8 Billion raised for Good
You can usually depend on Americans when it comes to charity. They are a very giving group of people. We have a friend in the hospital who does not have health insurance. Charity is covering the cost. Several church groups have dontated to help and another friend is opening her home to him. I think you found some common ground. :)
"Obam is not going to recognize or legitimize the racists so he will not ever claim there is any racism."
There is wisdom in that thinking. It also undermines our efforts to stop true acts of racism when we paint an entire political party with a broad brush. You can find a handful of kooks in any crowd. It can't be stopped. To focus on the handful of kooks is chasing your tail. Well, a lot of people voted for him so I doubt the they don't want a Black President claim. Frankly, I think it is about time for a woman President but like most people I want her policy to lean toward my liking (conservative Independent). ;) |
So, why continue to bellyache about hatred and racism against the President? The truth is most people oppose his policy. Period. It does nothing but divide people to imply otherwise. It shuts down debate about important issues.
To deny racism is a factor in the hatred pointed at this president at best is ignorancy at worst it is a wish for the worst to happen. President Obama does not think racism is a factor in opposition to his policies. Why doubt him? You really think anyone who doesn't agree with the President is basing that opposition on hatred and racism? It raises my guard toward people like Garofalo who constantly see racism in the opposition to the President's political policy. Or people who call other people racist a-holes because they don't think government can solve all problems. Good lord. If he is so smart, why does he need white protection? Hmmmmmm...... |
This man nails Garofalo's "Jimmy Carter" moment on the Bill Maher Show for what it is....insanity. I think it goes beyond the fact Obama is a lightweight or possibly worse than Jimmy Carter. The fear IS losing power. Remember the Bush years? They became unhinged by the loss of power. Now you hear a constant whining to censor Fox and conservative radio. After all, we need idiots in Hollywood like Garofalo to tell us how to think: From Another Black Conservative's Blog: "While on the Bill Maher show, Raaaaacism Industrial Complex member Janeane Garofalo, once again squeezed feces from her limbic brain and tired to make the foolish assertion that opposition to Obama is motivated by racism! "It's obvious to anybody who has eyes in this country that tea-baggers, the 9-12ers, these separatist groups that pretend that it's about policy – they are clearly white-identity movements. They're clearly white power movements. What they don't like about the President is that he's black – or half black (applause) – and they, what also is shocking is that people keep pretending that that's not really the case with these people." What really is shocking is that despite the fact that the president himself has repeatedly said, he doesn’t think opposition to him is motivated by race; sycophants like Garofalo still push the issue. Even Jimmy Carter had the good sense to back off that line of thinking. "I'm not talking about people that do have problems with his policies, that's fine. But these people, who are also being led by the Glenn Becks, the Michelle Bachmans, the Rush Limbows [presumably Limbaugh], whomever, they are no different than any other white identify movement that's part of our history. This has been going on since the founding of this country that white power movements have tried to establish themselves and hold onto power." This is nonsense, she most certainly is talking about people who do have problems with Obama's policies. Most Americans do not enjoy chucking almost $800 billion down the crapper on a non-stimulating stimulus package. Most Americans are rightfully upset that Obama promised that unemployment would hold at 8%, and it has now reach 9.8% with little end in sight. The vast majority of Americans are outraged that we are immorally dumping over $11+ trillion worth of debt onto our children and grandchildren, who are too young to voice or vote their objections. Few people I can think of enjoy watching Iran prance on their merry way to becoming a nuclear armed nation with nothing more than empty talk to stop them. I could go on but all people like Garofalo will only see this as raaaaacism. It never dawns on Garofalo that when Beck, Bachmann and Limbaugh are constantly proved right, they will end up with a big following. Beck was right about Van Jones being a radical. Van Jones own words did him in. Bachmann was raising the alarm about ACORN long before O’Keefe and Giles exposed them. Rush was right that the Obama high was going to come crashing down when Americans got a good look at his policies. "It's very weird that whenever this comes up in conversation, so few people are willing to say that yes it is racism, straight up racism. And the Republican Party has been willing to carry water for racists in this country since about the 1950s." Funny no mention of the fact that it was the Democratic Party that was against civil rights or that it was a Republican that actually went to war to free the slaves. No mention of how when some white liberals find out that someone is a black conservative, they demand to know why you don't fit the sterotype. A she even leaves out how Joe Biden was amazed by how “bright, clean and articulate” Obama was. Not a peep about Jimmy Carter referring to Obama as “this boy” or that Senator