Community > Posts By > peppydog50
Whooo Hoooo!! - part 3
morning all still trying to wake self up will have to smack self around. I am sure the cowboys got the lady's day started good.
Tedd Kennedy died
He was a good man and did a lot for this country.
your hotter
Obama is the bomb. No illegal aliens. I don't know what you guys are talking about must be on something.
You are funny you must be a republican can twist anything around that does not make it true though. Know your facts. I thank God they are no longer in power.
Any single ladys from the Louisa area or close by give me a holler.
I'm amazed
I think that Obama and the democrats should shove health care down the repblicans throats we have the power now. The so called blue dogs if they do not vote for this they are yellow dogs and should join the republicans.
I like Black Label Society, Metallica, Megadeath etc. Can't wait for Megadeath's new album on Sep 15th called end game.