Community > Posts By > welshboy

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:28 AM
im in south wales, and as todays my birfday im going to have a drink tonightbigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

everyones welcome to join medrinker drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:23 AM
well the only thing ive noticed about the new rambo movie is that it has a heck of alot more blood and guts compared to the old ones.
to be honest first blood was and always will be the best rambo filmdrinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:17 AM
hey izz, well i would say it counts as real dating, i mean at the end of the day your talking and getting to know somone and if anything it makes meeting up alot easier.


welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:14 AM
i dont see height as an issue when it comes to dating somone, im 6-2 and my ex was 5-4 so i was always looking down at her but that was never a problem.

if i like somone then its cos of who they are, not really how tall that person is:smile: drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:09 AM
hiya peachieflowerforyou

hiya kayakdrinker i did pop in yesterday, i havnt been on cos i slipped a disk in my back again so i havnt really been doing much

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:55 AM
nice one debflowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:45 AM
thoughts and prayers are with herflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart:

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:39 AM


Debblove love love

all sorted now hundrinker

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:33 AM

i tried to email wlshboy and freakofnature but they have limits on who can email them

try it now hun, my settings were messed up:smile:

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:31 AM
thats a hard question, i cant just have 1 fav cos i love so many but the best i have seen would have to be:

mr deeds, the langoliers, kingdom of heaven, hitchikers guide and jarheaddrinker

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:26 AM

Hi welshboy....long time no see.......going to do matches in a bit....waiting for some more players....

hey feral, i slipped a disk in my back again so i havnt been able to get online for a whiledrinker drinker

awww I am sorry about that......will keep ya in prayer Mr.....that the good Lord heal that back.....ok

awww thanks hun, huge hugs!!!!!!!!flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:20 AM

Hi welshboy....long time no see.......going to do matches in a bit....waiting for some more players....

hey feral, i slipped a disk in my back again so i havnt been able to get online for a whiledrinker drinker

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:18 AM
hey all, how is everyone?drinker

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:17 AM
i didnt feel this one where i was cos i was fast asleep lol

but i did feel the one before that hit the uk, its the stangest feeling ever. drinker

welshboy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:14 AM
hi alldrinker flowerforyou

hope everones well and ok?

welshboy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:23 AM

Hi Welsh:smile:

its that time where I must head off to work, Have a great day everyone:smile:

hope you have a wonderfull day hunflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:20 AM


hey snuggsflowerforyou flowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:20 AM

cute pic Jason laugh


good morning flowerforyou

aww thanks hunflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

morning to you too:smile:

welshboy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 03:40 AM
sneeks in and wins!!!!

yay!!!!laugh laugh

welshboy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 03:31 AM
hey feral, i found the club again hun:wink:

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