These are the obvious views of a person in the 21st century looking at the Bible as the sole source of Christain reality (unfortunately like so may suppoed Christans) . Maybe your view is based upon the precept that all Christians believe that the diety of the old testament is the same being functioning through Jesus in the NT. A trip to the Hammadi Library and reading te secret book of John might alter your view somewhat. I am not sayng it would cause you to believe but it will alter your preception. What other sources of reality do xtians have then, if not the bible? Now you have piqued my interest. |
God doesn't let awful things happen people do....then they blame God.....And if you want to blame anyone then blame satan...because the weak people are the ones he preys on.. And again jmo. How does one answer this? This is just twisted. Disease, starvation, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, floods, airplane, car and train accidents, a little child falling down a well... all of these are the result of actions of bad people? Please tell me, what evil has a 5 year old child committed to deserve the suffering of leukemia? Starvation is not god's fault? Do you thank god before a meal for the food on your table? If so, why?? He did not put it there. If you say "Thank the lord for this food", you are stating that he had responsibility in putting it there. Therefore, if he gives food to you, why does he withhold it from others? If you think he does not withhold it from others, then you better not thank him for the food you have. Another way to think of it is this way. You might say "Praise the lord that those 80 people survived that plane crash." But you don't blame the lord for those 200 people died in the plane crash... Believers are more than happy to praise their god during the good events, yet they never blame him for the bad. |
And remember MS, bats are NOT birds so dont eat them. ![]() ... and rabbits dont chew the cud |
Even the bible itself states, that there would not be enough books in the world, to contain all the miracles and good works and all that happened.... However the bible ALSO states, that any who add or take away from this book.... Remember reading that part,Belushi? ( In Revelations..I 'll let you find it). The Bible ( the Divinely Inspired Word of God) has survived (and not all these other writings)for a reason.... Think Belushi... There are NO Contradictions in God's Word. EVERY Question has a Answer, IF You take the Time to Study and Rightly Divide the Word of God. God Makes NO Mistakes in His Word. Man just makes mistakes INTERPRETING God's Word. God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to WATCH OVER His WORD !!!! God IS the WORD. Be Blessed Now... ![]() ![]() ![]() No contradictions? Oh please!!! You are talking out of your backside!!! On numerous occassions I have proved the bible has contradictions. On occassions I have stated the jesus lied and proved with the idea that god doesnt answer your prayers. But as you are a blind sheep following a figment of your imagination and you trust that the bible is truth, you will never see the abrahamic religions for what they are. A tool to subjugate and control. Answer me this, as you have failed to do so previously when I have asked ... Did you stone your unruly children? Also ... Was it god, or the devil, who said: "I will strew your flesh upon the mountains, and fill the valleys with your carcass. I will drench the land even to the mountains with your flowing blood..." Was it god, or the devil, who said: "Therefore fathers shall eat their sons in the midst of you and sons shall eat their fathers...I will send famine and wild beasts against you and they shall rob you of your children; pestilence and blood shall pass through you; and I will bring a sword upon you." Was it god, or the devil, who said: "Behold, I will corrupt your seed and spread dung upon your faces..." Was it god, or the devil, who said: "Pass through the city after him, and smite; your eye shall not spare and you shall show no pity; slay old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and women..." It was your god of love. Would you torture and kill someone because of their opinion? Arrest them in the middle of the night and drag them off to a hidden prison, torturing them with fire and blades, and shooting them in the back of the head? That is something you might expect from Hitler or Saddam Hussein. You probably would not agree that this is a moral way to deal with people. You also probably think that I have a right to my opinion, just as you have. I wonder then, why you follow a god who would damn me to eternal torture, infinite revenge, for my honest opinion. Are you better than the god you follow? Are you more civilized? More fair? More humane than your god? |
He already came down and left us a legacy..His Word.... Explain the contradictions then Why is his word so silly, contentious, unreasonable and contradictory then? I feel a circular argument coming on. ![]() Maybe because a group of men wrote it and used as a tool to control people? |
