Community > Posts By > bigbytes

bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 08:36 AM
The Greeks taught, and I bet some even believed that, the soul travels from the Milky Way to the earth via seven planetary spheres, those being, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. With the stars and the earth this is a total of nine spheres, arches or arcs.

The seven spheres have been depicted like this (above). The Greeks depicted the sun being pulled across the sky in a chariot with four horses. If we remove Saturn and the moon, from that image, that is what we are left with - the sun surrounded by Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury.

Consider Revelation Chapter 6:12 where it mentions the sun, the moon, the stars and the earth. (four of nine spheres) "The stars of heaven fell to the earth" is a poetic rephrasing of the Greek legend. Remember that as we descend the Tree of Life, we are moving backwards through the zodiac signs. Saturn rules Capr, Jup rules Sag, Mars Scorpio etc.

Now look at Capter 6. First we see a white horse/man with a bow given a crown. Sagittarius is a horse/man with a bow, ruled by Jupiter represented by the crown. Next is a red horse and a sword and power[/] was given to him. The sword and red tells us Mars the war god who rules Scorpio, and while it does not say scorpions there, it does say power. See 9:3, "unto them was given powert as the scorpions of the earh have power".

As I said, we are moving backwards, so the next would be Libra, and we find a black horse and a set of scales sign of the equinox. The last figure is followed bym death and hell and represents Virgo ruled by Mercury, the souls' guide through all of this.

In Rev 6 we see all but Saturn mentioned. Remember that Sat was moved on the TOL, etc.

The two largest constellations in sky are the Virgo and the Hydra, a multi-headed creature. The Hydra is 90 degrees long across the sky, an unusual choice for a star 'grouping' unless you have a story to tell. See Rev 12 where a dragon whose tail draws the third part of the stars in heaven stands before the woman. Now get a star chart and look at the Virgo and Hydra next to one another.


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 08:35 AM

half dot com cheap books


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 08:06 AM
"even if it is true, what wud change in ur life?
what do u wanna say?"

Please consider reading something about alchemy or hasidism. Martin Buber is good.


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:56 AM

Consider the image of the Great Pyramid, and note the relieving stones above the King's Chamber. Now consider how, in the DC map, that the relieving stones and chambers, but also the Great Step at the top of the Gallery appear to be being depicted. The map was published in 1792.

In 1640 John Greaves published his Pyramidographia that contained this image. Notice that the relieving stones and descending passage are not depicted. The first had not been discovered yet, and the last was still filled with debris.

The relieving stones and chambers were proven to exist in 1836 using gunpowder. The map depicts features not 'known' in 1792. The question that THIS raises is what might other features in the (original) map plan tell us about elements in the Great Pyramid that we still don't know about?


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:40 AM

One question that arises, if we accept the notion that the elements in the DC map correlate to features in the pyramid, is what might there be 'under the river' that maps to the subterranean passages and chamber? Note how those project all the way across the river, very near to the Pent Blg.


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:31 AM

The image that you see is the Tetragrammaton, the four letter (Hebrew) Name of God. (Note that 'god' has three letters. Different realm, as four is material and three is spiritual.) Yod He Vau He. They total to 26. 10+5+6+5. In Genisis 1:26 we read Let us make man in our own image...male and female he created them. The letters read Yod and HVH, or EVE. And Adam called his wife Eve because she was the mother of all living, as yod is the father.

Down the center of the TOL we have 1, 6, 9, 10 or 26. At the top is the Throne of God, and at the bottom, the sun, moon , and the earth.


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 06:53 AM
WUX please read this page:


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 06:48 AM
Salve Discipuli-

Modern students of the ka-ba-allah are taught that the Tree of Life consists of 10 spheres and 22 paths, the paths which correspond to the 22 Hebrew letters (see Psalm 119). The Revelation is 22 chapters long, as is I Kings. These letters are also understood to be numbers, as are words. When you see a Hebrew or Greek letter you also see a number, if you are used to the system.

As to the spheres, these are said to be 10 in number like fingers and toes. But in a supposedly Hebrew system, we aren't shown Hebrew numbers for the spheres, we are shown our 'modern' numbering system? What I suggest is that their is a morphological connection between the shape of the numbers that we use today and the shape of the signs for the planets that we use today; AND that this is presented as a separate system within the 10 sphere tree of life, parallel to the Hebrew letter/numbers. I recommend that the 10 sphere tree was designed in order to put Saturn at sphere three and the earth at sphere ten, rather than nine as in the previous system.

Consider the animation below. First we see the seven classical planetary spheres (including the sun and moon) depicted on a hexagram. The sun is at the center, and the outer planets are at the top. The second frame shows the order of descent of the soul through these according to the Greeks. The lightning strike motif is used on the tree. (See EZ 1:14 the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. The creatures are in v 10 Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio, the fixed zodiac signs. See also REV 4) Now Rev 1 and the 7 stars.

