Community > Posts By > ImJusKat58

ImJusKat58's photo
Mon 09/04/06 07:20 AM
If you have to be attached at the hip (either you or him), it's
emotionally unhealthy. Most people SAY they want someone who isn't "up
their butt" all the time. But when they get someone like that, they
can't handle being ignored. Everyone wants their ego stroked

Just keep being yourself. The "right one" for each of us is out

ImJusKat58's photo
Mon 09/04/06 07:17 AM
Jump in with both feet, Girl ~ the water's fine!

ImJusKat58's photo
Mon 09/04/06 07:16 AM
My butt, feet and legs are recovering from a 2-day dog show. It's hard
on the body to run on concrete, bend to load equipment, etc.

I won Saturday. Sunday, we were dumped like last week's garbage...LOL!

ImJusKat58's photo
Sun 09/03/06 09:05 PM
Main Entry: pri·mus
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 'prī-m&s
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: Medieval Latin, one who is first, magnate, from Latin, first

Primus = ADAM

ImJusKat58's photo
Sun 09/03/06 03:39 PM
I have a STRONG opinion on this. Unfortunately, I have experienced it.

The only people who must resort to physical violence against someone
they "care for" are people who are insecure, emotionally unstable and
have NO communication skills.

If you feel like you must emotionally, verbally or physically abuse
someone to get your point across, then there IS NO POINT.
Move on.


ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:22 PM
Thanks anyway, Stephanie.
I appreciate you hitting me back anyway.

So tell me...was it REALLY fake? Or was Dude hung?

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:20 PM

I thought all those sites were like the sex chat lines ya hear
about...manned by average looking, or awful looking housewives who run
up your bill while they do their laundry...LOL

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:16 PM
Actually, it was fairly pleasant in my world today.
Considering I had to brush, wash, rinse, condition, rinse, brush, blow
dry and brush 2 Afghans. That's about 4 hours to do both, assembly line
style. LOL...

Oh, and then I had to pick up dead limbs, pinecones, and leaves in the
backyard...then rake up the dog poop.

Tomorrow is a dog show day!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:12 PM
Single = HOPEFUL

hopeful =

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 01:50 PM
I have met a few guys that I've hooked up with online.

One came home from Iraq to find me waiting at "Green Ramp" on Pope Air
Force Base with a "Welcome Home, Warrior!" sign ~ LOL. We went to
dinner...we didn't pursue it after that.

Then there is my new interest, inkslingeronyou2, who I met HERE in July.
It's out of control like a wilfdire, and he called at lunch time to tell
me he was booking his airline tickets on the way home from work today!
He's in Ft.Myers, Florida and is coming here to NC the last weekend in
September to hang out with me. I'm SOOO looking forward to it!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 01:25 PM

PLEASE click on my profile and e-mail me the link to that movie!!! I've
always wanted to see Tommy Lee nude!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 01:24 PM
What's a web girl?

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 09:21 AM

I saw those e-mails, too. It's called "adaptive"
interpretatioon...seeing misspelled words and knowing instinctively what
they say.

For those who don't know what we mean, I'll type the paragraph above to
reflect adaptive interpretation:

"I saw toshe e-mials, too. It's claled "apaditve"
itnerprptaoion...sieneng messpilleed wdros and kwonnig istncinvitley
waht tehy say."

The brain "knows" how to unscramble the letters so that it makes sense.

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 09:15 AM
Yo, Steve!

I resemble that remark... LOL!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:52 AM
Hmmm ~ you'd think that if she had issues with you, Steve, she wouldn't
have chastised you, then got friendly discussing where she lived.

We all have character defects. Live and let live!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:49 AM
I was right to worry about you, Young Un...LOL!

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:47 AM
I hoped you were...the coffee hasn't kicked in yet.


ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:43 AM
Well, fuck him then.

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:42 AM
Dude ~ tell me you're kidding! LOL!!!

I worry about you, Young Un...

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 04:41 AM
We were expecting tropical storm Ernesto (downgraded from Hurricane) to
come through last night, and we actually got drenching rain and heavy

I sleep really good in the for the first time in WEEKS, I
enjoyed my sleep. Until a friend woke me up with the damned phone, that