Community > Posts By > Belushi

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 08:24 AM

I know exactly who I am and where I stand in life, I am an eternal student.... I'm strong enough in my convictions to question other schools of thought.

However forcus is being taken off of the topic by questioning my spirituality...

So it seems the concensus is "yes the murderer is in heaven and the victim is in hell"

and that buddha, Ghandi, and all of the Dali Lahmas are in hell.....

I'm even stronger in my convictions now... Thanks for all the info folks... I knew I had made the right choice in my life.

Well apparently you already made your choice before you asked the question.

Why would you want to be somehwere you wouldn't feel comfortable. Right? LOL

Choices...always choices...

I know this is a difficult concept for you... I asked because I was hoping somone could give me a better answer than I have ever gotten... You see a God who would allow a murderer in heaven and a victm in hell would not be a God I want to follow... (I do believe in Jesus, as a man who had wonderful teachings and spoke of love and tolerance) but his daddy ain't cutting it for me... So i asked in order to maybe clarify something that had maybe been misspoken or misconstrued to me.... apparently this is not the case and I did understand correctly.... So I can embrace jesus, but rebel god (that one at least)

Out of interest, why do you feel that you need JC in your life?

Humanism is an approach to life based on reason and our common humanity, recognising that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone - Robert Ashby

Humanism is a positive attitude to the world, centred on human experience, thought, and hopes.

Humanists believe that human experience and rational thinking provide the only source of both knowledge and a moral code to live by.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 08:17 AM

Why dont you run for senator, governor or mayor? You would have to have the money and the backing to start with.

You cannot tell me that your average Joe is able to get into big time politics with no money.

Look at Clinton ... she ran out of campaign funds and so "lent" herself $5million.

Could you or I do that? I dont think so.

We would never be able to. Plus I have an OWI on my record so I think that would disquallify me. Or boost me making me look like a more average person. Oh wait I am an average person, Thats wy I cant

Money talks and unfortunately we all have to listen to it.

At the moment the money that is talking is black and liquid and it runs our cars and trucks!

Sadly, until this becomes a worthless commodity, it will have a big say in running the US/UK/Europe

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 08:11 AM
Edited by Belushi on Mon 09/01/08 08:11 AM

Pray for Gustav...that God will protect our land & people. For God's mercy...

It's such a beautiful day today. It's hard to believe what is happening in the gulf states. Pray for God's protection.

...and have a great & wonderful God blessed day!

From the BBC
Hurricane Gustav has made landfall south-west of New Orleans, battering the US Gulf coast with torrential rain and severe winds.

Although Gustav has been downgraded to a category two storm, its winds snapped power cables in New Orleans, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Some 90% of residents have evacuated, and 1.9m people living along the Gulf coast have sought safety inland.

Forecasters have warned of sea surges 14ft (4.2m) above normal.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 08:07 AM
Many in life do selfless things. Purity in spirit means just that...not following after false doctrines or ways of men.

You set your own self up for falls when you allow other spirits other than God's into your life & the life of your family.

So what have those three done to set themselves up for falls then?

I laugh when people indulge themselves in things like reincarnation etc... they curse themselves to doom. If that isn't dogma I don't know what is. Having to work for your salvation isn't salvation.

So, when you try and convert someone to xtianity that isnt god's work then?
When you go to church to get on your knees and beg forgiveness that isnt work then?

So why would you care about some other person's choice? Make your own choice. Are you in doubt or are you just rebelling against God? Have you rejected God out of frustration? Do you think you failed somehow some "God" test? Do you think others never felt the same way?

Who's god?
or is it
Whose god?

Who's god?
or is it
Whose god?
Maybe those might be beter questions to ask yourself. Yu think?

I agree wholeheartedly ... thanks for that

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:59 AM

So please be a little considerate of the situation before you make such a harsh statement about someone lying about something like that.

I agree that McCain's POW experience should be off the table from criticism. However, it's McCain and his campaign that plays the POW card every time tough issues come up. For example, when he didn't know how many houses he had, his campaign responded that for 5 1/2 years he didn't have a house. As long as they keep using it for a shield, it's fair game.

