Community > Posts By > JackSparrow747

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 07:39 PM

I think first and foremost don't do a copy and paste most of us can see right through it. Big turn off.

What gets my attentions is someone that has read my profile, can mention an interest or two. Let me know what we have in common and go from there.

Big turn offs for me

Hi you are hot wanna chat.
Text talk.
Sexual in emails if I want to be sexual with someone it sure isn't going to be in the cyber world.

Good luck

Haha that is so true. Is there like a limit to how long the message should be. Like 1 or 2 lines ? or can it be a paragraph ? coz you don't wanna look needy. lol.

Thanks a lot for your response ! :thumbsup:

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 07:36 PM

I wanna know what you guys write? Or girls like to read in your inbox that get you to respond? I've tried everything from writing classy lines to funny jokes to poems to plain n simple Hi, how are you? Very rarely you get a reply. I do know girls prolly get tons of messages, especially the cute ones. But you would think they would respond to something.

So Girls write your thoughts, what would you like a guy to say to get you to respond. Or if any of you guys know the secret, tell lol.

Online chat is very different from real life. And its not so much about knowing what a Girl will respond to, but about starting a conversation. Most guys are decent n have manners. But just coz you haven't said what gets a response you are left guessing.

Thanks and keep this post alive !

In my experience, you can pour your heart out in the best letters you could write and only to find it later in the trash can of her. The more women I meet, the less I understand them.

For starter, try hey, hello, what's up, hi. If they won't respond, forget about them. there is no trick involved.

ya very true dude sometimes girls can be a bit confusing. But I think reading their profile and getting something they mentioned in the message might get their attention. I noticed also if you use their name like Hi Nicole instead of just hi, gets some of them to reply.

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 07:33 PM

I think its important to first read a profile before messaging to see if your interests are similar. I tried to be pretty descriptive in my profile about certain things like age limits, personal values, etc...

If someone writes in their profile that they arent into guys that are obsessed with the gym, its probably best not to message them if you have a picture on profile with a bare chest and bulging biceps...

if someone writes that they have children 21 or 22 and therefore are interested in those who are at least 31, its probably best not to message them if you are 24 or 25.

I think the best way to get responses is to pay ATTENTION to what is laid out in that persons profile and be honest with yourself about whether you fit the description of someone they are interested in.

Good luck,,,:)

Thanks your posts make alot of sense. :thumbsup:

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 07:23 PM
I wanna know what you guys write? Or girls like to read in your inbox that get you to respond? I've tried everything from writing classy lines to funny jokes to poems to plain n simple Hi, how are you? Very rarely you get a reply. I do know girls prolly get tons of messages, especially the cute ones. But you would think they would respond to something.

So Girls write your thoughts, what would you like a guy to say to get you to respond. Or if any of you guys know the secret, tell lol.

Online chat is very different from real life. And its not so much about knowing what a Girl will respond to, but about starting a conversation. Most guys are decent n have manners. But just coz you haven't said what gets a response you are left guessing.

Thanks and keep this post alive !

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 02:15 PM

you look like Miri in "Zack and Miri Make a Porno"

seriously, i thought

1- the!?!?
2- stolen photo!?!
3- huh!?

lol! ive never heard that before!!!

ya you do maybe little cuter tho :wink:

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 02:14 PM

and girls and guys between the ages of 18-26 that are from Australia, add me :)

hi goldilocks :)

JackSparrow747's photo
Wed 11/25/09 02:11 PM

ok, im new to this whole thing, give me some good advice :)

Your a doll Sierra

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 03:06 AM
ello everyone ...

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 02:56 AM

Looking for a girl 19-28 in the hamilton/toronto area to have some fun with must have a place and can pick me up

that looks like 1 of those ads you see a tv show or late night show like jay leno brings up and makes fun of... lol.

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 02:54 AM

so you want to get laid and she's gotta pick you up and take you to her place in order to do so?

is it okay if i laugh out loud?

haha this guy is hilarious. i agree with you LOL or even ROFLMAO hes real cheeky.

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 02:47 AM

I've been hanging out with a guy for awhile now, hes really sweet, fun to talk to and funny, but only when I'm with him. When we're not together he doesnt have a lot to say, and we can go days without saying a word to eachother. Its really frustrating, and I dont know what to do about it. Should I tell him hes not giving me the attention I want or would that make him even more distant? I need help.

Just be Honest with him really sometimes thats the best thing you can do. When you over think things sometimes it just makes it complicated. On the other hand he might actually like you n feels same way. Just put it out there, you dont have to say hey im gaga for you.

Just be like do you think we could be more than friends ?

and be silent n watch his reaction. n try n casually keep talkn make him comfortable, maintain that fun relationship, dont be all serious about it coz then he might just get scared off even if he likes you. try it. hope it helps.

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 01:29 AM

IMO = in my opinion laugh

haha Thanks. I just updated it. Some parts of it are in capitals to give emphasis in the poems, and the other parts like about what I like and so on are just capitals in certain places, so it doesnt look like 1 long boring trail. Just so it jumps out at the person.

oh and i put in what i am looking for like you suggested .

Let me know what you think N thanks :) you rock !

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 12:09 AM

cleaver profile IMO....the poem is a good touch. Might want to check the spelling errors though. Some people like profiles spelled correctly.

Maybe add what you are looking for in whatever you are looking for on here


what's IMO * ? Forgive my ignorance lol.

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 12:07 AM

Cute guy, nice poem. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks and you're quite appetizing yourself. waving

JackSparrow747's photo
Tue 11/24/09 12:05 AM

cleaver profile IMO....the poem is a good touch. Might want to check the spelling errors though. Some people like profiles spelled correctly.

Maybe add what you are looking for in whatever you are looking for on here


ok i'll look for spelling errors. umm cud u point out the ones you noticed.

JackSparrow747's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:19 PM
N all the Girls say....

JackSparrow747's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:16 PM


From ? lol oh i get it you girls are playing hide n seek ah ok. lol.

JackSparrow747's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:14 PM
Mississauga. :thumbsup:

JackSparrow747's photo
Mon 11/23/09 08:06 PM
I think Love n relationships are different for different people. Some people naturally know how to emote, and some people get to know each other really fast. It doesn't take forever or many years for everyone. There are people that have understood what it means to truely Love. A movie kind of love is Not unrealistic. It's how I think in all honesty, it is what you make of Love n of your Life. If you think you can get only so far in Life then you will get only so far. If you think beyond n have NO limitations truely anything is possible.

JackSparrow747's photo
Mon 11/23/09 07:57 PM
ok so since you put it out there, what would you do if you woke up and the sky was green ? lol