Community > Posts By > elyspears

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:44 PM
needing to iron my clothes, the static electricity coming from my couch,
roommates who do not do laundry at all,

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:41 PM

i hate poodles.

in fact, besides noodles, i hate almost anything that ends with "oodles"

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:38 PM
people who are obsessed over telling stories about how drunk they got.
here's a sample from last weekend:

"dude, I was sooooooo wasted friday"
"seriously, dude, you were pukin' everywhere"
"it was hilarious"
"i was sooo f---ing drunk, i don't even know what I stuck my **** in"

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:36 PM
the game "world of warcraft"

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:34 PM
hair on soap!

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:32 PM
people who do not have opinions irritate me.

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:24 PM
The only reason why it matters is that my tax dollars have to go for
paying for something I don't believe in.

elyspears's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:22 PM

sorry, I just needed to vent.

elyspears's photo
Thu 05/10/07 07:37 PM
On any day when the blue sky
is so dizzyingly big that its blueness alone
closes your mouth,
unhappiness is but an irreverent joke
uttered by blind quipsters
and I don't even pause to laugh.

Then, by silver strings
whose sparkle stings my eyes,
the clouds haul in that zeppelin of gray
and the sun is forced to cyclically aid
in the arrival of twilight.

Gloominess propagates in my thoughts
but the warm breath of that delicate
blueness (memory now) slices through
with its welcome, neutrino-like pervasiveness.

It reminds me that to be alive
is to grip tightly that brilliant blue.

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:55 PM
Nietzsche once said that a married philosopher is something that belongs
in a comedy. Do you agree? Are there people who (not in any kind of bad
or depressing way) are meant to be alone?

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:40 PM
mine is "anyone lived in a pretty how town"

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:38 PM
any ee cummings fans?

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 09:37 PM
"capitalism is the condition of having too much respect for proper nouns
and the beginnings of sentences"

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 08:28 PM
I don't know if we're supposed to post links, but this is too funny to
pass up.

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 03:01 PM

i like how the people who hate insulting comeout of the woodwork to
insult the insulters. kind of recursive.

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 02:52 PM

ouch, you're taking this way too far

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 02:46 PM
Could that picture be more staged?

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 02:42 PM
You are all a bunch of ball-scratching noodle flaps. You can't even
insult people right.

elyspears's photo
Wed 05/09/07 02:38 PM
Let the battle begin...

elyspears's photo
Tue 05/08/07 09:09 PM
the devil's biggest con was convincing the world he did not exist.