Community > Posts By > daytime

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Wed 02/24/10 10:50 PM
Great!!! Have fun with your new computer drinker drinker

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Wed 02/24/10 10:44 PM
I think it will be alot of fun, my first trip to Belfast :smile:

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Wed 02/24/10 10:42 PM

Got a wild hair yesterday.
A friend from out of town is in and we got to thinking about what we could do to kill a little boredom.
I did a lot of Flea Market sales and have a straitjacket and a wheelchair, scrubs and lab coats.

He didn't trust me to put him in a straitjacket.laugh Wonder why?pitchfork So, I put it on. I also put on a surgical mask and crash helmet.

He put on the scrubs and lab coat.

Then, we headed out to Wal-Mart.

I got in the wheelchair and he strapped me in with a tie-down. Once we got into the store, he transferred me into the Wal-Mart push wheelchair and we went grocery shopping.

You couldn't imagine the stares we got and nobody wanted to get within ten feet of us. My friend almost ruptured veins trying to keep from laughing hysterically.

Store security had never had to deal with that type of situation before. They let us keep shopping once they knew what was up.

You ever get a wild hair and do some crazy stuff??

This is great I love it rofl rofl rofl rofl

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Wed 02/24/10 10:38 PM
Phx-Newark-Belfast :smile:

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Wed 02/24/10 10:35 PM
I am going to Ireland, just bought my tickets last night. :banana:

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Wed 02/24/10 10:34 PM

God, now I'm really thinking about coffee.....

I just bought Kona sugar and cream tonight sounds good.

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Wed 02/24/10 10:33 PM

Thinkng about Italy.. :banana:

Going to Italy?

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Wed 02/24/10 10:32 PM
Edited by daytime on Wed 02/24/10 10:32 PM
Maybe just one half cup of coffee.

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Wed 02/24/10 10:31 PM
I want to drink coffee but I need to go to sleep soon.

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Wed 02/24/10 10:19 PM

Sorry to be so late but Happy Birthday Fear flowers

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Wed 02/24/10 10:18 PM

Savor it big guy.....soak it in.....

One year farther away from tjhe joyouss and carefree days of childhood.

One year further away from banging the living hell out of some horny lil high school chick.

One more year further away from the happy dreams of optomistic hope that have long since been crushed under the jaded weight of apathy.

One more year of plodding through the unending and pointless existance with only the hollow rasping of your breath to keep you company as each step leads you one step closer to the sweet release of death that never seems to come.


The one thing I have read tonight that has me really laughing..all so true. laugh

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Wed 02/24/10 10:07 PM
Reasons some people may have problems with the English language:

Family Culture-they have been raised in a home that the daily use of English was used incorrectly in both the spoken and written form. Books or other forms of written materials were not available in the home.

School-they attended school and English was a required subject but the teachers were ineffective in teaching English.

Learning Disabled-they were born with some form of learning disability.

English as a Second or Third Language-they have recently come to the United States and do not know how to speak or write English well.

I am sure there are many other reasons but the public schools are presently turning out many students that barely know how to read or write. I think this may be one of the major causes of people having problems in writing/speaking/reading/ English.

If anyone can think of more reasons please add them. flowerforyou

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Wed 02/24/10 09:41 PM

Hello and Welcome waving waving

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Wed 02/24/10 09:39 PM
I do not think the number 42 is the meaning of life. I know someone with a Phd in math, I will ask him what he thinks of the concept.

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Wed 02/24/10 09:12 PM
All the great philosphers and scholars have been searching for the meaning of life for thousands of years.

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Wed 02/24/10 08:58 PM
I can only find the meaning of my life thru my spiritual beliefs. Agree, each person is different in how they fine the path to the meaning of life.

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Wed 02/24/10 05:16 PM

I have read a few profiles, and in them a lot of them will say.

In lighter terms. I'm looking for a man that will provide everything I need in life. Meaning money, house, cloths, car etc etc.

If I put this on my profile that i'm looking for the same thing in a woman. Would I get more emails from women?

Think about this for a sec. Women work in todays world and some make damn good money. They don't need a mans help. So why not take care of melaugh laugh

I am actually surprized as well that women put this in their profiles. Most women work and also most want a profession. Hmmm, how many profiles have you read like this?

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Wed 02/24/10 05:10 PM

5000 or more....that should take a few hundred years....but whats a few hundred when your already over a thousand

LOL bigsmile bigsmile
Actually this is part of my thinking here, really a coffee date is no big deal. You could easily set limits of even 30 minutes during a lunch hour and even at one person per week eventually you may meet a few people you have an interest in.
This of course is for people wanting to meet someone. I know some people here are already involved in a relationship or just like to chat.

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Tue 02/23/10 11:38 PM

I have been thinking about doing the 3day Susan B. Komen 60 mile walk, so I was telling my daughter about my new venture. I was explaining that in order to walk, you must raise at least 2,300. She was silent for a moment, then said, "Mom, just think about all the women who walk ever year, and how long have they been doing this? And they havent' found a cure for breast cancer yet?" She sure got me to thinking, they probably have and just don't want to let the public know, there goes all the money going to the big pharma. I have read in plenty of publications where the "cure" has been found, but they won't release it. What do you think?

I think it is always important to research any charity before you hand over money or time and energy. It looks like this is what you are doing and I too wonder were all that money is going. flowerforyou

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Tue 02/23/10 11:30 PM
Edited by daytime on Tue 02/23/10 11:32 PM
I worked with someone that went on internet dates but only out for coffee. She did this 2-3 times per week. She was looking for someone "special". If she went 3x/week in 10 weeks that is 30 people.
I do not know if she ever met anyone because she left for another job. Clarification: she met them per internet dating sites.

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