Robert Byrd was an actual Klansman. It sure is brave of her to jump up and down and point to racism on the other side of the fence, too bad Garofalo isn’t brave enough to see what is going on in her own backyard. Racism is an equal opportunity employer, no one party has a lock on it. "Electorally, these white power people don't have their own party – maybe they will one day – so they are electorally-dependent on the Republicans. But also troubling, Fox News is happy to feed into this; AM radio is happy to feed into this. They will continue to do this til somebody does something. What you're saying [Thomas Friedman] is absolutely true, there's this tacit nudging towards violence. Then also, how about showing up armed? What if black people showed up armed at a McCain rally? What would be the response of that?" The only people who seem so obsessed with "tacitly nudging" the idea of Obama being assassinated is the left. They bring it up constantly. Vidal Gore did just the other day. Garofalo probably doesn’t even know that the man with the rifle at the Obama town hall was black too. Since Garofalo loves to make assertions, I am going to make one too. I think the real reason why the Garofalo and her ilk are so obsessed with Obama getting assassinated is because they fear he is turning out to be worse than Jimmy Carter. They would much rather see something that awful happen, than to have another failed president on their hands that causes them to be out of power for a decade or two. If Obama were assassinated, the left could play the victim card, bury him with fanfare and forever pretend he was better than JFK. All that would be far more preferable to them, than to suffer the scorn of the American people for serving up yet another lightweight and that is why they push this ugly theme so much." |
Edited by
Sat 10/03/09 08:42 PM
I don't know. Kind of scary to think Fox should be banned because one group of people think it has the wrong political slant. I found MSN's Olbermann annoying but had no desire to ban MSN. BTW, there are websites devoted to his lies. Our political atmosphere is scary lately. So many people want to control what we hear and how we think. Why fear?
I think Nazi is a bit harsh. It just irritates me to see so many whining about Fox. To me they have a place. It is refreshing to have a different slant on the news. ;)
Well, let me say I doubt it. It was a resolution. That's all.
I doubt he listens to talk radio. What you hear is a different opinion. It is about the only place you can find a conservative leaning. Again, I do not see a difference between the left and right in fear mongering. One side screms Nazi, KKK, racism etc. and the other Commie, socialist, etc. My theory is don't like it, turn it off. Do not listen. Sadly, some people DO strive to control everything through government including what we listen to.
It will not happen. Check Texas v. White.
Good Lord. Just turn the channel if you do not like Fox! Why try to silence the other opinion?
"Senior citizens are less supportive of the plan than younger voters."
I'm not surprised about the lack of support among seniors. They have experienced medicare errors that cost time and money. |
What Roe started
"You're not fighting anything."
Agreed. The first time someone screams racism it shuts down debate. Nothing is wrong with oposition to political policy. Healthy debate is necessary to reach a compromise on important issues we face. The more people possess power, the more they focus on their own egocentric desires and the less able they are to see others' perspectives. You can find fanatical partisans on both sides of the abortion debate but our country reached a compromise. It remains legal with restrictions no matter which political party holds power. Just a thought... How many people remember the stereotyped assaults against conservative blacks including Condi, Clarence Thomas and Steele? The left's defense was freedom of speech. Notice the change of thinking since they grabbed political control. ;) |
"patriotism the word itself tells us that a person should be proud of his/her country . but my question is why? doesn't it evoke prejudice towards a person of the same nationality. shouldn't a person be judged only on the bases or his/her merit should we join UN peacekeeping forces instead of armies. what is even more surprising is the way people openly discriminate on this grounds. i am from india and it is one of the most patriotic country which is Hippocratic as they will cheer india in any sport despite no knowledge but still will not pay tax and other things as follows rules. now it's not respecting your country that is a problem when i say i am not proud to be an indian doesnt mean that i am ashamed to be one. sure i would no doubt prefer to be born in a country like the US. so give me your views people i would prefer any response which add to my understanding of the world." To me patriotism is love of country and support for it. It does not evoke prejudice. Americans are the most generous people. They are always first to help another country in need. We open our doors to people from other countries offering education, employment and opportunity. We are a diverse nation of many people and it makes us strong. |
The article posted is crazy. It conveniently omits the fact Oswald (JFK's killer) was a Communist. And since the topic of unhinged hatred is raised what about the TV docudrama in 2006 showing Bush assassinated? I remember the lefties called it free speech. What a bunch of hypocrites. Just another hissy fit over Americans challenging socialized medicine and increasing tax burdens.