From the BBC website
What is probably the oldest known Bible is being digitised, reuniting its scattered parts for the first time since its discovery 160 years ago. It is markedly different from its modern equivalent. What's left out? The world's oldest surviving Bible is in bits. For 1,500 years, the Codex Sinaiticus lay undisturbed in a Sinai monastery, until it was found - or stolen, as the monks say - in 1844 and split between Egypt, Russia, Germany and Britain. Now these different parts are to be united online and, from next July, anyone, anywhere in the world with internet access will be able to view the complete text and read a translation. For those who believe the Bible is the inerrant, unaltered word of God, there will be some very uncomfortable questions to answer. It shows there have been thousands of alterations to today's bible. The Codex, probably the oldest Bible we have, also has books which are missing from the Authorised Version that most Christians are familiar with today - and it does not have crucial verses relating to the Resurrection. Anti-Semitic writings The fact this book has survived at all is a miracle. Before its discovery in the early 19th Century by the Indiana Jones of his day, it remained hidden in St Catherine's Monastery since at least the 4th Century. It survived because the desert air is ideal for preservation and because the monastery, on a Christian island in a Muslim sea, remained untouched, its walls unconquered. Today, 30 mainly Greek Orthodox monks, dedicated to prayer, worship there, helped as in ages past by the Muslim Bedouin. For this place is holy to three great religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam; a land where you can still see the Burning Bush where God spoke to Moses. The monastery itself has the greatest library of early manuscripts outside the Vatican - some 33,000, and a collection of icons second to none. Not surprisingly, it is now a World Heritage Site and has been called a veritable Ark, bringing spiritual treasures safely through the turbulent centuries. In many people's eyes the greatest treasure is the Codex, written in the time of the first Christian Emperor Constantine. When the different parts are digitally united next year in a £1m project, anyone will be able to compare and contrast the Codex and the modern Bible. Firstly, the Codex contains two extra books in the New Testament. One is the little-known Shepherd of Hermas, written in Rome in the 2nd Century - the other, the Epistle of Barnabas. This goes out of its way to claim that it was the Jews, not the Romans, who killed Jesus, and is full of anti-Semitic kindling ready to be lit. "His blood be upon us," Barnabas has the Jews cry. Discrepancies Had this remained in subsequent versions, "the suffering of Jews in the subsequent centuries would, if possible, have been even worse", says the distinguished New Testament scholar Professor Bart Ehrman. And although many of the other alterations and differences are minor, these may take some explaining for those who believe every word comes from God. Faced with differing texts, which is the truly authentic one? Mr Ehrman was a born again Bible-believing Evangelical until he read the original Greek texts and noticed some discrepancies. The Bible we now use can't be the inerrant word of God, he says, since what we have are the sometimes mistaken words copied by fallible scribes. "When people ask me if the Bible is the word of God I answer 'which Bible?'" The Codex - and other early manuscripts - do not mention the ascension of Jesus into heaven, and omit key references to the Resurrection, which the Archbishop of Canterbury has said is essential for Christian belief. Other differences concern how Jesus behaved. In one passage of the Codex, Jesus is said to be "angry" as he healed a leper, whereas the modern text records him as healing with "compassion". Also missing is the story of the woman taken in adultery and about to be stoned - until Jesus rebuked the Pharisees (a Jewish sect), inviting anyone without sin to cast the first stone. Nor are there words of forgiveness from the cross. Jesus does not say "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". Fundamentalists, who believe every word in the Bible is true, may find these differences unsettling. But the picture is complicated. Some argue that another early Bible, the Codex Vaticanus, is in fact older. And there are other earlier texts of almost all the books in the bible, though none pulled together into a single volume. Many Christians have long accepted that, while the Bible is the authoritative word of God, it is not inerrant. Human hands always make mistakes. "It should be regarded as a living text, something constantly changing as generation and generation tries to understand the mind of God," says David Parker, a Christian working on digitising the Codex. Others may take it as more evidence that the Bible is the word of man, not God. |
Was Jesus a Buddhist?
