singer brain tease - part 10
deanna carter
norman mailer
A to Z Television Shows
Name A Song A-Z - part 3
x and y
watch a movie or read a book where the characters lives are more messed up than your own. always helps me put things into perspective so i get over it and move on.
Movies that Blew You Away
legends of the fall, steel magnolias, sixth sense, heat, braveheart, 300, crank, all the transporters, time to kill, crimson tide, face/off, armageddon, black hawk down, the island, tears of the sun, we were soldiers, butterfly effect, in bruges, jarhead, lake house, million dollar baby
thats a bit discouraging. still i will be adding it to my list of books to buy.
i loved pillars of the earth!! i had no idea that there was a sequel.
what to watch
just finished lethal weapon. before that i watched black hawk down. cant pick what to watch next... sum of all fears, the professional, or 25th hour. hmm...guess i'm in a bit of a violent/intense mood. maybe i should switch to a comedy?
i had a friend that lived in nyc. i called him to check that he was ok. he didnt believe when i told him what happened. he said that the cable had gone out and that he was bout to call his service. i remembered that he had said that he could see the towers from his roof. it was his favorite view. i told him to go the roof and look. he broke down. i had never heard him cry before. he kept saying that it isnt right over and over. he told me had to help then hung up.
i was sleeping in cause i didnt have classes that day. my mom woke me up and told me to turn on the news. i watched katie couric in disbelief as she talked bout a plane hitting the first tower. what idiot hits a building was my first thought. then i watched the plane hit the other tower....i remember tears streaming down my face, sitting there, feeling numb.
if i play its going to be one of the splinter cells, god of war(s), or either of the mercenaries. or i'm at my friends playing rockband.
just as well. theres not alot of 2 person games i like.
my last 2 exs didnt think so
The Dark Half by Stephen King (sparrows creep me out cause of this book) The Island by Richard Laymon (very disturbing) and the third book in the Chesapeake Bay saga by Nora Roberts. Cant remember the title right now just that I cried my eyes out.
this is from back in the day.....Why does Bill Clinton wear pants? keep his ankles warm
francis mcdermot
Look what I did..