Community > Posts By > DavidKamel

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 10:41 PM

laugh YW
....and back to subject....

I guess I really am just waiting for my density.

density or destiny?

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 10:32 PM

I agree there’s no single person out there who is our one true match.

I believe there are a huge number of people with similar enough values to possibly be a comfortable fit.

Then a much smaller number of those who will ever cross our paths.

Of those, a very small percentage might click with us on a more specific level; how we communicate, sense of humor, expectations in life and other commonalities.

Then an even smaller percent who we’ll be physically drawn to.

Of this handful, we find one who feels that we are also a good choice and see if we even spark. After all that, I think it’s easy to feel this one was meant for us.

But being a “one and only” from that moment on is all about our choosing them to be that to us.

That’s how I see it...sorry for getting so chatty about it. Lol! surprised

I noticed you use the word (values) in almost every post and topic... so, may I ask what do you mean by it??
((notice, again, how spontaneous words might be problematic in usage and referring from person to person)))

Usually, I understand values as ethics... moral principles...

while in a more abstract wide space, it might cover other materialistic things... for example, to a typical man, being in a sexually-satisfying relation might be a high value. which means he is more sex-driven a person (meaning: placing higher value on his desires). But if I disregarded many, if not all, your setbacks and downs just for the nice poetry you produce every Valentine, then, I would be placing higher value on the abstract romantic (or artistic) side of you...

so what might the word 'values' mean to a lady?

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 09:54 PM
Edited by DavidKamel on Sun 02/04/18 10:12 PM

This is not semantics

Actually, you yourself made it all about semantics, in the presentation of your complaints/observations.

I demonstrated in advance what I don't want, and later what I want...

I don't want definitions of dictionaries... this is semantics.. and boring.. I don't want psychological interpretations... too complicated..

rather, I want what does the word (or the thing) mean to you? how do you comprehend it? what do you want to do as a satisfactory action to each one???


what do you feel will satisfy each one of these LOVE - LIKE - SEX???

You have played the age old game of switching from one definition of one of the listed words, to another definition of it, and then demanding that the behaviors associated with one context and definition be explained or denied, because they aren't coherent with the alternate definitions.

And that's just plain dishonest.

I haven't played or tried... Rather, this is reality,and I just presented it as an introduction to and demonstration to my aim of asking this question(s).

You've essentially said that because SOME people use the phrase "make love" as a euphemism for sex, that therefore when a woman says she is looking for love, and you offer her only a sexual tryst, that it's entirely HER being ingenuous, if she declines, or takes offense.


No, I'm NOT trying to say women are ingenuous in what they say... I'm trying to grab the general attention to something else... ((something more significant than what the plain words read)))... so, I'm afraid you missed my point just like you used to miss her words.. lol

my questions is NOT about women... it's about a one single thing: THE DIFFERENCE. the difference of usage, of meaning, of understanding, of expressing of LOVE - LIKE - SEX.

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 09:34 PM

what differentiates love .. sex.. like .... is individual attitude shaped by how we perceive ourselves , our values and those we interact with

can I disagree??

Sex can be synonomous with love but it can also just be a primal act of pleasure . The anatomical brain .. cock connection can work without love laugh laugh

I don't think masturbation is sex.. if this what you meant... it's some sort of feeling erotica, like watching porno... while sex is an intercourse. What do you think?

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 09:23 PM

Well I have heard there are eight kinds of sex;
Love sex,
Hate sex,
Sex only sex,
Break up sex,
Make up sex,
Drunks sex,
Buddy sex,
Pity sex.

There may be a few more.

I imagine the different kinds of love are the same.

this is what I'm looking for... a new realization...

hey guys.. give me more answers...

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 07:23 PM
I never thought I need a relation... and the more I saw long-term relations want to break, bored of the relation, cheating... the more I knew relations isn't the answer...

so, This may explain my alteration of your question to "what do you look for in a partner (a lover)?" To which my answer should safely be:

excitement.. high-tension... challenge... independence (of both)... strong personality.. classiness.. culture-awareness

but all these things are useless if the look hadn't score above 8.5 on The Richter Scale... few women strike me by their beauty, personality, a great smile... the rest are females..

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 07:04 PM
This is not semantics…. I already have three thousands dictionaries in my ruined library in addition to uncle Google!
And it is not psychology, either…

I hate both!