If it should be off the table from criticism, it should be off the table for reasons why he should be elected as President.

But it wont be.

He is being portrayed a hero, when in reality he is a standard guy who has enough money to have a run at the big chair.

He has money but he isnt using his money for the campain.

Why dont you run for senator, governor or mayor? You would have to have the money and the backing to start with.

You cannot tell me that your average Joe is able to get into big time politics with no money.

Look at Clinton ... she ran out of campaign funds and so "lent" herself $5million.

Could you or I do that? I dont think so.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:53 AM

I'm not trying to defend any polition but thats just a touchy subject for me. What about when Sen. Clinton claimed to be shot at in bosnia? That was a lie.

I think that was pretty bloody awful too.

There is no reason why public servants should play the sympathy card. They HAVE to know that they will be found out!

They play the sympathy card because they know you members of the US are so patriotic. They think you are blind enough to follow them.

But you are not! So why do they do it?

You cannot take any part of a public servant's life and make it sacrosanct. If they want privacy then keep out of public life.
I totaaly agree they should stay out of public service. I think they get cought up in telling people what they want to hear in order to make themselves look good and stay in public service. It's a shame people believe them and keep voting for them

We are all agreed that politicians are not in it for the public, they are in it for themselves.

Democracy is a very poor subsitute for running a country.

People think that they have a choice, when in reality the only choices they have are to put up with the eventual winner or shut up.

Politicians & civil servants should get paid national average wage.
They should have only expenses that relate to their post.
They should leave their jobs and dedicate themselves to public service ...

Then it is an honour to serve your country.

But as far as what is fair game in politics ... everything is.

Sorry it upsets you about POW, but he is out there using it for his own gains.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:47 AM

obamah is talking like he is going to be the one to bring peace and safety and talking change and the bible says "when they shall say peace and safety then sudden distruction shall come upon them"and it says that the antichrist shall think to change the times.change is obamahs theme.i aint saying he is the antichrist but maybe he will help whoever it is if he aint.

If there are enough delusional attitudes like this to get McSame elected, we're all f*cked anyway.

It's crazy that people even think this way.

Stay out of politics, they are worse then the religious

It's when the people with the crazy religious theories get into politics that it gets scary.

That is a SCARY combination.

You sound like a bunch of bigots with your talk about people of faith expressing their beliefs. They are not second class citizens. ...yet you find it ok to "do your own thing" no matter how irresponsible?? Something wrong with that picture. Maybe it's not them who are the scarey ones. Yu think?

No...there is nothing wrong with people of faith having their say on the public square. I think if anything it's lib DEM politics that is screwing up this nation. Average everyday NORMAL people will like SARAH VERY much...and so will people who want to see honest govt. back & see that there is someone they know who has bucked alot of coruuption in govt. as a viable choice for VP.

That will cross the spectrum..for sure.

Palin may give you honest govt, but she is not going to be in the big chair ... her boss is.

.. and dont you vote for the Prez, not some cute totty in a business suit as vp?

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:44 AM

I will guarentte you beyond a shadow of a doubt that buddha, The Dali Lahma, and Ghandi did not accept Jesus as their savior in any moment in their life... But my question is with the selflessness of their actions if they didn't did they go to hell?

They cannot answer you or it would put an enormous hole in their fallacy.

Either way.

This is the problem with religion in general. When you start comparing people of different religions, then the whole ridiculous situation falls apart.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:41 AM

So please be a little considerate of the situation before you make such a harsh statement about someone lying about something like that.

I agree that McCain's POW experience should be off the table from criticism. However, it's McCain and his campaign that plays the POW card every time tough issues come up. For example, when he didn't know how many houses he had, his campaign responded that for 5 1/2 years he didn't have a house. As long as they keep using it for a shield, it's fair game.

If it should be off the table from criticism, it should be off the table for reasons why he should be elected as President.

But it wont be.

