Topic: Pyramid relieving stones and chambers
bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 07:56 AM

Consider the image of the Great Pyramid, and note the relieving stones above the King's Chamber. Now consider how, in the DC map, that the relieving stones and chambers, but also the Great Step at the top of the Gallery appear to be being depicted. The map was published in 1792.

In 1640 John Greaves published his Pyramidographia that contained this image. Notice that the relieving stones and descending passage are not depicted. The first had not been discovered yet, and the last was still filled with debris.

The relieving stones and chambers were proven to exist in 1836 using gunpowder. The map depicts features not 'known' in 1792. The question that THIS raises is what might other features in the (original) map plan tell us about elements in the Great Pyramid that we still don't know about?


wux's photo
Thu 08/13/09 08:11 AM

The question that THIS raises is what might other features in the (original) map plan tell us about elements in the Great Pyramid that we still don't know about?

That is an excellent question, my friend. What is the thing that we could know about something but we don't know?

The answers that are speculative are endless. The answers that are meritful, are zero in number.

Let me explain. What is it that you don't know about what's inside the earth, 10 km down? Well? You don't know, so how can you know? Whatever you don't know you cannot know at present.

Once you know what you did not know, then it's not something you don't know. But as long as you don't know what it is that you don't know, there is no way of knowing what you don't know.

I don't know. Did this make sense to anyone?

wux's photo
Thu 08/13/09 08:16 AM
Uh... about the map of the City of Washington... did you know you can see the constellations of Taurus, of the Great Belt of Orion? Did you know that on the city of washington there are exactly 453 triangles, the same as the proverbs in the Bible? Did you know that you can find correlations between things that have nothing to do each other whatsoever, you just have to look for them, and you'll find them, because there are many other images buried in every image?

This is a random process yielding random and meaningless results. If that's what turns you on, fine. I fully support anyone's endeavours who is not selling dope or guns.

bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 09:22 AM
Did you know that the word 'triangle' does not appear in the King James Version of the Bible?


bigbytes's photo
Thu 08/13/09 09:24 AM
"This is a random process yielding random"

do you have a web site or blog where you present? Or is this it?


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 08/13/09 04:26 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 08/13/09 04:43 PM
drinker intersting topic drinker

wux's photo
Fri 08/14/09 09:36 PM

Did you know that the word 'triangle' does not appear in the King James Version of the Bible?


Did you know that the phrase "good gangia, man" does not appear in the Talmud?

wux's photo
Fri 08/14/09 09:39 PM

"This is a random process yielding random"

do you have a web site or blog where you present? Or is this it?


I have a website where I appear when I'm summoned. It's called "belzeebob.comma", and it's invisible. Only the chosen can enter it.

Do you have a pair of suspenders that have the six magical words that were circumdescribed by Marco Polo, independently from Middle-Kingdom Inka warriors?

rocking_kelly's photo
Thu 08/20/09 04:14 PM
in a word (and let your minds open to this one).... Aliens