Community > Posts By > Lady_Absintheur

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 05:24 PM
I think that having a b/s forum is a great idea. In fact, I think it was
brought up in the "feedback" board. As Red said, it is difficult to get
involved at times, espeically for a newbie, when the conversation is of
a personal chit-chat nature.

I, myself, would prefer a board rather than a chatroom for said b/s.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 04:55 PM
I just brought my sunny disposition; does that help?!!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 04:54 PM

And I must concur with the others about your personal info. I *never*
give out my number until I have talked to someone for a long time via
email and/or IM.

There are tons of crazies out there, and you just gave them enough info
to find your home. Please be careful.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 04:32 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 03:46 PM
I would suggest talking to him about why you are going, how it will be
of benefit to you, etc. Then promise to call once a week; I would
suggest on Saturdays given that, that has been the normal routine.

You're never going to be able to say anything that will make him not
worry or wish you weren't moving. The only thing you can do is make it
as much like you haven't moved as possible.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 09:49 AM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 09:26 AM
Well since I am a female, "Lady" seemed to fit the bill and I also enjoy
imbibing Absinthe thus the name "Lady_Absintheur"!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 04/07/07 09:22 AM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 09:16 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 09:15 PM
I think it's sad when we confuse prudence for cowardice. They were out
numbered and had no chance of survival if they fought back. I highly
doubt that the fact a handful of British soldiers refused to fight makes
the entirety of the Royal military seem weak.

It's also easy to criticize situations of which one has not been a part.
Who knows what these people had to endure and under such situations our
primary instinct is to survive, no amount of training can change that.

As far British history curriculums, I'd love to see where you drew such
conclusions. For if they did such a thing, they'd have no history
classes at all. One group has been and, sadly, always will be offended
at particular points of history. Believe it or not, our own school
system omits vital information frequently.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 08:59 PM
It's ok...I'm not a typical lady, I won't try to change you; I'll simply
have my team kick yours! :wink:

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 01:24 PM
Used to be a used car salesman and got into trouble with the government
about something of which I don't remember. I'd look into his bio before
buying anything he has to offer!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 01:07 PM

We'll all be here if you should need to talk.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 01:01 PM
Marcia, Happy Birthday! You don't look a day over...25!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 12:36 PM

Go Broncos?!! Oh no, my dear...surely you meant "Go Chiefs"!

It's ok, we all type-o! I'll give you a moment to redact your statement!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 04/06/07 12:04 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Thu 04/05/07 01:10 PM
I am partial to Chris Hansen (sp?) myself!!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Thu 04/05/07 01:00 PM
Lady M, they just hope that we don't watch.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Thu 04/05/07 12:50 PM
Wow nascar, I am glad nothing happened with regard to that check.

Some people's kids...

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Thu 04/05/07 12:36 PM
I got the same one and reported it immediately. I do hope he is
dispatched quickly.

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