Community > Posts By > Hubey

Hubey's photo
Sun 04/29/07 04:30 PM
Preggy bigsmile bigsmile

Hubey's photo
Sun 04/29/07 04:29 PM
Did I mention shipping is very fast?

Hubey's photo
Sun 04/29/07 11:07 AM
5) Do not spam the boards with advertisements for other services,
websites, etc.

The word spam meens the fallowing occording to

"To indiscriminately send unsolicited, unwanted, irrelevant, or
inappropriate messages, especially commercial advertising in mass
quantities. Noun: electronic "junk mail"."

This is the only post I did, which makes it a thread not a spam message.
Therfor I did not violate any rules, what so ever.

I just wanted to inform people of a site that not only was a good one,
but could give me a Wii.

Thanks for the warning anyway

Hubey's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:05 AM
I have really enjoyed my GameFly account and wanted to invite you to try
it out as well. Plus, you can help me earn a new Nintendo Wii or 1 Year
of GameFly if you become a paying member. Click on my invitation below
to check it out and see how you can earn your own Nintendo Wii!

Help me out guys. I need like 15 people to join... And there are a lot
of people on this site. Its actually pritty cool, its like netflix but
with video games. All you hardcore gamers out there, this is for you!

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:59 PM
Im goin 2 hell noway

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:54 PM
Parents take care of their children.

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:48 PM
True dat mike lol.

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:40 PM
I dont understand what "Ihjb" meens.

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:34 PM
Mike, I love the idea of what you just said. But if "God" has the power
to make all things posible... He MUST have the way to see the furture,
yes? He would see the corrupt and the awesome.... He would see the good
and the bad... but wouldnt he want to keep the good and take out the
bad? Why would someone keep such high standards for humanity but allow
the evil of sin to occure?

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:24 PM
Ill tell you one thing.... Im athiest and I highly disagree that if you
dont beleave in god, you dont have morals... I havent beleaved in god
sence my grandfather died of cancer 10 years ago, and yet I KNOW that
murder in any way or manner is wrong in all aspects. People dont need
the word "God" to know whats right and whats wrong. To say something
like that is to be extreamly ignorant. People dont need religion to be a
good human being. They need the upbringing of a good parent.

But I agree, to take the word "God" out of the pledge in schools, is to
distroy one of the oldest traditions americans have.

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:15 PM
Idk, i just thought people would post there thoughts about my idea. Good
or bad.

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:04 PM
Oh, so no1 replies?

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 08:48 PM
People beleave in god for one thing, and one thing alone. To beleave
that their life isnt just an illusion. If this all powerfull god was all
so great, he wouldnt of have let humans have free will. The fact that he
let 9-11 occure and for war to claim billions of lives over the past
4000 years of human existance is wrong all in its self. Drug lords
springing into action and selling crack to kids... Let alone, let 12
year old girls get pregnant by 60 year old pervert rapists. Beleavers
have one upper hand over non-beleavers.... Non-beleavers have everything
to lose for not beleaving..... Beleavers do not. If there isnt a god,
they are worm food like everyone else..... But on the other hand, if
there is one.... They have salvation. Non-beleavers go to hell. Thats
why i envy the beleavers.... I just hope that there isnt a god.. because
if there is one... He is one screwed up f*cker. brokenheart

Not trying to change your religion or anything, just posting my point of
view... In fact, i fully suport all religions it gives people a way to
cope with the pain of existance.

(excuse my spelling errors.)

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 08:19 PM

You rock babe. smokin

Hubey's photo
Sat 04/28/07 08:15 PM
Hey man, welcome.

Hubey's photo
Fri 04/27/07 04:54 PM
I feel sexxxxxy.

Hubey's photo
Fri 04/27/07 04:21 PM
Hey, i just joined 2 days ago. This is a pritty cool place. Enjoy.

Hubey's photo
Fri 04/27/07 04:20 PM
Lookin for a chick from Vermont! Yeah, hit me up.

Hubey's photo
Fri 04/27/07 04:17 PM is a great one.

Hubey's photo
Thu 04/26/07 07:55 PM
I play football... Im still in highschool ( yay? ) lol. Varsity level.
Im center, and defencive end. I think im good, but idk. Any1 else here
play football? drinker

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