This is about you… your definition of life, its things, not definitions of words expressing those things. It’s about each one of you.

The Question is:
What is the difference (at least to you) between Love, Like, and Sexual desire?

Why do we (sometimes) refer to sexual intercourse by ‘making love’???
If your answer is that they are one thing, then why is sex still (to a great extent) considered as wrong (a taboo)? Why are women (usually on dating sites) irritated by those 17,849 offers to have sex?? Aren’t those frank offers of love? Isn’t ‘having sex’ the same as ‘making love’? If not, then what is the difference?
Also, I can’t have sex with a woman I don’t like; this means to like someone is the same of ‘to desire them’. So, it looks there’s no difference between ‘liking someone’ and ‘desiring them’. Also, what’s the difference between ‘liking someone’ and ‘desiring their body’?? does the first one means ‘to love them’???

And (to females only) when I say: “I like you”, “I like your beauty”, “You’re hot.. you’re sexy” OR when I hint something about your gigantic *** or about your silicon lips… etc. etc. etc…. What do you hear me say?? What do you guess is on my mind??? Be frank please!

And if YOU said it to a man, whatever he was, what had you meant by it? What had you expected in return?

I’m aware that different genders define these three words differently; and maybe this is the excitement of our question tonight... So, let’s get started.

You can stop reading here, and start enlightening us by your thoughts… However, if you want to understand further where I am coming from and why I have been thinking about this question (which seems easy on the surface) for more than four, five years, continue reading before you answer.

In many personals and profiles on dating sites, we usually hear the female voice saying things like: “I’m here looking for love...”, “Looking for the one...”, “Looking for my soul-mate..”, “looking for my prince..” or whatever of this overly romantic formula… etc. etc. etc... And when the guy respond to these things by offering sex, hinting at it, complimenting, courting, expressing admiration, showing desire, saying: “I like you..” or whatever of this kind, he usually misses the target… or more truly stated, he misses something.. something that looks more significant than what her words read…! The best reactions he will get is the typical ‘cold shoulder’, ’ indifference’, ‘short abrupt answers’, in the best scenarios; while the worst that could happen is to receive a dirty angry swear along with a final eternal block.. 

Wasn’t he expressing LOVE?
Are women not sexual??? Yes, they are.
Don’t they appreciate sex?? Yes, they do.
Don’t they like it?? Ewwwwww… more than you.
Aren’t they on dating-sites looking for it? (I don’t know..!).

Love – Like – Sex

Are they different things?


When I ask such complicated questions, it doesn’t mean I don’t already have a mind on it… No; but it’s just that I like to hear what others have to say… some people are blessed with beautiful minds and profound explanations… some others can’t dive deeper than the spacebar on their keyboard.

Also, I once had read a very profound answer about similar topic… it came from a young woman from USA who was in her med twenties… yet, the active people on this forum look to be above 40s. So, greater wisdom is expected.

Finally, I’m not seeking advice, please. I’m seeking opinions and different thoughts and a chance to discuss further.

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 03:26 PM

Considering all of the Greek references that are in this thread, here is some baklava for everyone.

Hhmmmmm... this is a Damascene inventory in origin, the name spelled in Arabic as: Baklawah. it's the second most expensive confectionery in Syria after the "Mabromeh"مبرومة&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=REez1veKniCfOM%253A%252C-ZdigqXfaFdXnM%252C_&usg=__ZsTmo9udrOpA6v3v3Q_43dg-iRM%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiRw5Xmr43ZAhVPL1AKHYlEBmAQ9QEIJzAA#imgrc=REez1veKniCfOM:

If The Damascene steel is our first landmark in Damascus, then the baklawah and mabromeh are the second one. Both foods are fully-jammed with Pistachios (another Syrian peanuts that is newly planted in USA). If Mabromah and Baklawah aren't made in Damascus (in certain areas in it), they are not luxurious!

In general, once you hear that something is a Levantine cuisine, then, usually it had originated in Damascus, and then the Mogul and the Ottoman made it global.

Since I came to Egypt, I lost this divine taste of this confectionery.

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 02:00 PM
Edited by DavidKamel on Sun 02/04/18 02:14 PM

You limit it to the three; Gold, God & Love.
Much of humanity's quest abroad was in search of land. That resulted in obtaining aspects of your primary three.

