Topic: how was your day?
no photo
Fri 09/01/06 03:41 PM
just though i'd ask.. was it a pleasant experience or is it forever
going to be known as the saga?

ImJusKat58's photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:16 PM
Actually, it was fairly pleasant in my world today.
Considering I had to brush, wash, rinse, condition, rinse, brush, blow
dry and brush 2 Afghans. That's about 4 hours to do both, assembly line
style. LOL...

Oh, and then I had to pick up dead limbs, pinecones, and leaves in the
backyard...then rake up the dog poop.

Tomorrow is a dog show day!

no photo
Fri 09/01/06 05:34 PM
oh yeah..i forgot

good luck

breezy's photo
Fri 09/01/06 07:40 PM
well my day was fine , I worked a long day at work , got paid went
shopping , now I am home relaxing for a 3 day weekend :)

ehsidog's photo
Fri 09/01/06 07:44 PM
worked 14 hours came home read and replied to emails chatted with a very
nice person(wink..u know who u are) and slept about 5 hours
woke up watched wrestling (wwe smackdown) and am now replying to a forum
on "just say hi" website...

no photo
Fri 09/01/06 08:13 PM

PAINFUL but not nothing special to remember long term. I had short
notice to get a job done or not get any more work. So I got up at 6am
yesterday morning. I worked all day and nearly all night until my back
was hurting so bad I had tears slowly but steadly running down my face.
So finally around 2:30am I take a hot shower for atleast 30 minutes
trying to rub the knots out of my back(hard to give yourself a good back
rub). I got out of the tub and laid on the heating pad which was a big
mistake as I fell a sleep. When my daughters alarm went off at 5:45am I
jumped up got dressed and went back to work. Well I just got home and
checked my email here and came to the forums while I am eating supper at
10:00pm. Next is the shower and then finally bed. Then I have to be up
at 4:45am and start another very long day. I have to go pull vinca
minor(graveyard) vines with my ex mother in law(we get along it is the
ex father in law that is my problem). Then get home by noon clean up and
go to the horse show after a few stops to treat myself(inscent shop,
cigar shop(only smoking I still do and it is rare), diner).

To bad I did not get any takers on the offer for a good time at the
horse show. The daughter of mine that is into horses turned it down as
well because she wants to go with her BF to a mud bog. So it is just
going to be me.

In the morning has promise of being a good day. Heck I may even get a
nap(hope so). Just to be back in the stables checking out the horses
getting the free ball caps and pins and what ever they can think of to
put their horses name on. People who only go to the actual show miss out
on alot of thinks to do. I really need some good caps. Last time I went
my oldest daughter and I had 6 caps each and on hand towel each.

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 09/01/06 08:34 PM
Hey there,
My day was absolutely wonderful.
I rode my 21 speed mountain bicycle 10 miles this morning,
in the warm sunshine with fragrant breezes from the Delta flowing
through my long, silky hair.
Then, I got a call from a very sweet, courteous gentleman,
a big strong body builder, as well as so many other endeavors,
whom I met from this dating site.
And then, my awesome, handsome very fine 30 year old son came over and
we went out for a wonderful dinner at an exquisite restaurant with fancy
tablecloths, and cloth napkins, candles, and the best food and servers
imaginable, along the river at sunset, during Gold Rush in Old Town.
It was just fantastic. I came home and watered my garden,
and visited with some neighbors and some passersby.
I am so fortunate to have such wonderful
family and friends in my life ....