Community > Posts By > peppydog50
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 14
Don't give up think positive
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 14
Ok if not you can always talk to me
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 14
Think positive your good looking and will find someone. This is to the female that just responded.
Come on In - part 66
relax with me
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 14
single, If any of you lady's want to go out I am here for you.
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 14
single, If any of you lady's want to go out I am here for you.
That was a good thing that the mormans did. As far as thier religion goes have no respect for it though they borrow from every religion in the world put what they like here and there and make it their own.
and then it gets better hopefully
New Haircut New Pics
yeah baby
Facial hair
I usually grow a beard in the winter. I have been told when I do that I look like grizzly adams.
If a democrat actually did that to a DNC building they are not a true democrat like myself and need to be a republican. They need all the help they can get in more ways than one.
mirror mirror on the wall you tell me when the worlds going to end.
Come on folk lets listen to some real music like some bone crushing bass thumping heart pounding metal and not the rap and death metal lets keep it real. Been listing to a little megadeath today look forward to their new album on the 15th. I am so their.
I am against abortion and gay rights. Kennedy was a good man though.
Isn't it crazy.....
There is someone for everyone hopefully I will find them.
Twitter on Mingle Part II
Same here. I like photo of German Shepard in photo above you. Better get busy lots to do.
The mayans did say there would be changes in 2012 a new awakening for the world. No one knows when it will end except God and he hasn't told me. Of course the mayans forgot to say that change is constant so go figure will have to wait and see.
romance is good there is not enough of it.
Some Rage,Lordi,All that Remains and someothers. Rock on folks.
The Free Market as Regulator
The bailouts were needed to help the economy. I belive in a free market. I also belive in some area such as housing etc there should be goverment regulation so we will not get in this mess again.