Why do women cheat?
Woman cheat for a lack of affection weather in is a lack of sex or just feeling loved and wanted.
You need another lover
seeing same sex
YES. Click on Account, then Edit Profile, Then General. Then change that you are a woman looking for a man.
Well I divorced my wife because of that. Now I want to tell you that was very hard to do because I loved her so much and I tried to make it better but I couldn't. It gave me big time panic attacked for years, but it would have been worst to stay with her because I could never trust her. I am now over her. Thank God. That was the worst thing that ever happened in my life. I hope God gives you direction as to what to do. Maybe you can talk to him and every thing will work out for the best. Good luck.
Anyone can u help me?
Click on Account at the top of the page then you will see Log out in red letters under your profile picture
You are right. I am from Louisiana and there are more people in prison here then the next 5 countries in the world. But that is about to change this year.
I need love faithfulness, honesty, the truth and someone I can talk to and get along with.
woman pride
I agree with Txsgal3333
I will say that that is true, but not in my case because I found out years later that she was married the whole time and was taking drugs and that was when I could forget her. But I think that everyone that you fall in love with is special to you for ever.
Look up project High Jump
or talk to your boy friend and put the marriage off for a while and if he doesn't understand then he's not worth marring
Go and get married and then come back and take care of your father.
Your dad would only want you to be happy. I hope I helped you. Go with your Boy friend if he is really serious about you.
Love is when all you think about in the one you love and how to make them happy.
click on account, then edit photo, then delete
Go to Account, then to edit profile, then to about. Then add what ever you want.
UFO's in acient artwork
Also get the book The Day After Roswell
UFO's in acient artwork
Look up the serpo project. This did happen and is still going on today.
Most men talk about sex because they are very shy like me and sex is a very important part of life
No don't have a child with him. He deceived you once and cheated on his wife at the same time. this man is a liar and a cheat and he will only do it again. Only have a child with your husband when you are married.