When she says--"No"-- you were good--keep the $20
--- Forever Young ---
I was carded until I was 40.....for cigarettes. Ive been carded in bars all my life. When I was younger.....I found it embarrassing and a curse. I hated looking young. Now....its a blessing. Your eye looks to be about 21! |
--- Forever Young ---
Lol! bastards! If its any consolation i think you look like a geriatric old fart. How do you type with em in there---or should I ask!!! |
--- Forever Young ---
Wait till your my age---never get "carded"
--- Forever Young ---
I thought most people got carded over in the states when buying booze. I was getting carded most places when i was over there and i was over 30. What do you expect--with fingers up your nose??!! must be from the UK! |
Give 'em all enough time to get real good at learning how to pick up th' soap. |
If You Had the Money...
Go back to Vietnam and help some of the old NVA soldiers. Some are begging in the streets now. ain't right. I hated them in the 60's because they were shooting at me. Not now. They need help and I'd like to give it to them. Soldiers don't start these stupid war's--they just fight them and die in them. Sounds strange---but with all the money I would have--why not!
Yes!!--my two dogs, when i gave them each a big cow bone!!
Let me present an experience from the "other side" -- I was on a pay site for 3 months in early 2006. $24.95 a month. I was contacted by 174 of their members, mostly locals, during that period. I never sent out a first e-mail. As far as I can tell, none of the 174 were scammers/spammers. BUT -- and this is the part that relates to your original question about time-wasters -- none of them were even remotely suitable for me either. Many of them sent message after message, trying to get me to go meet them at a local bar. Clearly, they either had not read, or could not read, my profile. Waste of time? Yup. Waste of money? Double yup. met 3 women on a pay site--all were nice and talk with 2 still. spent this june with one in taos NM painting landscapes. It was worth the 10 bucks a month----mingle??? I Like yabbering in here- But the women seem to just yabber as well-- But there nice- and its fun. |
good advice in here-- i have a rule--never go to a womans profile, if she is younger then 75. so i didn't look at yours. you see--its the old lady's that have the money. But you will do fine--- if you don't listen to old farts like me!!--that is---
the generation gap struggle
My old man never said he loved me once---until I made it back from vietnam---he cried as well. Don't think there is that much diff. and don't think i answered your question. Life went back to normal after that. Until he died!!
" People without health insurance are 40 percent more likely to die than those with private insurance, according to a new study whose authors say the finding underscores the need to expand coverage to the 46 million who lack it. Americans without health insurance have higher risk of death." Interesting that an article opens with a clear fallacy. This statistic does not mean that coverage needs to be expanded. It means that (among other things) the insurance industry needs to be deregulate (that is, the government must quit stealing from providers and others in the industry) Thanks again--right on the money!! |
Welfare State
too many of the blue collar jobs have been outscourced overseas for cheap labor in the past thirty years or so we've gone from a manufacturing production society to a service society we don't produce much any more a lot of that I blame on the unions. a guy just doesnt deserve $40 a hour to run a forklift. When a Viet Namese guy will do it for $10 a hour the American workers priced themselves right out of the market I have to disagree. While you may be able to site some specific examples, There is another side to the story. Arizona is a "Right to Work" State which means you don't have many unions at all. Not long ago, the #1 Employer in the state was Motorola. They were manufacturing everything from micro-processors to cell phones and they were not union. They began to sell off some of the most profitable segments of the company to overseas interests. Most of the rest of their operation moved to Mexico where a worker there makes in a month what you make in a day. Unions di not have a Damn thing to do with it. It was Corporate GREED that caused those job losses in Arizona. And I don't care if you are Union or Non-Union, there is no way in hell you are going to get an American Worker to work for Mexican wages. Now currently, the #1 Employer in the State of Arizona is WALMART! I get pretty upset when I hear people always blaming the unions for loss of manufacturing jobs because that is absolutely NOT the case in Arizona and I suspect, in many other states as well. The Problem is that we are in this mess the corporations refer to as a global market and people want cheap crap. As to the future of good jobs in America, I can only hope that we get the hell off damned oil imports and start creating "Green Collar" jobs with solar, wind, etc... OK....done ranting now. Take your best shot. Not the unions--take a look at a big company like GE--all outside work was done in this country untill the last CEO "Retired with a 10 mill $$ bonus"(forgot his name) Ordered the co. to send all rfq's over seas. They gave him big cudos for making it the bigest and most profitable co in the country---Jobs were lost even where i worke We made parts for GE--Story is the same all over. these people care about the bottom line and this globalization Crap-- |
Welfare State
my ex wife, before she got rabies and we had to put her down, raised three toddlers (one with Down Syndrome), worked a 40 hour week job AND put herself through college. with no child support either. every time they garnished his wages he would quit his job and move weman can be tough when they have to be Amen brother...it's a tough gig. That's why 70 seems soooo far way, I'm tired now. It will come before you know it! I can already feel time speeding up! Getting older sucks! Getting older sucks? Nah, not for me, I never felt that way about aging. My friends started freaking out at 40 and 45, I couldn't understand it.. I loved every minute of getting older. I was happy to be out of the craziness of my 20's and 30's and quite content even today at 59. Maybe it's what one places their emphisis on. Mine was just being able to enjoy life, gardening, reading, keeping my house nice, lots of things. Of course if it's on looks, and they aren't there any more and you see no other enjoyment in life that could be a problem. I do know women that are losing their looks and they can't handle it. My friend a year or so ago, that is like that, said to me I am going to have a my double chin removed, what do you think. With out really thinking, I said, why, then you'll have to shave other sagging parts