Gold covers all areas related to wealth.. business, a contract, lands, new markets, even studying or investing... etc etc etc...

God always represented politics interests... which reflect back unto Gold.

but love...!!!!!?

to relocate in search for a woman

Searching for a woman is not the same as searching for love.
Not only is it limiting the quest to men and lesbians it is restricting love. Your entire question framework is restricted to a man searching for a woman and calling that a search for love.

I started my question with a general frame, then sure I applied it personally. Moreover, I hinted in a comment above that there are general theme and there are personal one. Also, In search for God or for Gold is actually because they loved God or Gold... so, it's obvious this isn't the love I meant..

Searching for a woman is not the same as searching for love.

I hope you are not over-philosophizing the topic... it was obvious from my question what love I meant..

Love and sex are two different things... it's there in between the lines of my question... I said something about temptations...

Personally, I have relocated many times during my lifetime.
Never in search for love. I have an abundance of love already within me... I relocated to where I am right now with the hope of finding a woman but it was not my driving reason for my relocation. I actually relocated here for the warmer weather, lower cost of living and less governmental permits/lower taxes. So, you could say, I relocated for health and financial reasons and finding love is something that will happen or not.

this is exactly what makes my question a must... i.e.: we travel for many different reasons... and this is normal... but what about someone traveling to mars because he likes the aliens??? for example...

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 08:20 AM

Depends if she’s rich


you are the good citizen!

actually, you didn't read the whole question...

I’m British mate so I don’t think I should comment on conquering far off lands after what my Country has done throughout history. Although we’ve done some good too.

As for love, I can only answer from a personal point of view, but with romance, I’ve always listened to my heart rather than my head. I’ve loved and lost but I wouldn’t change anything.
I’d say go for it, but I doubt you’d get a visa to search for romance.
Good luck

every nation during its golden age (peak of power) committed lots of wars in far off lands... do you hear of Hernán Cortés?? Tariq bin Ziyad?? The Persians.. etc. etc. etc? So, no one is to be blamed or feel guilty for what other generations did... actually you should be proud of the Britain Story, it wasn't always bad.

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 08:08 AM

Done it. Went to Europe a couple times for the quest.

Even once moved from California to Kansas. That was REALLY foreign!

I suppose I'd have to draw the line at battling Spartans.

You are the Conqueror... lol.

good to hear this from you..

however, I have a question... have you went there to someone you already were in contact with, or you were in the situation asked in my question, i.e.: going to a certain country hoping to meet someone there??

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 08:05 AM

The Trojan War was the result of Helen of Sparta crossing the sea to be with her true love Prince Paris of Troy. She is known as Helen of Troy.

I knew the story when I was around 10 years old... the focus for me at that age was the trick of the war... as a very young boy, I couldn't evaluate the whole plot...

my question to you is, which one is better, the movie or the book..?

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 08:03 AM

I have asked multiple questions... some were a little personal... but some were general... and the general ones are more deep than you first would guess...

so, try to answer them all.. let's see how we, people, think.

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 07:56 AM

Depends if she’s rich


you are the good citizen!

actually, you didn't read the whole question...

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 07:53 AM
shall I watch the movies, or read the book?

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 07:44 AM
Edited by DavidKamel on Sun 02/04/18 07:57 AM
Heeeeeey.. wurrup?

humanity during history had many times traveled oversees or crossed continents in search for Gold, in search for God, even killed complete states and nations along their way.. many soldiers left their families and sweethearts behind... and many of them never came back :( and many others have died virgin in search for these things...


never have I heard of anyone traveling in search for love...

what of those three is more important to man?

Does it sound a silly, freaky, weird idea to relocate in search for a woman... a woman you don't know she's exist or not... is it despair, craziness? or is it exactly Wisdom itself?

Is it possible to answer the ambassador "I'm visiting your country in search for a lovely lady, sir???", and regardless of whether he is convinced or not.

Shall I change the lands I'm on just because I loved no one there...? or must I just accept reality and yield to those temptations coming from locals??? which one makes me a good creature... in my own eyes at least?

DavidKamel's photo
Sun 02/04/18 06:20 AM
Love.. I'm looking for someone that will rape my hearts by the look of their eyes anddd...

hey hey hey.. wakup Jack Sparrow!


I'm only looking for my lighter now.

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