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Tue 07/21/09 01:44 PM
Well if he ran it from his office or my house. If it help America, then buy all means use my house. we have put some of our own citizens in jail and even to death. Did anybody prob the judges or the prosecuting attorneys. They just wanted a convictions, not to mention they let murders go when it is evident they are guilty. I have never seen so many Americans bash America. So are you people that niave as to believe that countries don't do this. Lets see spies and double agents, do you really think they don't have guns and orders to kill if America will be harmed. If your democrat or republican and you believe we should not keep an eye on our enemies and destroy them before they destroy us, I humbly ask you to get the F*** out of my country. Instead lets probe everybody.
Sonia Sotomayor
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Tue 07/21/09 01:22 PM
I think she should be held accountable for her words, thoughts, and actions just like any other person who holds or held an office should be held accountable, after all if we say anything about a minority in the work place. We our brought up on charges or even fired. Isn't that going to be her work place? It is sad the greatest nation on the planet with freedoms that we have fought for and some died, are letting our public servants that make law and rules and a boat load of MONEY, are not held to standards and a way of living that they want us to live by and sometimes forces us to live. Keep in mind we left Europe because of what is happening now. To much government and to much control over us. We have alot of good government that came from our own life's lessons, Just remember if we give the government the power to gives us something, then they have the power to take it away. It seems as though they are above the law these days. she to interpret the law not write it.
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Tue 07/21/09 12:56 PM
If they are a city or state employee, There is standards operations and procedures. If they don't preform to these standards. They can be brought up on charges. I think it is called daralection (sorry about the spelling) of duty. If a police officer does not take a report it is a state offense or so I am told and can be tried in court. The thing I noticed about the call one the operator never tried to calm the girl down to see if it was a real emergency, 2. without that knowledge of the situation I really don't think they are able to decide who gets an ambulance. and the cop that arrested her should also be in trouble. They are here for us and paid for by us to protect and serve us. My question is does anyone know what happened to the dispatcher. If nothing then we show start something with his picture and the incident sending it through the net via emails and it should get to him or a smart attorney that does not live in that city. call me a dreamer but the man should be publicly outed and punished.