If we add the stars at the top, and the earth at the bottom, we get an image like Manley P Hall's nine worlds image in frame 3. Note the direction markers on the edges. This brings the total to 13. Think of the Royal Arch Degree, Number 13, the legend is of Nine Arches (Arks, arcs). In the 4th frame you can see how Saturn was moved from the middle pillar. Now down the center we have 1, 6, 9 and 10, totaling to 26, as does Yahweh, the Name of God. But most importantly, Saturn is now at sphere 3 and the earth is at 10.

Compare the signs for Saturn and 3, the earth and 10. Now imagine Saturn at 2 and the earth at 9. Does the nine not look like the sign for the moon. Can you not see Mercury's sign in the 8?


bigbytes's photo
Wed 08/12/09 04:51 PM


bigbytes's photo
Wed 08/12/09 12:23 AM
"why do you ask?"

I dunno. Maybe I might wanna use the thing.

bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 10:38 PM
Just wondering, is Skype poplar with ppl here?


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 08:38 PM
There are 11 spheres with Daath.

bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 02:25 PM
"Do you know about Sophia and the Demiurge?"

Yes. I am 57 years old and I have studied Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology at the graduate level.

Have you looked at my 200 MB of material that I have linked too? You may get any idea of the scope of my knowledge in this area.


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 02:12 PM

My Pages and Vids


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 02:03 PM
In the Enoch legend, he speaks of nine arches, arks, circles or spheres. The Greek legend suggests that the soul comes from and returns to the stars (milky way) via seven planetary spheres (includes the sun and the moon). Adding the stars at the top, and earth at the bottom of this scheme we arrive at the same image as Enoch.

Remember that was a cube. Enoch had a cube inscribed with the true name of God, that was buried in the ninth or lowest arch, sphere, the earth. This symbolizes the nine month human gestation nperiod of course. As Enoch lives 365 years and is transposed to Heaven where he becomes Metatron, Enoch's Cube is Metatron's Cube. (more on that later).

But the tree that we use today has ten spheres not nine. Each sphere is associated with a number, a planet and a magic square. On the 10 sphere tree, Saturn is at 3 and the earth is at 10. I contend that the signs for the planets are related to the number of that sphere. The earth sign is a circle with crossing lines. Mercury contains most of the 8 lines, as Jupiter contains the 4 lines. The backbone of the 9 is the moon sign, and the circle from the six is the sun sign.

The square of Saturn is 3x3 containing the first nine numbers. The rows columns and diagonals all add to 15, and the square totals to 45. Saturn's day was the first Hebrew day of the week. Consider Noah's Ark. It was said to measure 300x50x30. Multiplying we see 3x3 = 9, 3x5 = 15 and 3x3x5 = 45. You note that the water prevailed 15 cubits for 150 days. That Noah was 600 years old, and had seven passengers with him.

The Ark of the Covenant was 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 or 5x3x3. The altar in front of the Tabernacle was 5x5x3. Note especially how the letter 'yod' looks like the number three and the sign for Saturn.

Don't get me started....


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 01:43 PM
Of the four big outer planets, we find Jupiter conjoining Neptune, and Saturn opposing Uranus. Sat and Ur reach their opposition in mid September. The earth crosses the line between these two at the new moon on Sept 18. Mercury is between the earth and the sun at that time also: heliocentric view geocentric view

I am looking for big earthquakes and hurricanes then.

You can see a web page of mine that I have entitled Facing the Future:

On that page you can see a copy of a 1980 Huntsville News article where I did my predictions that year. I also predicted the Mt St Helen's eruptions in May and June 1980. You can call Glenn Bracken who worked for TV48 NBC then in H'ville (he is in Madison).

Near the bottom of that page I am running images of the planets at the recent earthquakes leading up to this prediction. If you are a Youtuber, my handle there is dcsymbols, and I have lots of videos.


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 01:24 PM

Masonic and Kaballistic Symbols in the Washington DC Map.


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 12:42 PM
Hi. I'm bigbytes and I write about the Washington DC map. Take a look at this animated image which first locates elements in the map, then compares them to features in the GP. Then I overlay the two images:

Note that the relieving stones and chambers in the GP appear to be being depicted in the 1792 map landscape. If you Google John Greaves and "Pyramidographia" you will find copies of his 1640 drawings that he did. Note especially that the relieving stones and chamber are not depicted, as they were not discovered yet. Those were discoveded in 1836!!


bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 12:33 PM
some sort of "labor lien" of sorts against the property?

You can bet that I will do what I can to fight begi gmoved.

bigbytes's photo
Tue 08/11/09 12:16 PM

I use the online name bigbytes. You can see new posts by me in the new members section and the Alabama section.

Some one was asking about over 50 successful relationships. Personally, I never got along with a woman's mom and dad as a kid, so I can't expect to get along with them now, plus her kids, grand kids, and animals that she has a history with and with whom you will never begin to compete. Including the poodle that sleeps under the covers and growls all during what I will loosely call 'love making'. If you can call it that when at any moment, that is if you move too fast, the dog will attack you again.

Hey, don't get me started. See my profile.
