Cool.. Good to know good people really do exist.
:~K |
Think of it from a man's point of view. He wants to know if his "investment" is going to pay off one way or the other. He takes you out to dinner at least once a week for 6 weeks, pays and invests all the phone calls and energy to make you feel he is worthy and poof you are gone. Where if he can get an idea if you are really interested or just sexually interested he knows the what to do next. I think the solve all to this is to agree that your first few dates will be cost free. Gives you and him time to get to know each other with no cost involved for either of you except time. Then if things seem to be working well, look into going to a few places together that may cost a little. I am still old fashioned so the first time we go out if he takes me somewhere that costs he is going to pay. If he doesn't, that will be all for him. So maybe we can go to the park or someplace where we can sit and visit without the pressure of cost. Just some ideas from a woman who doesn't try to make it so hard on the men. I mostly agree with that. I'd much rather be able to establish a good friendship and see where it went. When you go on a typical date, there has to be monetary involvement. Nobody likes spending money on a useless cause. I would prefer doing something simple that doesn't involve any real investment until there is a definite emotional connection. A friendship is perfectly acceptable, a good foundation has to be established before you can do much else. :~K |
Liberalism on life support.
Well the liberals can only redistribute wealth for only so long, before hard working people are fed up supporting people that don't wanna work. It's really a tiny minority of people who abuse welfare, there are lots of people on welfare who are looking for jobs, who are trying, who are hard working decent people who need a little help for a short period of time. Funny when people point out the tiny majority that do bilk the system....funny that the example seems to always include a mexican, latino, or black person. Yeah let's punitively punish them so that we can push their kids (who are innocent in this and just born into the circumstance that they're in) to the back of the opportunity line. We should lift up those who are trying to break the bonds of generational poverty. We should try harder to find the abusers of the system and kick them off of it but not at the expense of those who are using the system in the manner it was intended. How about California's annual cost of 15 billion towards health,education,and welfare for illegal immigrants?Lets not even mention New york and most of the leftist running the East coast states.I'm sure the costs of the illegal's in the United states runs into the hundreds of billions of dollars always justified with the liberal agenda. Conservatives want illegal's deported and borders secured. Technically the constitution does not protect the citizens of the US. It applies to the sovereign people who reside in the particular states which make up the nation. |
I think they should take all the terrorist here and elsewhere put them on a deserted island and use that island for practice for carpet bombing and atomic weapons testing.I also doubt if anyone would object if we threw in the ACLU,Micheal more,Rosie,and all the rest of the liberals who can't stand this country and want it destroyed. What makes you think that liberals can't stand this country and want it destroyed? This Christian says that you make Christians look bad when you talk about putting people on an island for bombing and atomic weapons testing. Btw, I think Michael Moore is the way he is because he loves this country. Michael moore loves this country!That's a hot one!!!!!!! I'm sure he has a flag pole in his front yard...on on that flag pole is a red flag with a hammer and sickle on it. Get real Winx Hey, plenty of good things came from Russia.. In particular good examples of what NOT to do with a country. :~K |
Liberalism on life support.
Ooo.. nice thread. Though I hate the whole labeling of "liberal" and "conservative". I prefer "anti constitutionalist" and "constitutionalist" it makes more sense once you know the leanings of the different types of people.
:~K |
Should the Founding Fathers been put in Gitmo? Yes, they were terrorists.. Except they decided that we should have the particular rights protected. The Constitution grants no right, it only protects certain ones. :~K |
Google maps are silly...
Just how I want to spend my days, Kayaking across vast oceans. How does google maps account for you surviving in a kayak for 3800 miles? That better be a big a$$ kayak. Kinda silly, guessing it coulda said swim across the pacific. Cruise liner came to mind.. :~K |
Grant 3 Wishes !!!
1.To have the entire amount of knowledge through all of history.
2.Would make suitable wish after 1st is obtained. 3.Meet a nice woman who I could settle down with. |
Google maps are silly...
LMAO!! Kayak across Pacific Ocean???
:~K |
I think you have me out debated. Not because I agree with any of that, just because I don't really want to waste the time. I'm done trying to show people what's happening in this country. People might change, but ideals should stay the same. Good, throughout history, has always been the same trait. Evil is the same way. The Constitution is based upon the simple concepts of personal liberties, which are established by a good creator/God. The reason for the second amendment, for example, was to protect the people from an unjust government. The writings of the founders clearly say this. No, the Constitution was nowhere near perfect. But when weighing it against any other governmental document, the others fall short. I really have nothing more to say.. I apologize for the future that is to come under the way of thinking that Obama promotes.
