Community > Posts By > welshboy

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 05:43 AM
me toodrinker

c'mon the welsh!!!! lolhappy

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 05:33 AM
hey thats cool hun, not everyones into watching rugger:smile:

i reckon if we win our next match then its in the bag drinker drinker

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 05:30 AM
so anyone here following the 6 nations rugby at the moment?
i reckon wales will win it this year!!
drinker drinker

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 05:27 AM
well you know where im from, dosnt seem to be many people from wolves on here tho hundrinker

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:56 AM

so anyone in swansea

im in newporthappy

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:54 AM

plenty of fluids and plenty of rest should do the trick hunflowerforyou
thank you but I can't sleep ... I am listening to the thunderstorm outside so I am relaxing at least ..

i love thunderstorms!!happy if your like me you should be relaxed soon enoughflowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:49 AM
plenty of fluids and plenty of rest should do the trick hunflowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Sat 03/01/08 01:13 AM

I am back from my trip ya'll...

I missed saying good bye to Wyatt smokin

& to Mari Jane flowerforyou

& Brian 325 if he ever stops by any more drinker

& i see that my beloved son Jason <Welsh boy> is back smokin

i missed you Jason...drinker

i am sorry you were not well. :cry:

i'm getting ready for a bike ride...drinker

hey everyone....drinker smokin drinker

i got this herb called Dream Weaver flowerforyou

Come gather round and light up's almost 4:20smokin

hey mom, missed you too hun. i am getting better slowly so i should soon be back to my usual selflaugh happy

and a good morning to everyone elsedrinker drinker drinker

welshboy's photo
Fri 02/29/08 01:48 AM

:heart: :heart: jason:heart: :heart: i hope you get to feeling bettersmokin

:heart: :heart: marij:heart: :heart: smokin

:heart: :heart: suz:heart: :heart: smokin

and my baby cakes :heart: :heart: LEE:heart: :heart:

hey amber sweetie, it is getting a bit better thanks hunflowerforyou:heart:

hope all is well with you and everyone else?drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 12:58 PM

never had oreos and milk, we dont have them over herefrown
i had the oreos ice cream before when i was in canada and that stunning!!!

wish we had them here

Ohhhh you are deprived there shshshssh poor thing they are good specially the double stuffed hummmm huhhhbigsmile

me wants some!!!!! lolbigsmile

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 12:52 PM
never had oreos and milk, we dont have them over herefrown
i had the oreos ice cream before when i was in canada and that stunning!!!

wish we had them here

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 12:40 PM

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 05:50 AM
well im a

----------FEBRUARY BABY --------------------
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract.
Intelligent and clever. Changing personality.
Attractive. Sexiest out of everyone.
Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest
And loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves
Freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves
Aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt.
Gets angry really easily but does not show it.
Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends
But rarely shows it. Horny. Daring and stubborn.
Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp.
Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the
Inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous.
Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions

bigsmile bigsmile

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:48 AM

Awwwwwwwwww, sweetie, that's awful! Hope you're feeling better flowerforyou flowerforyou And Happy Birthday again, hope you're feeling well enough to do something to celebrate drinker drinker drinker

I'm good, thanks, same old, same old :smile:

well i am getting pains, but i wont let that stop me:wink: :wink:
and thank you again hunny, hugs!flowerforyou flowerforyou

glad to here your doing well:smile:

im gonna go jump in the shower to wake myself up a bit lol so i shall speak to you again later.

have a great day hunflowerforyou drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:36 AM
morning suz

been a while since i was on, i slipped a disk in my back again so ive been laid up in bed most of the time!

hows you been?

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:26 AM

hey happy b-day hunflowerforyou flowerforyou

mine today aswell, drinks all round!drinker drinker drinker drinker

Happy Birthday to you too (((((((((Welsh)))))))))))

drinker drinker drinker drinker

thank you suzflowerforyou

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:25 AM

hey happy b-day hunflowerforyou flowerforyou

mine today aswell, drinks all round!drinker drinker drinker drinker

Well, Happy Birthday to Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, too! :wink: There wasn't a Leap Year in '57, what about your year?

Thank you mssilverfox!

there wasnt when i was born, i was born 81 the next leap year was 83 i thinkdrinker drinker

(to romeo)
thanks buddy, cheers!!drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:21 AM
hey happy b-day hunflowerforyou flowerforyou

mine today aswell, drinks all round!drinker drinker drinker drinker

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:17 AM
i win!!!!bigsmile bigsmile

welshboy's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:29 AM

i didnt see it..dont want to either...what i'm trying to figure out is why there are like 6 rocky movies..

hey me too!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

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