Any Aussies?
Woohoo Hello there Rivame!
Any Aussies?
jbeall0501 - Where abouts in Oz is she from?
lazyj321 - HAHA I need sleep, but I read that and had an image of a talking dog walking around saying G'Day! LMAO Don't mind me |
Any Aussies?
I know of 1 or 2 Aussies that are on here, but wanted to see how many active Aussie members there actually are on here.
Come out where ever you are! |
Ok so Im plotting....
The weddings that I have been to have had 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4 so I am
guessing 3/4 is a good number LOL |
Howdy from Australia
It's ok Jess, I read all the signs so I am good to go now! Woot!
Howdy from Australia
Cheers guys
I am still finding my way around LOL |
have you ever wondered
Sheep dog - My beer must always be sitting next to yours then. Mine
always goes missing! |
Poem for my Dad. Help!
Hi, Am wanting to write a poem, well read one out at his 50th bash this
year. I have writers block I am not a good public speaker hehe but I will be fine at Dad's party as I will be primed with alcohol I have started so many times to write one but I can't get in the swing of things. Are there any good sites I can look at for inspiration or do you have one I can read to get some creative juices going? Thanks |
Howdy from Australia
Ohh Photofreek.. A big HI to you
I will be back later so will have a chat then..! |
Howdy from Australia
Thanks IrishLass.. I feel welcome already
I was talking to R for about 5 seconds yesterday LOL but am heading to work now so will stalk her out later this arvo..! Have a great day Jess.. ! |
Howdy from Australia
Woohoo I feel loved.
Thanks guys, Now I have my usual name, I don't think I can be stalked like I was with the other name LOL. Ramone - Sheep are a New Zealand thing if you ask us Aussies. Where is Rivame? She surely has vanished..! |
Howdy from Australia
I am backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!
Miss me? |