Topic: Organized crime the only winner in war on drugs
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Mon 10/05/09 07:45 AM

"Organized criminals rely on the hugely inflated profits created by drug prohibition for the majority of their revenue, so they are big fans of the "tough on drugs" approach of the Conservative government."

"There must have been a time when Al Capone enjoyed reading about the latest liquor raid and relished the spectacle of a rival's whisky being poured into the gutter for the benefit of the press. And he must have prayed that such "massive blows" against the bootleggers would continue to distract everyone from the one thing that would put them all out of business for good."

The war on drugs creates a lucrative market for criminals. It leads to increased violence on our border and in our neighborhoods. Sadly, politicians are weak and back down under pressure when this issue is raised. The Obama administration appeared to move in the right direction earlier this year. What are your thoughts?

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/05/09 08:08 AM
been saying that for years

good luck

heavenlyboy34's photo
Mon 10/05/09 02:58 PM
I agree, OP.

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:47 AM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 10/06/09 07:56 AM
ethnic cleansing in la is a related thread

not sure if they realize it tho


Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:59 AM
the anti drug cartels are just as big a business as the drug cartels

billions of dollars a year go in to the war on drugs

if drugs were legalized all that money would dry up and thousands would be out of work. is it any wonder legalization will never happen?

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/06/09 08:04 AM
if the country actually followed the constitution they would have never been criminalized to begin with

but like ya said it is big money and money rules most things

raiderfan_32's photo
Tue 10/06/09 08:26 AM
I've wrestled with this issue a great deal..

While I agree that pot shouldn't be illegal.. (well, what I mean is I think it's ridiculous that anyone spends time in prison over marijuana..)

I just can't get on board with legalizing (ie legitimizing) the use of substances like heroin, meth, lsd, coke.. all those drugs are freakin dangerous and deadly.

legalizing them would send the message that their use is otherwise.. taxing them would in effect be an govt endorsement of their use and would basically put the govt in the position of profiting from the detriment of it's own people..

so.. I don't know..

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 10/06/09 08:32 AM
if it were me...

I would limitedly legalize heroin and crystal meth and provide it free of charge to addicts

BUT in return they have to provide a full days work picking up trash on the highway or working on park trails or something productive. then give em a doctor adminstered dose of the drug of their choice