too, it will be never ending. She looked like I just buried her poodle. Boy talk about foot in mouth syndrome, she was a basket case for a week. She thought the rest of her was perfectly fine, and I had to go and blow her fantacy. I have been making up for it ever since, telling her how good she looks. Her husband, poor guy has to do the same. I told her never ever to ask me that sort of question again. LOL. She never did bother with the surgery. The only irritation with getting old is you have to learn that your body won't cooperate with your brain. My brain things I am 30 something. I have learned to do things slowly and not like I have a fire under me, but that can be good to, it makes you appreciate things more when you slow down a bit. You notice things you never took the time to notice before. I just want to check out when I can't even do the things I like even slowly.. Then I am done.. lol Have you ever been a 49 year old single mom... As a young kid in the 50's and 60's--nieghbor lady raised 3 boys all by her little self--never had help from any government agency. The boys turned out fine and took care of her in her old age---true story---wonder how she did it??? but she did. yes I know "Times change" but she still did it! I'm doing it too...no help, just me.. I know it can be done. My boys are older now, getting easier. Would trade of minute of it... God--I wish i could tell you how that makes me feel--Hats off to you and then some!!! |
Welfare State
my ex wife, before she got rabies and we had to put her down, raised three toddlers (one with Down Syndrome), worked a 40 hour week job AND put herself through college. with no child support either. every time they garnished his wages he would quit his job and move weman can be tough when they have to be Amen brother...it's a tough gig. That's why 70 seems soooo far way, I'm tired now. It will come before you know it! I can already feel time speeding up! Getting older sucks! Getting older sucks? Nah, not for me, I never felt that way about aging. My friends started freaking out at 40 and 45, I couldn't understand it.. I loved every minute of getting older. I was happy to be out of the craziness of my 20's and 30's and quite content even today at 59. Maybe it's what one places their emphisis on. Mine was just being able to enjoy life, gardening, reading, keeping my house nice, lots of things. Of course if it's on looks, and they aren't there any more and you see no other enjoyment in life that could be a problem. I do know women that are losing their looks and they can't handle it. My friend a year or so ago, that is like that, said to me I am going to have a my double chin removed, what do you think. With out really thinking, I said, why, then you'll have to shave other sagging parts too, it will be never ending. She looked like I just buried her poodle. Boy talk about foot in mouth syndrome, she was a basket case for a week. She thought the rest of her was perfectly fine, and I had to go and blow her fantacy. I have been making up for it ever since, telling her how good she looks. Her husband, poor guy has to do the same. I told her never ever to ask me that sort of question again. LOL. She never did bother with the surgery. The only irritation with getting old is you have to learn that your body won't cooperate with your brain. My brain things I am 30 something. I have learned to do things slowly and not like I have a fire under me, but that can be good to, it makes you appreciate things more when you slow down a bit. You notice things you never took the time to notice before. I just want to check out when I can't even do the things I like even slowly.. Then I am done.. lol Have you ever been a 49 year old single mom... As a young kid in the 50's and 60's--nieghbor lady raised 3 boys all by her little self--never had help from any government agency. The boys turned out fine and took care of her in her old age---true story---wonder how she did it??? but she did. yes I know "Times change" but she still did it! |
I need some help
Keep the claws--but don't waist money on a scratching post--your sofa is toast anyway!!
Welfare State
Thank you all! This has been a wonderful discussion! I am going to head off to bed here in a minute or two! Have a wonderful evening/night! Hey tan-if your not gone yet--thanks for the thread--best one yet |
Welfare State
When political agendas and social norms determined by elite and priviledge continue to be put into legislation and acts and policy... there will continue to be injustice. And there is your bottom line...so poverty continues and increases at as steady rate as of late... Economy is cyclical. So good times and bad times... well, poverty can ebb and flow just like the economy. Just because it is increasing now, doesn't mean that it won't decrease. But just like unemployment there is always be some 'base' rate. I think you are right here--but there is a problem now--Jobs that were cyclic in the past are gone. Over seas me thinks!. new jobs will not be created like before. people who would have found another job--or the economy turns up etc. Times are different and the old way is gone. "New world order" here we come!!! Obama for what ever reason did the right thing with the tax on incoming tires. Now every one is having a fit because they cost 30% more. trust me---he will change it and all will be well. More Chinese crap--and no american jobs_____ At some point it will crash. nature of the beast I think!! |
Welfare State
A little off topic but--anyone old enough here to remember prez Johnson saying that it will only taqke 3 years and 9 bill. dollars to fix the problems of the poor in this country??? that was about 1963 i think it was!!!--Anyway--3 or 4 trillion $$$ later- Still a problem????? Don't say it's so!!! The war on poverty introduced by Johnson, started by Kennedy, was well intended, but just beaurocrats determining needs. Poverty will never go away, but it can be reduced. When political agendas and social norms determined by elite and priviledge continue to be put into legislation and acts and policy... there will continue to be injustice. Remember what happend with kennedy--He tried to right some wrongs. get rid of the cia--stop the war in vietnam--And his biggest mistake, printing our own money as apposed to the fed. This would have put some power back to the people---but that ended and Johnson--a corrupt million-air from the south took over--Hello transfer of wealth!! Still going on. Funny how he got the middle class to pay for all this--He just kept making money!!!And those like him. |
Welfare State
A little off topic but--anyone old enough here to remember prez Johnson saying that it will only taqke 3 years and 9 bill. dollars to fix the problems of the poor in this country??? that was about 1963 i think it was!!!--Anyway--3 or 4 trillion $$$ later- Still a problem????? Don't say it's so!!!