Community > Posts By > lonetar25

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 06:40 PM
if! i get perved, i dont think any thing of it... nothing at all.

if someone is interested, they mail you.

i look at profiles for entertainment, men and wemons

i look sometimes, just to find out if the dog/cat/teddybear/swirly mess of colour/annime pic, is a man or wemon, before i reply to their post

i cant say i care what they think if i look at their page, they put it on the net so expect people to look. also expect people you have no interest in, to mail you

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 06:27 PM

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 06:13 PM
its actually ilegal in this country as it obstructs your view

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 06:01 PM
is THAT your answer. pfft, what a cop out

okay, is it better to be a 3 pump chump or a .. hang on....

dude with a small stump

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 05:30 PM

L25~There is no further info.available at this time because the recipient of that transmission was abruptly terminated.ohwell

i bet it was Dominoes pizza. its hungry work, killing and stalking and fighting arnie and aliens

i wonder what his favorite topping is

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 05:26 PM
who would win a fight?
between a stalagmite
and a stalagtite
would the result be different at night?
or even just in dull light?
would it matter if one was black and the other white?
what if it took place out of sight?
what if one was heavy and the other light?
for arguements sake, their the same height
they dont have teeth, so neither can bite

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 05:13 PM

do we know who he`s txting?

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 04:59 PM
spock ironic

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 04:25 PM
my spare testicle

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 04:22 PM
should a wemon expect it.. no

should a man expect to have to.... yes

i would think the best thing to do would be to meet her in her home town in a bar she feels safe at

if she wanted to come to me, i would still sugest the above. The temptation to abduct her would be too much if she came to me

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:57 PM
the night life is quite good, theres a multiplex type thinga ma jiggy where you can get pissed and go bowling.

but im guessing you want to sample the culture, so get a hooded jumper, a knife and a nasty dog. stand in the street drinking meths and just try to intimidate the locals.

or alternativly, visit things to do in

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:10 PM

Grace jones. I belive we hv a winner.

but.. she looks like a guy in drag

an ugly guy, in drag

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 03:07 PM
all men like a face like that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 02:57 PM
dude, thats the best one ive read on here, truly excelent

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 02:52 PM
isnt that a 3 part question? spock

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 02:46 PM
it depends how tolorent you are to flys in summer,... lots of flys

but FYI neighbours make excellent fences

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 02:11 PM
i showed this chick your pic

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 02:10 PM
i showed this chick your pic!

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 02:04 PM
people come in black now? spock

lonetar25's photo
Fri 02/19/10 01:54 PM
i`d stick my hand up their bum and play both parts of the conversation

like a ventrilaquist (if thats the correct spelling, i`ll eat my dog)

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