably doesn't know a real conservative. Most of the article is building strawman and burning it. Boring as hell.
White House war on Fox News
Not waiting to make us pay taxes for it.
I wonder if some of the cheerleaders for socialized medicine work or pay for private insurance?
"Except that not all people will be able to afford health insurance still. Even when our economy was booming there are those who cannot afford health care. So you still did not solve this problem with your "solution". "
Frankly, the Baucus bill still leaves people out in the cold. Government regulation has already driven up the cost and the current proposals will drive it up further. The solution is not more government interference and regulation in the US. It drives up the cost of care. France and most of Europe face reform or bankrupcy. Odd that Europe is trying to find it's way out of universal health care while we seem determined to go down the same crazy path. The high cost of health services regulation is responsible for more than seven million Americans lacking health insurance, or one in six of the average daily uninsured. Moreover, 4,000 more Americans die every year from costs associated with health services regulation (22,000) than from lack of health insurance (18,000). The annual net cost of health services regulation dwarfs other costs imposed by government intervention in the health care sector. This cost exceeds annual consumer expenditures on gasoline and oil in the United States and is twice the size of the annual output of the motion picture and sound recording industries. If the trend in the U.S. over the last several years has been toward more of a European-style system, the trend in Europe is toward a system that looks more like the U.S. Therefore, if there is a lesson which U.S. policymakers can take from national health care systems around the world, it is not to follow the road to government-run national health care, but to increase consumer incentives and control. |
Yep, nothing is free my friend. There is an exicse tax on insurance companies in the proposed bill. That is going to be passed off to the consumer. They are going to get the money from the middle class. It always works that way. I'm in the middle of changing jobs and my previous employer was already cutting benefits. |
Is it not their reform the insurance companies are reacting to???
Insurance is high enough and once everyone is hit in the pocketbook they will be motivated to vote the Democrats out.
Why bash obama on this???
You will always have war and conflict in this world. You will always have death. Almost a million people perished in the Rwandan genocide. We did nothing. No military intervention. UN peacekeepers removed. Sometimes war is necessary to prevent excessive death and restore peace.
Compare the effort Obama continues to keep Iraq and Afghanistan stabilized to doing nothing. We already know death and supporting terrorism was the end result when the Taliban had control of Afghanistan. Weakening Iraq was not something I personally supported but can we turn back at this point? |
Why bash obama on this???
I think they nominated him because he is not George Bush. :) Anyway, I think President Obama's Nobel can be used to support US efforts worldwide fighting terrorism and the spread of nuclear arms. If it is a signal of greater cooperation among European nations with our efforts, that can lead to a good outcome. It may lead to combined efforts fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and bringing stability to that country. I never agreed with the Bush administration's attack on Iraq. Saddam was a cruel dictator but one who was ruthless enough to crush guerrilla warfare and suicide bombers supported by outside interference. Once Iraq was weakened it strengthened Iran. President Obama is fighting two wars. The outcome of both rest on his decisions. If he can rebuild international relationships guiding them to support US efforts in stabilizing Iraq and Afghanistan we may have a winning outcome. At this point joking or what you call bashing Obama for receiving the Nobel Peace Prize takes away from the good it may bring to our country--to have a sitting President who received this honor. It is up to him how he uses it. |
I thought NASA was behind this.
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Wed 10/07/09 04:31 PM
I agree. I'm cracking up reading this thread. I thought Palin was a breath of fresh air. So much for the left supporting women. ;) Im a black woman, I did not feel obligated to support Sharpton when he run, nor did I feel obligated to support Palin's irrelevant winks which came off , to me at least, as very condescending. I find it kind of insulting that in this day and age people are expected to support someone else because of superficial things like gender or race or political association instead of supporting who is the best candidate. I am not suggesting to support someone just because she is a woman. It was surprising the hits she took just because she is a woman. Most of the hatred aimed at her was because she did not come off as polished. She was a down to earth, beautiful woman who made gaffes but so do men. Biden made them but few people attack him as stupid. The woman had very little time to prepare herself but she energized McCain's campaign. I don't know if that struck fear in the opposition but to me the attacks were extremely vicious. She was bashed for her faith, questions raised about her large family and working away from them, the clothes she wore, you name it. I'm sure if she held the same political ideology as those bashing her Palin would be held up as a beautiful, intelligent woman who is just human. Just like Obama was just human when he compared his bowling scores to the scores in the Special Olympics. Or the 57 states and one more to go remark that has been mentioned in this thread. The 10,000 dead by tornadoes when 12 died, the Selma, Ala. remark his parents united as a direct result in 1961 when the march took place in 1965.... |
I agree. I'm cracking up reading this thread. I thought Palin was a breath of fresh air. So much for the left supporting women. ;)
No, I think you missed my point. Sanders wants to continue funding corrupt ACORN (notice he voted to continue funding.) You go after fraud and waste 100% not just the fraud and waste you prefer.
Remember we have Democrats in power. Just look at the earmarks and waste in the Defense Bill lauded by the White House. It is loaded with earmarks and waste. Nothing has changed since Bush. The Demopublicans are wasting taxpayer monies while the sheeple whine and moan about ACORN getting cut off the taxpayer teat. The CEO stated they can get along with private donations and that's how it should be. You want to fund a corrupt organization supporting sex slaves, tax fraud and embezzlement dig in your own pocket, Mr. Sanders. The defense industry already has excessive government regulation. |
| Seven Nutty Senators Supporting ACORN are CAGW’s September Porkers of the Month Washington, D.C. - Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today named the seven senators who voted on Monday, September 14 to continue sending tax dollars for housing and community development programs to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) its September Porkers of the Month. The seven senators are Roland Burris (D-Ill.), Robert Casey (D-Pa.), Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.). The 83-7 vote to cut off funding for the group in the fiscal year 2010 Department of Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act came on the heels of the release of explosive video footage of ACORN’s employees in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Brooklyn, giving questionable legal and tax advice to filmmaker James O'Keefe and a female friend who posed as a pimp and a prostitute. ACORN’s employees gave guidance on how to illegally shelter income, mislead the Internal Revenue Service, and obfuscate the ages and immigration status of underage girls who were going to be used as prostitutes in a make-believe brothel. All of the videos can be viewed at So, Sanders wants to keep wasting money on fraud, embezzlement, prostitution, tax evasion and more while taking on government waste? While I agree with cutting government waste, Sanders could not bring himself to cut funding for HIS pork of choice -- the fraudulent ACORN! |
cell phone info
| Always good to check email rumors. |
"Organized criminals rely on the hugely inflated profits created by drug prohibition for the majority of their revenue, so they are big fans of the "tough on drugs" approach of the Conservative government." "There must have been a time when Al Capone enjoyed reading about the latest liquor raid and relished the spectacle of a rival's whisky being poured into the gutter for the benefit of the press. And he must have prayed that such "massive blows" against the bootleggers would continue to distract everyone from the one thing that would put them all out of business for good." The war on drugs creates a lucrative market for criminals. It leads to increased violence on our border and in our neighborhoods. Sadly, politicians are weak and back down under pressure when this issue is raised. The Obama administration appeared to move in the right direction earlier this year. What are your thoughts? |