Community > Posts By > AlexDDunbar

AlexDDunbar's photo
Tue 06/30/09 02:09 PM
You could vacuum it out, or use the water bottle to fill up the pipe and the ball would float to the top.

AlexDDunbar's photo
Mon 06/29/09 06:38 PM
I've been thinking of a game where your a giant Mech like in "Supreme Commander" but with tons of different parts to chose from like "Chrome Hounds" or "MechWarror". The game is actually like a cannon defense strategy game where you or you and up to three of your friends are given a set amount of time and giant tile of varied terrain to set up your defenses was well was send great numbers of troops to your enemies.

The way a game would work is that each team (of up to 4 players) gets a one of four tiles. Each tile is pretty big and gives the player lots of room to play out different strategies. Each team has a time limit determined by how much energy they have that is constantly ticking down. During this time the player is blocked from going to or seeing the opponents tiles. After times runs out the battle is on. The idea is that your troops are completely set and forget. They will get smarter over time, learning your opponents defenses on there own, hopefully before a opponent finds yours. You can use your troops to find a weak point to go after it yourself with your Mech. When all troops have been defeated the building phase starts again to prepare for the next wave.

There are two resources in the game, power and mass. The player gets power from power buildings and mass from mass fabricators and a set amount from destroyed enemy units. The player also needs to build storage for mass and energy to be able to store up more for a rainy day. Energy is used to call in troops and determines how much time you have to prepare for the next wave. Mass is used to build things and to give you another life if you die (you can die as many times as you like ,your just re spawn, but it would really get expensive and you will lose).

There are four general things you can build. Each with four sub things under them. I'm just going to generally go over them, if you want more info I have it but this is too long already. Infrastructure like power buildings, Turrets, walls (which have turrets in them), and staging area's (where your troops come from each type has there own staging area). Each thing you build has four levels. Every thing you build gains experience by staying alive threw each wave. As they level up they get bigger, and more powerful. Also you can give orders to your turrets and walls such as "attack the weakest enemy" or "attack the closest enemy". As they level up you get to give them more orders to make them behave like you want.

Here's where the Mech part get's awesome. The player can set up there Mech to be any mixture of defense, attack, mobility or engineering. The first three are kind of self explanatory. You can have your Mech be a slow Goliath or a heavily armed battle Mech, or a mobile sniper, all can be easily imagined. The Engineering is where things get interesting. The player can chose to add bays for Engineering drones that can build things. That way you can start a building then move one. You can have as many as your Mech can support and the more you have the faster / more things you can build. Also the player can add parts that give your team more power or mass to work with. I think this gives the player another level of things to strategies about when making a Mech.

Also when time runs out each type of Mech would react differently. A sniper would look for a sniping position, and Goliath would find a weak point in his defenses to set up, a engineer would try and find were the enemies are attack so he can heal up his defenses, and a War Mech would just go rampaging across the map until he hits something that might kill him or he dies. You of course can do any mixture of these things at any time.

I have a story but this is already too long so that's it.

AlexDDunbar's photo
Mon 06/29/09 06:00 PM
I was just wondering if anyone else has any game Idea's.

AlexDDunbar's photo
Mon 06/29/09 05:55 PM
Edited by AlexDDunbar on Mon 06/29/09 05:56 PM
I used to play W.O.W but we broke up, it was a very sad time for me. She just moved on with all her new expansions and we grew apart. Plus every time I tried to join a group for an instance it always fell apart before we even got half way to an instance. With one exception and that was with a bunch of 10 year olds that only got me killed every 2 seconds.

If you ever want to move on to a different game, I would suggest Warhammer. It's like wow but with more PVP. Warhammer has several advantages over wow. It has more classes, battlefields work better, Groups are easier to find, and it keeps your action up.

Warhammer has a crap load more classes that all play in there own unique way. Each race, of which there are six, has there own versions of mages, warrors, tanks, etc. For example the ork healer is better at heal over time and buffing, while the Chaos healer is a great burst healer. They each play diffrentlly.

Also, groups are easy to get, way easier than in WOW. There seemed to always be someone doing somethings. This is mainly because I felt there was more stuff for a group to do. You can take fortresess in PVP, do Public Quests (see bellow), or do battle feilds.

You can join a battlefield from any where in the world witch is cool. You can wait in a que for as long as you want.

The main advantage I think it has though is that I feel it tries to keep your action up as it were. I felt like I was always getting something, even in the mid levels and when I played took forever to get through. I heard they fixed that though. giving you stuff to do. for example you have a reputation in each new area you go to. You gain reputation by completing public quests which are like mini instances that you can group up for or do solo (very difficult). Part of why it's so easy to get a group is everyone wants to raise there rep. There's almost always people willing to group with you. The public quest is broken up into 3 or 4 parts that need to be completed on a time limit. When you do fill up your rep you always get a item that makes it worth the effort, there was one exception but I got a lucky drop earlier that level.

There are however some downsides to Warhammer. The biggest one is that the crafting system is crap. Just give up on it. It will never be fun or as fulfilling as WOW's. If you love to craft W.O.W is still your game.

Also Unlike W.O.W where the horde or like a little evil possibly, evil in Warhammer is damn evil. You really get the feeling of being just irredeemably evil. sometimes even if your the good guys. That's how Warhammer rolls. There are not real noble good guys if your really get into it. If you don't like that your will hate this game.

Just putting it out there.

AlexDDunbar's photo
Mon 06/29/09 05:24 PM
I like both channels and they seem to divide up content well between them. The history channel has the hardcore history programs like Patton 360, and history undercover. On the other hand the discovery channel focuses more on engineering / light science, with shows like Myth Busters and Doing da vinci. As well as some documentaries about the natural world.

I do have a major grip with both of them. They both seem to think there audience has the attention span of a humming bird. They repeat themselves to the point of stupidity. Its like "I remember what you just told be before the commercial break, you don't need to recap the entire show after each commercial break".

AlexDDunbar's photo
Mon 06/29/09 05:08 PM
You are playing ping pong outside and the ball falls down a pipe, just the diameter of the ball, that is embedded into 10 inches of concrete with the other end of the pipe inaccessible to you. All you have is two ping pong paddles, a bottle of water, the ping pong net, the ping pong table, a set of key's, some change, a wallet and a cell phone. How can you get the ping pong ball out of the pipe?

Hint: you will you 4 or less of the things you have access to.