Where are the bees?
Lisa I'm shocked you said "
yes i did mention that i was a member of the american federation of scientists and yes i do study the effects of gravity on debris that is knocked out of orbit but that dont pay the bills for me so some of us do have to earn a living, as far as eating fruits and vegatsbles and grains i do believe the worry of bees disapearing from the earth is no worry, i believe eienstien's beliefs are based on the mind of a mad man sure one can say that all mankind would dissapear from earth if all the bees were to dissapear that is the same as saying if all the grains of sand turned to dust we would choke to death. perhaps the occurances of bees disapearing from keepers nests are because the bees know they are not to be kept in captivity. if you really believe that the production of all foods such as the ones the bees pollenate will diminish then we as sientists have failed in our jobs to create a way of keeping our sources from being totaly in the hands of mother nature get real do you honestly believe that the threat of bees disappearing will cause mass starvation" Do you have any idea what are you talking about in your post. Being a plant collector and a gardener and doing Botanical researches on influence of bees in pollination, and genetical modifications caused by different groups of pollinators. I have seen results that could make anyone to shrug and to make them to have nightmares for the rest of their lifes. You, Lisa better stick around sexual threads ... you are you are brilliant and quite qualified on these kind of topics. Amen |
Hello people
Well ... We are ... :^)
Hello people
Welcome Laurie :^) BIG HUG your way
and turns ..........
Old school biker? ... Hm does it mean you do not slow down at sharp
corners lol |
Good one ... Thanks Dragon :^)
No ....... most definitely I'm not
Hi - I am new
Sure thing Steve .. we have a big company to keep you company :^)
Welcome and Come in *Waves* |
Dancing Rain
WOW Amazing poem
Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!! |
My long lost love
After reading your post
Monier ....... Just GO and SEE her and TALK to her. Do not ruin your brain with a thoughts ... Go!!!!!!!!! |
"Ode to a toilet"
LMAO ... This is just sick ha ha ha
If someone ( man or woman) runs from True Love ...then it aren't a love
at all. And yet How do we know if it a True Love? Show your love, prove it to be True and us (men or women) will come to embrace and enjoy all True Love gifts. |
It is Saturday morning, you know ... all dream a dreams in a beds yet.
*Yawn* Brrrr ... it is cold here. Fire is out :^( we need to start it again .... brb |
Grand day your way Steve :^)
*Waves* |
Oh I see, another battle of egos! lmao
Slugo you should be more persistent lol On the other hand Women are always RIGHT hahahaha |
Did someone mention my name?
<-------- Queen Kong, Firate woman Nice to meet you all :^) yes, as Kongs do have a cleavege :^) So tell me are you drunk, girl or you really won something> |
Well ... Native girl ... We have met with Steven in real life ... you
know :^) |
Steven is actualy quite a shy Englishman
Easy Ladies Easy lol |
runs in say Good evening to Dragon :^)
*waves Ladies...and dissapearing in a halls of the JSH's Castle* So much to do ... Later Ladies and Dragon :^) |
Mine ... good question lol I wish I could tell but it is too privet ...
too many men around lol Let's just say, something that was suppose to happen in 2 weeks happened on Friday 13 Darnit :^( Do we have any fresh coffee left? |