Community > Posts By > mt2cool

mt2cool's photo
Mon 06/29/09 05:11 PM
nope , i'll google wtf blanket

mt2cool's photo
Mon 06/29/09 04:57 PM

I like to wtf blanket someone!!!! wtf blanket wtf blanket wtf blanket!!!pitchfork
wats that

mt2cool's photo
Mon 06/29/09 04:57 PM

:banana: Instead of a coffin,they are going to bury Billy Mays in a big Shamwow. be seeing you

Nah, he'll be cremated and then mixed into a batch of OxiClean!
then swiped with a shamwow,......he got murdered sum1 hit him n the head whilst on a swing

mt2cool's photo
Sun 06/28/09 11:16 PM
shamwow,shamwowing,shamwowed seems naughty

mt2cool's photo
Sun 06/28/09 03:09 PM
turpentine LOL no1 has caght on to that

mt2cool's photo
Sun 06/28/09 02:03 PM

heat and humidity here in floridaindifferent
2nd's,wrr at i live n fl.

mt2cool's photo
Sun 06/28/09 02:02 PM
NO coz im evil

mt2cool's photo
Sat 06/27/09 11:50 AM

I'm going to see it at 10 so I'll let you know after! And usually my movie critiques are free...Haven't you seen my numerous movie thread?laugh
i download from

mt2cool's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:53 PM

dang... had me excited! grumble

mt2cool's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:28 PM
114 subbed guess what!!!!!!!!!!! listen 4 the toilet

mt2cool's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:05 PM
bugs bunny

mt2cool's photo
Thu 06/18/09 10:54 PM
Edited by mt2cool on Thu 06/18/09 10:55 PM
BAAAAAM u just got spammed

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:55 PM
it was a college sex joke,can i come 2 canada?

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 10:52 PM

Well, we love our Maple Leaf! And to be fair it was more important when we made the flag. And a damn fine flag it is!

And to be honest, I have seen flags with a pot leaf instead, but mostly in college dorm window or some such. We're not really flashy people if you hadn't noticed. love this don't you?
did u notice them while on your back?

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:38 PM
lol ur canadian probably lol,well if they are gonna ''rule''it'll be good lessons when they actually know what goes on etc. in the army they run,canada is usa's hippy freind,or quiet lil brother while mexico is the brother thats is wild and on drugs lol

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:16 PM
very true prince joined whatever he joined just because of family tradition i think lol he coulda did to get away from the snotty family,i rather have respectable(far as history knows)dead people on my money.we wouldn't have gotten our independence unless we sucked balls almost lol in other words they wouldn't had let us have independence regardless because we already asked n then they said no so we kicked them in the nuts

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 08:04 PM

In WWII the RAF trained their pilots in the Prairies. England was being bombed heavily and the flat land was perfect for it.
It's part of the reason Canada and the UK are still an interconnected armed force.
That and England is our Sovereign nation bigsmile
is canada uk's ***** or is uk canada's *****

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 07:48 PM

does canada have a army?jk y do canadiens drink maple syrup& hold hockeystick at the same time

We do have an army...and a navy...and an air force. In fact our pilots have been praised since WWII.
A cousin of mine is one of Canada's top snipers. He says I'm not allowed near his gunsdevil

Maple syrup is plentiful here, and keeps you warm. And hockey is a great way to enjoy winter and pummel the crap outta people you don't like. All is far on home icebigsmile
didnt know about pilots bein renowned but i heard the snipers are

mt2cool's photo
Tue 06/16/09 04:39 PM
does canada have a army?jk y do canadiens drink maple syrup& hold hockeystick at the same time

mt2cool's photo
Mon 06/15/09 10:01 PM
lol at the credits bbc spam tv

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