He is being portrayed a hero, when in reality he is a standard guy who has enough money to have a run at the big chair.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:40 AM

I'm not trying to defend any polition but thats just a touchy subject for me. What about when Sen. Clinton claimed to be shot at in bosnia? That was a lie.

I think that was pretty bloody awful too.

There is no reason why public servants should play the sympathy card. They HAVE to know that they will be found out!

They play the sympathy card because they know you members of the US are so patriotic. They think you are blind enough to follow them.

But you are not! So why do they do it?

You cannot take any part of a public servant's life and make it sacrosanct. If they want privacy then keep out of public life.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:17 AM
I find it rather interesting that before 1999 he had told no one about this.

Especially in 1973.

What about this one?

Steve Benen at Carpetbagger Report and Jake Tapper at ABC pick up on a rather astounding fib told by John McCain to a Pittsburgh TV station:

"When I was first interrogated and really had to give some information because of the pressures, physical pressures on me, I named the starting lineup, defensive line of the Pittsburgh Steelers as my squadron mates."

"Did you really?" asked the reporter.

"Yes," McCain said.

"In your POW camp?" asked the reporter.

"Yes," McCain said.

If you've heard this story before--and it's one of the staples of McCain's POW yarns--you know that it has always been the Green Bay Packers whose starting lineup McCain claims to have recited for his captors.

In his 1999 book Faith of My Fathers, McCain wrote: "Pressed for more useful information, I gave the names of the Green Bay Packers offensive line, and said they were members of my squadron."

Should he get his story straight before he says anything?

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:04 AM
... and the Solzhenitsyn connection?

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 07:01 AM
we are back to the original question of "Could a god create a rock he could not lift"

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 06:53 AM
Did you happen to see him Saturday night tear up when telling his POW 'cross in the dirt' story at the Saddlebrook Church?

The same story was told by Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his book, Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956, which was released in the U.S. in 1973. There is no known record of McCain telling that story before 1999.

And McCain has admitted he's read Solzhenitsyn.

McCain wimpers like a baby and claims it's an event he could never forget but in a 12,000 word piece, (17 pages!) he wrote for U.S. News & World Report in 1973, there was not one word about a 'cross in the dirt'.

This is at least the second time he's been caught lying about his POW status.

For some strange reason the Navy has refused to release over 600 pages of John McCain's military record. Just as was demanded with John Kerry in 2004, the Navy needs to make McCain's records available to the American public.

You deserve to know why John McCain keeps lying.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 06:17 AM
Edited by Belushi on Mon 09/01/08 06:20 AM

ooops ... wrong thread!

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 01:49 AM

Krimsa..I was taught about Neanderthal man in high school too.
Quess what was all THEORY only..NOT FACT!
But they did not tell us that back then.
ALL that stuff they taught us about EVOLUTION ?
And Krimsa...I actually at one time, believed all this " evolution stuff and neandertahl man stuff " too, Sweetie.flowerforyou

Please dont try and tell us that the fairytales in the bible are fact.

If you believe evolution is only theory, then, if you have a flexible mind and free will, the bible, qur'an & torah are only theoretical too.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 01:42 AM
Edited by Belushi on Mon 09/01/08 01:46 AM

Here is a child of God asking God what is necessary for him to do in order to inherit eternal life.

And God said to him: Keep the commandments. And the child said to the Almighty: "Which?" Now, if there ever has been an opportunity given to the Almighty to furnish a man of an inquiring mind with the necessary information upon that subject, here was the opportunity.

"He said unto him, which? And Jesus said: Thou shalt do no murder; thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; honor thy father and mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

He did not say to him: "You must believe in me that I am the only begotten son of the living God."
He did not say: "You must be born again."
He did not say: "You must believe the Bible."
He did not say: "You must remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
He simply said: "Thou shalt do no murder. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Again, can it be more clear than that?? Why would Jesus lie to this person and tell him something OTHER than what he needed for salvation? Does this make ANY impact on you?

You are so right!

Jesus simply doesn't support what Christian try to claim.

It's the Christians who are the liars! Behead them all! devil

I have always maintained that Jesus himself was a liar. He says numerous times that all your prayers will be answered.

