I love Caramel,
and anything funny,
Lamborghini's are fast,
and cost lots of money.
I have dark brown eyes,
You can Stare if you like,
and really Black hair,
that looks like the Night
Life is a mystery,
I like being one,
History is boring,
I wanna try something fuNNN.
I love chocolate mousse, shepherds pie, house music, Pringles, movies, Porridge - No just joking ! lol. Nutella, dogs, French Vanilla, and Brunettes.... Blondes are cool too.
Umm ya that dint rhyme.
Life is so much more Fun when your younger. When your like 4 you could go up to that girl on the swings and ask, "Hey you wanna play ?" and then go jump in the sand box or something. If I asked a girl in her 20s, "Hey you wanna play ?" now, I'd prolly get a slap. Prolly worth a try tho. lol
Profession: Student