Jesus abolished the Eye for an Eye doctrine because it was never a divine order. It was a man made moralistic law. So then you agree that the Old Testament is just man made garbage? There are two parts of the bible, and 90% of it is the Old Testament. Christians sure are quick to disown 90% of their perfect, inerrant book. If we were released from the laws of the Old Testament by the blood of Jesus Christ when He died on the cross, as many Christians assert, then why do so many Christians still use Old Testament laws on the rest of us? Consider Leviticus 20:13, where we are told that homosexuality is an abomination, and that they "shall surely be put to death". How come we hear about that, and other Old Testament laws so much? They are sure quick to whip out Old Testament laws when it is convenient for them to do so. Christians say "Well, it was different in those days..." Alright then-- how? How was it different, so that cruel wars of extermination and the slaughter of innocent children were perfectly acceptable to Christians? I can understand why you, and other Christians, would want to divorce the New Testament from the bloody Old Testament. You would HAVE TO, to be able to maintain any kind of moral rectitude. But honestly, it cannot be done. The very first chapter of the very first book of the New Testament lists the geneaology of Jesus back to Abraham. In Matthew Chapter 17, Jesus speaks to Old Testament figures Moses and Elijah, who's figures appeared before him. Matthew 24:37 is an undeniable link to the brutality of the Old Testament, where Jesus compares his second coming to the destruction of the Great Flood that killed the world's population. In the New Testament Jesus makes constant refrerences to "scripture". In Matthew 22:29 Jesus says: "You are in error, because you do not know the scriptures, or the power of God." Now, just what WERE these scriptures that Jesus was making reference to? The New Testament? I don't think so. At the time there was no such thing as a New Testament! There were only the scriptures of bloodthirsty villians like Moses. Every reference to "scripture" in the New Testament establishes one more link to the Old Testament. How many times does the New Testament refer to Old Testament "scriptures"? 52 times. In the New Testament, Abraham is referred to 68 times, the ancient Israelites are mentioned 73 times, Jacob 26 times, Issac 20 times, Elijah 29 times, Isiah 22 times, Noah 8 times, King David is mentioned 58 times. How about this-- the name Mary (not just the Virgin Mary, but ALL Marys) is mentioned 54 times in the New Testament. The name Moses, on the other hand, appears 80 times! You think these numbers don't establish an important connection? You don't think that Jesus held that the teachings of Moses were important? How about this. Jesus gives an absolute endorsement of the teachings and laws of Moses. "If you believe Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" John 5:45 Are you going to sit there and tell me that the New Testament is not inexorably linked in the deepest ways to the Old Testament? Do you deny that, according to your bible, Jesus is the one and only same personage as the God of the Old Testament? Did Jesus condemm ANY of his father's massacres? No. In Matt 5:48 he says "Be ye therefore perfect, even as I or your Father in Heaven is perfect." Do you think Jesus would have questioned any of his father's actions, like the many acts of genocide that litter the pages of the Old Testament? No. Remember what Jesus said when he gave the Lord's Prayer to his followers- "Our Father who art in heaven... thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Do you think Jesus would have ever disobeyed his father's commands, like when he ordered that his servants should "kill everyone that breathes" upon their entry to the Promised Land? No. In John chapter 10 verse 30, Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." Jesus would have been swinging a sword, hacking nonviolent men, women and children to death, right along side of Joshua and his armies of Israelites! Imagine that. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, splitting a child in two with his blood-drenched sword. In John 1:1, we read "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In verse 14, we read: "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." We are told explicitly that Jesus Christ IS THE GOD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT! You probably already accept this. But, logical extension, you must also accept therefore that it was Jesus Christ who ordered the Israelites to slaughter millions of defenseless men, women and children in the conquest of Canaan, it was Jesus Christ who killed every firstborn child in Egypt, it was Jesus Christ who ordered king Saul to butcher thousands of children and babies in the genocide of the Amalakites, it was Jesus Christ who ordered the Israellites to capture and mass-rape 32,000 young girls of the Midianite tribe, after killing their families, it was Jesus Christ who struck dead 50,000 innocent people at Beshemish for merely LOOKING at the ark of the covenant, it was Jesus Christ who caused the painful asphixiation of every man, woman, child and animal on the face of the earth during the flood of Noah, and it was Jesus Christ who condemmed every person ever born to a state of eternal suffering, all because 6000 years ago a curious and naive woman ate a piece of fruit. |
Cant have everything ... lol
Palin vs. Biden
Don't be afraid of the black man. That is a very, very racist comment and I might have to report you for it. You have been warned. .. and accusing a presidential candidate of being a militant muslim isnt racist? Might have to report you too |
.. or whether you are coming or going
I've just read that uncertainty has now hit the Japanese banking sector:
In the last 7 days Origami Bank has folded & Sumo Bank has gone belly up. Bonsai Bank announced plans to cut some of its branches. Yesterday, it was announced that Karaoke Bank is up for sale and will likely go for a song, while today shares in Kamikaze Bank were suspended after they nose-dived. Samurai Bank is soldiering on following sharp cutbacks, Ninja Bank is reported to have taken a hit, but they remain in the black. Furthermore, 500 staff at Karate Bank got the chop and analysts report that there is something fishy going on at Sushi Bank where it is feared that staff may get a raw deal! |
Naked Mass?