:~K |
I will laugh at that. Elvis did it! I have studied and read as much as anyone on 9/11. My first reactions were "make em pay!" and I promoted action against Bin Laden and Al Quaeda. I even thought Saddam was involved or connected as we were told. I even praised Bill O'Rielly on his commentary.... then I started reading. It wasn't long before I found myself saying "wtf!?". So I read more. I couldn't believe anyone could possibly believe what I was reading, but it posed questions, so I read some more. I haven't stopped reading or asking questions as this post and my others here often show, and I still have questions after all this time, but they are different now. They are opposite of my original beliefs, which was siding with what we were told as truths. The contradictions I have found to evidence, the lies I have learned we were told (backed by documentation), the failure or refusal to investigate, the inavailability or refusal to allow or to obtain access to information, the actions of our leaders and the refusal to answer questions presented by the people they work for (us), the denile to ask or answer over 70% of the questions presented by the Jersey Girls in their demands which won them the investigation after 18 months of refusal, and then calling them conspiracy theorists after they lost their husbands and family members that day and just want answers..... it makes my skin crawl! The audacity! You are welcome to your opinion. I am sorry if at any time I seem out of line or irritated by yours or others replies. It is a human flaw in me and I apologize if I seem out of line or I upset you or anyone with your beliefs. Perhaps we may have to agree to disagree on this and see what the future unfolds. Me, I see subterfuge. I was a freshman in high school when it happened. My own political awakening happened much in the same way as yours. There was just something that didn't seem right about the story we were given so I had to start reading. Haven't stopped, and even started on several other things too.. :~K |
I can say most whole heartedly, no the founders would not be proud of this nation that keeps adding power to the federal government, and keeps giving up liberties for "security". The principles which they fought and died for are eroded everyday by the people that are in power over this nation. The fact that we have a central banking system would have been enough to make them take arms. "Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." ~Thomas Jefferson.
:~K |
We're over halfway there already though. Our Republic is dead and the founders, both men and women who died to create it, are probably rolling over in their graves to see the empire growing.
:~K |
The house and senate have no control over the people running this country. The "stimulus" was not intended to work. It was intended to provide the appearance that they care about the economy. In fact, if they had done nothing and let the bubble burst, the coming collapse would have not been as big. With all the money they've printed, the inflationary levels have grown to far to large levels and well.. To put it bluntly, the US is screwed.. No way out. :~K So what your saying is if we all started torching at least a couple dollars a day then the economy would recover? If we take the control from the banks to print money on a whim, then we would prevent this from happening again. The economy will fix itself, I've explained the self-healing nature of capitalism that other forms do not have before. You see, like I just said, the administration has short-term plans for all of this. There is no long term with any of this stuff past the 8-10 years some of the projects will take. There is no plan to deal with inflation, no plan to deal with us coming even closer to our credit limit, and no plan to help those that will lose jobs once the programs expire. If we could do this and stop the Obamanation from converting us into a socialistic state of course... Thanks for the welcome. :~K |
Lol.. no not even close.. Regardless of how many dollars are taken out of circulation, the money has no backing. The fact that there are x trillion dollars in digital form which are owed across the world is enough to keep the inflation coming. The only thing really keeping it all floating is China's backing.
:~K |
The house and senate have no control over the people running this country. The "stimulus" was not intended to work. It was intended to provide the appearance that they care about the economy. In fact, if they had done nothing and let the bubble burst, the coming collapse would have not been as big. With all the money they've printed, the inflationary levels have grown to far to large levels and well.. To put it bluntly, the US is screwed.. No way out.
:~K |
I don't think either side is any more likely to cause drama. I have a sister that was married and had two kids with someone. They are BOTH crazy as hell. There is one or the other that is constantly causing the drama. When one drops the ball, the other picks it up and throws it back.
This topic is kind of comical, in that it in its self causes drama. :~K |
sippin' some bourbon
I call DD. If you throw up in the car you're getting thrown out.
:~K |
What is your
David, means something along the lines of trusted friend or beloved if I remember right..
Two words. Run away. She's not worth your time. You seem like a nice guy and she seems immature. Just my 2 cents.
:~K |