Community > Posts By > CharlieTwoponies
nipple piercing...
I think that piercings (IE) ears and nipples and belly buttons are very sexy but I have also seen pierced tongues / eye lids / chin ETC that I just do not understand
Any North Carolinian's
and I love it so much from the awesome forrests to the beaches where I did decide to buy in the mountains I do go to the outer banks ( Emerald Isle ) most every summer or fall to enjoy an E-NOR-MOUS amount of sea food and play in the surf with my Schnauzer's Good Luck to all Charlie T |
when you VOTE you have this choice
Mini Hillary Mouse or Mickie OBama Mouse or the other two Kill'm ALL McCain an let GOD sort them out ........... or Save them ALL Huckabee What ever happened to >>> UNITED WE STAND and >>> DEVIDED WE FALL the democrates and the republicans have ""DIVIDED US ALL into so manty different groups and then the MEDIA plays all its cards as to divid us even more to the point you can not see any difference between the parties " DEMO or REPUB " So if she gets these 12 groups of the division and he gets these 12 then there is the ones that they both are trying to win over Are we as VOTERS really that STUPID......... Do we not see this coming If you do not believe that "" EACH VOTE COUNTS "" then WHY do the canidates try to win as many of them as they can COME ON VOTERS GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR OWN SMALL LIVES AND SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE THAT OF IF YOU DO NTO TAKE INTERESTS AND YOU DO NOT VOTE YOU WILL BE IN WORSE SHAPE THEN YOU ARE NOW AND HELL YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IT IS POSSIBLE |
Is that really a QUESTION or for that matter even an OPTION???? I think NOT, I know a few people that every four year talk the LOUDEST and yet when it comes to going to vote they do NOT even give it a second thought .... Then a few weeks or months later when things in Washington still are not to the publics likeing in general these FEW people VOICE their concerns and they try to tell everyone that if we would have had a good canidate to vote for they most certainly would have gone out to vote .... to this I call them BULL ****TING LIARS ... They still would not have voted and they all will be the frst persons looking for some excuse to belittle or degrade who ever was voted into office To these PEOPLE ( term used lightly ) I say if you do nto VOTE you have NO RIGHT to complain for had you done what was asked of you we might have had the better canidates to vote for not which one of the democrates or republicans is the WORSE of the TWO and then vote against them |
Romney Bye-Bye
Well on the one side we have McCain danceing around as if HE is a conseritive and that is like the BIGGEST JOKE all you have to do is look at his voting record.. The one thing he is most HONEST about is that he GRETLY BELIEVES in the WAR.....
Could Romny unite with Huckabee That is like asking if Isral could be close buddy buddy's with Iran or Saudi's Huckabees convictions and strict background and Romny's background would never work I think the QUESTION is will Romny go out to become another third party canadate and allow us to not vote in the first Women President nor the first Afro-American canidate |
Our country has been SOLD OUT for many years, and it is not only the MEDIA's fault. Where I agree the the media has a very large AXE TO GRIND I also find it amusing that a very large % of voters each election do NOT VOTE thus leaving it up to the a very small % of voters to decide where this country will go next. We have a very large OIL and GAS reserve yet nothing has been done to keep our gasoline prices stable nor has ANY of the CANIDATES said one word about it We hada chance for a politian from the business sector but he dropped out a few daysw ago WHY???? because he could not find the support he needed to continue As we look toward the up coming election we have once again made it EXTREMELY HARD if NOT IMPOSSIBLE to vote in to office a person willing to do what is really needed and that would start with the SOFT MONEY INTEREST.... We will agin find yourselves in the same boat wheather it is a Democrate or a Republican in the OVAL OFFICE.. Choices this coming FALL Hillary vs. McCain OBama vs. McCain Hillary vs. Huckabee Obama vs. Huckabee WOW for different options to pick from and yet none of which even excites 50% of the voting public So once again our President will not be elected by the vast MAJORITY but by a few die hard Rebuplicans nad Democrates and we will once again have the voting problems.. and the soft money and the large companies dividing up your rights |
belly button pierced
Well NOW here is an interesting subject
To pierce or NOT to pierce this is the question at hand on one side you have your people that think it is something very SLUTY on the other hand you have the people that feel it is very SEXY and Aluring. Then the ones that ride the fence and talk about it being infected Personally I feel it is your body and if that is 1] the way you care to spend your hard earned money >>>>>>>>>>>>>>GO 4 IT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, 2] if it will make you feel better about yourself >>>>>>>>>>>>>>GO 4 IT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, 3] if you think it will attract the other person you are looking for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>GO 4 IT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<, |
#16 When she walks down the street even the dogs cross to the other side
#17 when she went to surgeon .. his only question is just where in the H do you want me to start |