I'd be more worried about the effect that the cold has on the human body!
The Netherlands is bloody freezing at the best of times and the nether-regions can get mighty insignificant unless warmed up! But then that's the Dutch for you ... |
This one caught my eye because I raise rabbits. Leviticus 11:6 And the hare, because he cheweth the cud, but divideth not the hoof; he is unclean unto you. Rabbits do not bring up anything; they let it go all the way through, then eat it again. This description given in Leviticus is inaccurate, and that's that. Rabbits do not bring anything up and chew on it.There is no "cheweth of the cud" taking place here at all. Here's another thing that god didnt know about ... Bats are not birds! LEV 11:13 And these are they which ye shall have in abomination among the fowls; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray, LEV 11:14 And the vulture, and the kite after his kind; LEV 11:15 Every raven after his kind; LEV 11:16 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind, LEV 11:17 And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl, LEV 11:18 And the swan, and the pelican, and the gier eagle, LEV 11:19 And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. DEU 14:11 Of all clean birds ye shall eat. DEU 14:12 But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray, DEU 14:13 And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind, DEU 14:14 And every raven after his kind, DEU 14:15 And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind, DEU 14:16 The little owl, and the great owl, and the swan, DEU 14:17 And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cormorant, DEU 14:18 And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. Insects do NOT have four feet LEV 11:21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth; LEV 11:22 Even these of them ye may eat; the locust after his kind, and the bald locust after his kind, and the beetle after his kind, and the grasshopper after his kind. LEV 11:23 But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination unto you. Snails do not melt PSA 58:8 As a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away: like the untimely birth of a woman, that they may not see the sun.
Odd genetic engineering GEN 30:39 And the flocks conceived before the rods, and brought forth cattle ringstraked, speckled, and spotted.
Is god sub-contracting this stuff out and the "subbie" is not following the plan. Dayyyum!! Dont you hate with a plan falls apart? |
Belushi...when I mentioned that muslims say the Name Jesus in their own language, I was referring to born again muslims, who are accepting Jesus as not only a prophet, but as their own personal Saviour too..and yes, many are coming to Christ. BUT my point in my earlier post was...these born again muslims are saying the Name of Jesus in their OWN native Language, and NOT in the English language....and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Where do you get the information from, that there are "born-again" muslims? |
say His Name in french, or spanish, or in the islamic language ( cause yes many muslims are accepting jesus too, and quess what.... they are calling upon Jesus Name in the islamic language!!!!!)..or any other language on this earth!! I sometimes wonder what drugs you are on. The muslims know Jesus as Isa. He is not the son of Allah, as Allah has no children. Isa was a man who was given prophetic skills by Allah. Isa is the second most revered prophet after Muhammed, who was the last prophet from Allah. Isa did not get crucified, die and have his body resurrected, he was taken to the right hand of Allah. So Muslims have been accepting Isa since the religion got started. |
Is the cross an Idol?
Its like wearing a badge for your favourite football team.
Bit of advertising, if you like. |
Ya know they made a sequel (or two) of the Exorcist when Linda Blair was older. I saw one of them years ago and it sucked. Shes basically just in her 20s and is "repossessed." It was quite disappointing. ![]() Is that where she hasnt paid the mortgage on her body and the devil comes in with the bailiffs and takes over? ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 09/27/08 12:23 PM
Im just relieved that our modern legal system inherited the code of Hammurabi given to us by the ancient Babylonians rather than the "justice" espoused in the bible. Pretty much we would not even bother with trial and proceed directly to stoning out in the parking lot of the court house if that had been the case. ![]() Bloody Hell!! We would be forever in the parking lot! The amount of unruly children to be stoned would keep the stoning police busy for years!!! seems like once you get the kids stoned, they quit being unruly My hero!!! Sounds like a blinding plan. |
Im just relieved that our modern legal system inherited the code of Hammurabi given to us by the ancient Babylonians rather than the "justice" espoused in the bible. Pretty much we would not even bother with trial and proceed directly to stoning out in the parking lot of the court house if that had been the case. ![]() Bloody Hell!! We would be forever in the parking lot! The amount of unruly children to be stoned would keep the stoning police busy for years!!! |
What if...
I have tried to "get" it .. but Im lost.
I truly dont understand the question, or the concept. ![]() Sorry ![]() |