Thats not true.

But I think, James, thats a little harsh ... I mean, beheading is a little archaic and unnecessary

Can we crucify them instead? bigsmile

i was told tht god always answers prayers, but that sometims the answer is no.
so it just depends on how you interpet answering,
does god give you everything you ask for just ecause you asked for it, or does he use his judgement to decide if its in your best interest?

Im sure the millions of starving people in the African continent would disagree with you ... or would you say that its god's way of controlling the population by starving them to death

I would be happy to concede that if god existed that he would give you what you need rather that what you want, but as I ave never prayed in my life, I wouldnt know.

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:48 AM

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the Russians say one thing and mean something totally different.

Peaceful co-existance in Russian eyes is to do what they want and you peacefully live with it
R ya sure your not talking about umerika?

Super powers have this idea of lying is good ...

I think kettles, pots and the colour black spring to mind

Belushi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:44 AM
Edited by Belushi on Mon 09/01/08 12:45 AM

Here is a child of God asking God what is necessary for him to do in order to inherit eternal life.

And God said to him: Keep the commandments. And the child said to the Almighty: "Which?" Now, if there ever has been an opportunity given to the Almighty to furnish a man of an inquiring mind with the necessary information upon that subject, here was the opportunity.

"He said unto him, which? And Jesus said: Thou shalt do no murder; thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; honor thy father and mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

He did not say to him: "You must believe in me that I am the only begotten son of the living God."
He did not say: "You must be born again."
He did not say: "You must believe the Bible."
He did not say: "You must remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
He simply said: "Thou shalt do no murder. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Again, can it be more clear than that?? Why would Jesus lie to this person and tell him something OTHER than what he needed for salvation? Does this make ANY impact on you?

You are so right!

Jesus simply doesn't support what Christian try to claim.

It's the Christians who are the liars! Behead them all! devil

I have always maintained that Jesus himself was a liar. He says numerous times that all your prayers will be answered.

Thats not true.

But I think, James, thats a little harsh ... I mean, beheading is a little archaic and unnecessary

Can we crucify them instead? bigsmile

Belushi's photo
Sun 08/31/08 11:44 PM
Here is a child of God asking God what is necessary for him to do in order to inherit eternal life.

And God said to him: Keep the commandments. And the child said to the Almighty: "Which?" Now, if there ever has been an opportunity given to the Almighty to furnish a man of an inquiring mind with the necessary information upon that subject, here was the opportunity.

"He said unto him, which? And Jesus said: Thou shalt do no murder; thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; honor thy father and mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

He did not say to him: "You must believe in me that I am the only begotten son of the living God."
He did not say: "You must be born again."
He did not say: "You must believe the Bible."
He did not say: "You must remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
He simply said: "Thou shalt do no murder. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Again, can it be more clear than that?? Why would Jesus lie to this person and tell him something OTHER than what he needed for salvation? Does this make ANY impact on you?

Where is Jeffery Dahmer right now? If you believe that salvation is by faith alone, he is in Heaven, because on May 10th, 1994 he was baptized and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

Can you imagine anyone who deserves to be in Hell more than Jeffery Dahmer? But he believed and was baptized, so to heaven he goes, to sit at the right hand of God. But what about the non-christian victims of Jeffery Dahmer? They go to hell to burn forever because they were "heathens".

What about the Son of Sam (serial killer David Berkowitz)? He is born again, and will go sit with Jesus.
What about Adolf Hitler? He was a supposedly fanatical Christian. (debateable, I agree)

But Albert Einstein, Andrew Carnegie, Albert Schweitzer, Carl Sagan, Thomas Edison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain, and countless other humanitarians will burn and suffer agonizing and eternal torture (by a God who loves us), not just for a long time, but forever.

I was taught, when I was a child attending a Christian sunday school, that good people go to heaven, and bad people are punished and they go to hell.

That's just not what the bible says. We are doomed to hell and eternal torture because of the Fall From Grace the eating of a piece of fruit, not Sin.

So much for Christian justice.

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